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Unit5 Topic11、at the school gate 在学校大门口2、look 1)看 2)看起来(系动词) 3)外表3、Happy New Year! 新年快乐! The same to you! 你也是!4、How do you usually come to school? 你通常怎样上学?5、by bike=on a bike by car=in a/the/his car by+交通工具=in/on+a/the交通工具 by bus=on a/the/that bus on foot 步行 by subway=by underground 乘地铁6、How about=What about? 怎么样?7、Its time for Its time to have class.到上课时间了1、频率副词always usually often sometimes seldom never总是、一直 通常 经常 有时候 很少 从不2、The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟有虫吃。3、 He often comes to school by bike.=He often comes to school on a bike.=He often rides a bike to school.4、 She always takes the bus home. =She always goes home by bus/on a bus.5、We go to the park on foot. =We walk to the park.6、at seven oclock 在七点钟on weekdays 在工作日(周一周五)on Sunday 在周日in the morning 在上午on Sunday morning 在周日上午7、watch TV 看电视8、see a movie 看电影9、play soccer/football/basketball 玩足球/蓝球(球类前不加the)10、do my/his/her/our/their/homework 做作业1、What time is it?=Whats the time? 几点了?2、have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 吃早/午/晚饭3、get up 起床 4、have classes 上课5、get to school 到学校 get home 到家 6、go to bed 睡觉7、6:20= six twenty 7:00=seven oclocktwenty past ten7:30= seven thirty 7:15= seven fifteen half past seven a quarter past seven7:45= seven forty-five 7:55= seven fifty-five a quarter to eight five to eight8、after school 放学后 class 课后 dinner 饭后9、for a short time 一会儿10、go swimming 去游泳11、go fishing 去钓鱼12、go shopping 去购物13、listen to music 听音乐14、How often do you come to the library? 你多久来图书馆一次?-Once a week 一周一次-Twice a week 一周两次-Three times a week 一周三次-Every day 每一天15、know about the school life. 了解学校生活。16、be over 结束 17、in their free time.在他们的空闲时间18、We have no more time. 我们没有更多时间了。19、Nice talking to you. 很高兴和你聊天谈话。=Nice to talk to you.20、America 美国 Aamerican 美国的、美国人Americans.21、at school 在学校 22、the Great Wall. 长城Grammar:一般现在时:表经常、习惯、反复发生的动作或客观真理。Unit5 Topic2现在进行时:表示正在发生的动作或一段时间一直发生的动作构成:be + doing(助词) (现在分词)现在分词的变化 直接加ing looking seeing playing去e加ing having giving taking双写加ing shopping sitting running swimming getting(辅元辅结尾,重读闭音节中)标志词:now(现在) at the moment(在这时) listen(听) look(看) Its nine oclock.(九点了)1、I am watching TV now. 2、He is reading books now. I am not watching TV now. Is he reading books now? Are you watching TV now? Yes,he is /No,he isnt. Yes,I am. No,Im not. He isnt reading books now.3、make cands 制作卡片 4、its boring 太无聊了。5、See you soon. 再见 6、on the telephone 在电话里7、dinning hall 餐厅 8、teachersoffice 老师办公室9、swimming pool 游泳池 10、do some cleaning 打扫11、in the gym 在体育馆 12、on the playground 在操场上13、in the lab 在实验室 14、a classroom building 教学楼15、borrowfrom 从借 16、on time 准时 in time 及时17、how long 多长时间 18、must 必须 情态动词+do how often 多久一次 19、keep 保存,延续性“借”20、return= give back 还 go/come back 返回Retrun sb sth Sth to sb21、of course 当然了21、Lost and Found 失物招领22、look for 寻找 find 找到Im looking for my dog,but I cant find it.我在寻找狗狗,但没有找到。23、showaround 带领某人参观24、run around the playgrounol 围着操场跑步25、have a souer game 举行一场足球赛26、write a letter 写一封信27、clean the blackboard 擦黑板28、at the back of the classroom 在教室后面29、draw pictures 画画30、some photosof his/mine 他的/我的一些照片some of his/my photos31、love/like doing sth 喜欢做某事like reading/playing/drawing 喜欢 读书 / 玩 / 画画32、talk to对讲话 with 和讲话 about谈论33、also 句中“也” too 句尾“也”He is a teacher,too.He is also a teacher.34、one day 一天35、In picture 1. 在图1里36、because 因为 why 为什么 so 所以37、want to do sth=would like to do sth 想要做某事Unit 5 Topic 31、What day is it today?今天星期几? Its Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday2、Sunday is the first(第一)day of a week. 周日是一周第一天3、Its my favorite day. 这是我最喜欢的一天。4、the next class 下一节课5、twenty to eleven=ten forty 6、on Sunday 在周日7、What class are they having? 他们在上什么课? They are having an English class. 他们在上英语课。8、on that day 那一天9、talk about 谈论10、Subjets(科目):Chinese(语文),maths(数学),English(英语),music(音乐),art(美术),history(历史),Phgsics(物理),politics(政治),geography(地理),class meeting(班会),biology(生物),science(科学),P.E.(体育)11、how many+可数名词复数 多少个? How many apples?how much+不可数名词 多少? How much water?12、on Thursday morning 在周四上午13、must 情志动词+do 必须 You must return the book on time. 一定 You must like English very much.14、What do you think of the book?你认为这本书怎么样? How do you like the book? 15、Its a little difficult. 有点难16、help each other 互相帮助17、learn 学习
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