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ICIC工艺技术系列讲座工艺技术系列讲座 第二讲第二讲 PHOTOLITHOGRAPHYPHOTOLITHOGRAPHY 光刻光刻 1 1 讲座提要讲座提要 1 1 General General 2 2 Facility Facility 动力环境动力环境 3 3 Mask Mask 掩膜版掩膜版 4 4 Process step highlight Process step highlight 光刻工艺概述光刻工艺概述 5 5 BCD BCD 正胶工艺正胶工艺 6 6 History and History and 未来的光刻工艺未来的光刻工艺 2 2 1 1 GeneralGeneral MASKING Process MASKING Process 光刻工艺光刻工艺 n n Photolithography Photolithography 光学光刻光学光刻 Transfer a Transfer a temporary pattern resist temporary pattern resist Defect controlDefect control Critical dimension controlCritical dimension control Alignment accuracyAlignment accuracy Cross section profileCross section profile n n Etch Etch 腐蚀腐蚀 Transfer a permanent pattern Transfer a permanent pattern Oxide Nitride Metal Oxide Nitride Metal 3 3 2 02 0 Facility requirementFacility requirement n n Temperature Temperature 温度温度 70 70 o oF F n n Humidity Humidity 湿度湿度 45 45 n n Positive pressure Positive pressure 正压正压 0 02in H 0 02in H 2 2 OO n n Particle control Particle control 微粒微粒 Class 100Class 100 n n Vibration Vibration 震动震动 n n Yellow light environment Yellow light environment 黄光区黄光区 n n DI water DI water 去离子水去离子水 17mhom 17mhom n n Compress air and Nitrogen Compress air and Nitrogen 加压空气加压空气 氮氮 气气 n n In house vacuum In house vacuum 真空管道真空管道 4 4 3 03 0 Mask Mask 掩膜版掩膜版 n n Design Design n n PG tapePG tape n n Mask makingMask making Plate quartz LE glass Soda line glassPlate quartz LE glass Soda line glass Coating Chrome Ion oxide EmulsionCoating Chrome Ion oxide Emulsion Equipment E beam Pattern generatorEquipment E beam Pattern generator n n Mask storageMask storage Anti static BoxAnti static Box 5 5 PelliclePellicle 6 6 Pellicle Pellicle protectionprotection 7 7 4 04 0 光刻工艺概述光刻工艺概述 1 1 Prebake and HMDS Prebake and HMDS 前烘前烘 2 2 Resist coating Resist coating 涂胶涂胶 EBR EBR 去胶边去胶边 soft bake soft bake 3 3 Exposure Exposure 曝光曝光 Alignment Alignment 校正校正 4 4 Develop Develop 显影显影 Post e bake Hard bake backside rinse Post e bake Hard bake backside rinse 5 5 Develop inspection Develop inspection 显检显检 8 8 4 14 1 Prebake and HMDS treatmentPrebake and HMDS treatment Purpose of Pre bake and HMDS treatment is to improve the Purpose of Pre bake and HMDS treatment is to improve the resist adhesion on oxide wafer HMDS is adhesion promoter resist adhesion on oxide wafer HMDS is adhesion promoter especially designed for positive resist especially designed for positive resist HMDS Hexamethyldisilane can be applied on the wafers byHMDS Hexamethyldisilane can be applied on the wafers by 1 1 Vapor in a bucketVapor in a bucket 2 2 vapor in a vacuum boxvapor in a vacuum box 3 3 Directly dispense on waferDirectly dispense on wafer 4 4 YES system in a hot vacuum systemYES system in a hot vacuum system 5 5 Vapor in a hot plate with exhaust Vapor in a hot plate with exhaust Too much HMDS will cause poor spin vice versa will cause Too much HMDS will cause poor spin vice versa will cause resist liftingresist lifting 9 9 4 24 2 Resist Coating Resist Coating 涂胶涂胶 Resist coating specification Resist coating specification 指标 指标 n n ThicknessThickness 厚度 厚度 0 7u 0 7u 2 0u 3 0 2 0u 3 0以上以上for Pad layer for Pad layer n n UniformityUniformity 均匀度 均匀度 50A 50A 200A200A n n Size of EBR Size of EBR 去胶边尺寸 去胶边尺寸 n n ParticleParticle 颗粒 颗粒 20 per wafer 20 per wafer n n Backside contamination Backside contamination 背后污染 背后污染 三个主要因数影响涂胶的结果三个主要因数影响涂胶的结果 1 1 ResistResistProduct Product 产品 产品 Viscosity Viscosity 粘度 粘度 2 2 SpinnerSpinnerDispense method Dispense method 涂胶方法 涂胶方法 Spinner speed RPM Spinner speed RPM 转速 转速 Exhaust Exhaust 排气 排气 Soft bake temperature Soft bake temperature 烘温 烘温 3 3 FacilityFacilityTemperature Temperature 室温 室温 Humility Humility 湿度 湿度 1010 4 2 14 2 1Coater Coater 涂胶机 涂胶机 Equipment module and special featureEquipment module and special feature n n Pre bake and HMDS Hot Cold platePre bake and HMDS Hot Cold plate n n Resist dispense Resist pumpResist dispense Resist pump n n RPM accuracy MotorRPM accuracy Motor n n EBR Top bottomEBR Top bottom n n Hot plate soft bake temperature accuracyHot plate soft bake temperature accuracy n n ExhaustExhaust n n Waste collectionWaste collection n n Temperature Humidity control hoodTemperature Humidity control hood n n Transfer system Particle and reliabilityTransfer system Particle and reliability n n Process step and process program FlexibleProcess step and process program Flexible 1111 SVG 8800SVG 8800 升降机涂胶 HMDS 热板 冷板 升降机 升降机升降机涂胶热板热板 升降机 升降机升降机 升降机涂胶热板冷板 HMDS 冷板 冷板冷板涂胶 热板 热板 升降机升降机显影 热板 热板热板冷板 4 2 2 Coater 4 2 2 Coater 涂胶机 涂胶机 combinationcombination 1212 4 2 3 Coater 4 2 3 Coater 涂胶机 涂胶机 Resist dispense methodsResist dispense methods n n Static Static n n DynamicDynamic n n RadialRadial n n Reverse radialReverse radial Resist pump Resist pump Volume control 2cc wafer and dripping Volume control 2cc wafer and dripping n n Barrel pump TritekBarrel pump Tritek n n Diaphragm pump MilliporeDiaphragm pump Millipore n n N2 pressure control pump IDLN2 pressure control pump IDL n n Step motor control pump Cy
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