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Unit 17 Laughter一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1anecdote n轶事,趣闻2ridiculous adj. 荒谬的,可笑的3sunburnt adj. 晒黑的4thriller n. 惊险小说(戏剧、电影)5psychology n. 心理学6being n. 人;物;生物7comedy n. 喜剧8comedian n. _喜剧演员9seal vt. 封,密封10saucer n. 茶托,茶杯碟11compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿12string n. 绳,线13loaf n. (面包的)一条14yawn vi. _打哈欠15crosstalk n. 相声16component n. 成分,组成部分17agency n. _ 代理处,经销处18agent n. 代理人,经销商19authority n. 权威;权力20mature adj. 成熟的21counter n. 柜台22tension n. 紧张,焦虑23.campaign n运动24identification n. 身份.重点单词(写其形)1clarifyvt. 澄清,讲清楚2withdrawvt. 提取;撤退3forbidvt. 禁止,不准4bordern. 国界,边境5overlookvt. 忽略,忽视6swiftlyadv. 迅速地7delayn. 延误,延期8acknowledgevt. 承认,认可9figuren. 人物10scoldvt. 骂,责骂11obtainvt. 获得,得到12toughadj. 艰难的;不幸的;强壮的13rarelyadv. 很少,难得14visan. 签证15yellvi. 叫喊,叫嚷16queuevi. 排队n. 队列,长队17purelyadv. 完全地,仅仅18desperateadj. 不顾一切的19depthn. 深(度),纵深.拓展单词(通其变)1amuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑amusementn娱乐,消遣;快乐的事amusedadj.娱乐的,觉得好笑的amusingadj.逗人笑的,好笑的2convince vt.使相信convincingadj.令人信服的convincedadj.相信的,信任的3harmony n协调,和谐harmoniousadj.和谐的,协调的4scare vt.使恐惧scaredadj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的scaryadj.可怕的,(某人)吓得发抖的5profession n职业,专业professionaladj.职业的6universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的universen宇宙7astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇astonishingadj.令人惊讶的astonishedadj.惊讶的astonishmentn惊奇8caution n谨慎,小心cautiousadj.谨慎的,小心的cautiouslyadv.谨慎小心地9responsen.回应,应答respondv回答,答复10messy adj.凌乱的,肮脏的messn混乱语境活用1The cautious boy looked around cautiously and then walked across the road with caution.(caution)2Seeing the scary film, Mary was almost scared to death.(scare)3It is reported that the famous star didnt respond to her divorce while her friends had different responses to it.(response)4Mr. Wang is an amusing person who often amuses us with amusing stories. So staying with him is really a kind of amusement.(amuse)5To our astonishment,_the famous star died.Thats to say, we were astonished at the news of her death, and it was really astonishing.(astonish)6If everyone can live in harmony with others, our society will become more harmonious.(harmony)7His convincing words finally convinced me, and I was convinced that he was innocent.(convince) (二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.burst_out_laughing突然笑起来2cash_a_cheque兑现支票3wait_in_line排队4get_rid_of处理掉,摆脱5fool_around胡闹,瞎弄;虚度光阴,闲荡6._result_in导致,造成7from_time_to_time不时地8run_into撞上;陷入9put_on假装;穿上;上映10turn_sb.off_ 令人讨厌11regardless_of不管,不顾12pull_faces_ 做鬼脸13thanks_to幸亏;由于14do_sb.good对某人有益15play_around四处游戏1.In order to keep healthy, you should_get_rid_of the bad habit of smoking.2He serves the people heart and soul, regardless_of his personal gain or loss.3He didnt expect to run_into so many of his friends in this party.4She burst_out_laughing when she heard the good news that she was admitted into her ideal university.5Not working hard enough resulted_in his failure.6Thanks_to your help, we finished the work ahead of time.7Its good manners to wait_in_line_ in public places.8It will not do_you any good if you drink large amounts of water after heavy exercise without any rest.9The children were playing_around on the beach.10I cashed_a_cheque at the bank this morning.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?你有没有拼不出单词的时候?have trouble (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”。(2016全国卷书面表达)我的英语很差以至于我对所附材料的文字和格式的了解有困难。My English is so poor that I have_trouble_knowing about the words and format of the enclosure.2.He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him .最后他不顾一切,甚至把一些(生肉)藏在坐在旁边的一位女士的钱包里“so .that .”引导结果状语从句。(2013福建高考书面表达)结果,孩子们变得如此依赖他们的父母以至于他们没有独立的想法或创意。As a consequence, children become so_reliant_on_their_parents_that they have no independent thoughts or creative ideas.3.While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋。while引导的省略句。(2016天津高考书面表达)当参观艺术展览时,我们讨论艺术家的作品。While_visiting the art exhibition, we discussed the great artists works. 4. I felt at least forty more of the same kind following the first.跟着第一个,我又感觉到了至少40多个同样的(人)。“of名词”结构。(2014四川高考书面表达)况且,我感到紧张是正常的,因为这次考试对我来说非常重要。Besides, it is normal for me to feel nervous, because the exam_is_of_great_importance to me.二、课堂重点深化1forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt.禁止,不准自主体验单句语法填空He was forbidden to_leave (leave) the house, as a punishment.For the benefit of health, people forbid smoking (smoke) in the office.My father forbade me from meeting my friends onli
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