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同声传译5奥巴马 维护国家网络基础设施We meet today at a transformational moment - a moment in history when our interconnected world presents us, at once, with great promise but also great peril.我们今天在变革性的时刻相会这个相互关联的世界既带给我们希望,也带来了风险。Now, over the past four months my administration has taken decisive steps to seize the promise and confront these perils. Were working to recover from a global recession while laying a new foundation for lasting prosperity. Were strengthening our armed forces as they fight two wars, at the same time were renewing American leadership to confront unconventional challenges, from nuclear proliferation to terrorism, from climate change to pandemic disease. And were bringing to government - and to this White House - unprecedented transparency and accountability and new ways for Americans to participate in their democracy.在过去的四个月,我们政府已采取果断行动来抓住机会、应对挑战。我们正努力从经济衰退中恢复,同时也打下新的基础以求长久繁荣。我们正加强军备力量,因为他们在打两场战役。同时,我们也在调整领导班子以应对非传统的挑战,如核扩散、恐怖主义、全球变暖和流行病。我们也给政府带来了前所未有的透明度和责任,以及让美国人参与民主的新途径。But none of this progress would be possible, and none of these 21st century challenges can be fully met without Americas digital infrastructure - the backbone that underpins a prosperous economy and a strong military and an open and efficient government. Without that foundation we cant get the job done.如果要取得这些进步,如果要应对21世纪的挑战,就得有良好的国家网络基础设施它是经济繁荣和军队强大的支柱,也巩固了政府的公开透明。没有它,我们则无法完成重任。Its long been said that the revolutions in communications and information technology have given birth to a virtual world. But make no mistake: This world - cyberspace - is a world that we depend on every single day.人们一直认为,通信和信息技术的革命带来了虚拟世界。可别弄错了:网络世界,我们每天都依赖于它。Its our hardware and our software, our desktops and laptops and cell phones and Blackberries that have become woven into every aspect of our lives.我们的硬件、软件、台式电脑、笔记、手机、黑莓都融入到我们生活的方方面面。Its the broadband networks beneath us and the wireless signals around us, the local networks in our schools and hospitals and businesses, and the massive grids that power our nation.我们脚下的宽带网,周围的无线信号,学校、医院、公司的本地网,还有大型电网,都支撑着整个国家。Its the classified military and intelligence networks that keep us safe, and the World Wide Web that has made us more interconnected than at any time in human history.机密军事和情报网络保护着我们的安全,万维网让我们的联系更加紧密。So cyberspace is real. And so are the risks that come with it.所以,网络是真实的,而其风险也是实实在在的。Its the great irony of our Information Age - the very technologies that empower us to create and to build also empower those who would disrupt and destroy. And this paradox - seen and unseen - is something that we experience every day.这真是信息时代的巨大讽刺啊高端技术帮我们创造、建立,也帮坏人实施破坏。这种矛盾,不管看不看得见,我们每天都有所体会。Its about the privacy and the economic security of American families. We rely on the Internet to pay our bills, to bank, to shop, to file our taxes. But weve had to learn a whole new vocabulary just to stay ahead of the cyber criminals who would do us harm - spyware and malware and spoofing and phishing and botnets.这事关美国家庭的隐私和经济安全。我们借助网络付账单、办理银行业务、购物、申请缴税。但我们也得学些新词来对付网络犯罪,它们会造成巨大破坏,如间谍软件、网络欺骗、网络钓鱼和僵尸网络。Millions of Americans have been victimized, their privacy violated, their identities stolen, their lives upended, and their wallets emptied. According to one survey, in the past two years alone cyber crime has cost Americans more than $8 billion.许多美国人深受其害,他们的隐私被侵犯、身份被盗用、生活被搅乱、钱也被盗空。据调查,仅仅过去两年,网络犯罪已造成80亿美元的损失。I know how it feels to have privacy violated because it has happened to me and the people around me. Its no secret that my presidential campaign harnessed the Internet and technology to transform our politics. What isnt widely known is that during the general election hackers managed to penetrate our computer systems. To all of you who donated to our campaign, I want you to all rest assured, our fundraising website was untouched. So your confidential personal and financial information was protected.我知道隐私被侵犯是何感觉,因为我和周遭的人都有此经历。大家都知道,我的竞选宣传使用了网络技术,这转变了我们的政治体系。你们可能不知道,大选期间黑客潜入了我们的网络系统。对那些给我们捐款的人,我想说请大家放心,我们的筹款网站没受到侵害。大家的机密个人信息和经济信息没被盗取。But between August and October, hackers gained access to emails and a range of campaign files, from policy position papers to travel plans. And we worked closely with the CIA - with the FBI and the Secret Service and hired security consultants to restore the security of our systems. 但是八月到十月期间,黑客盗取了一些邮件和竞选文件,其中包括政策立场文件和旅行计划。我们和中央情报局、联邦调查局、特勤局密切合作,还找了安全顾问,才修复了我们的系统。It was a powerful reminder: In this Information Age, one of your greatest strengths - in our case, our ability to communicate to a wide range of supporters through the Internet - could also be one of your greatest vulnerabilities.这有力地提醒了我们,在信息时代,我们的一大优势是可以和许多支持者在网上交流,这也可能是一大弱点。This is a matter, as well, of Americas economic competitiveness. The small businesswoman in St. Louis, the bond trader in the New York Stock Exchange, the workers at a global shipping company in Memphis, the young entrepreneur in Silicon Valley - they all need the networ
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