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Unit 2 Poems Period 4 Using Language 要点讲解课 写出黑体单词在句中的含义并识记 1 The boy likes to walk on the sand with bare feet 2 He has been dead for ages but he lives in our heart forever 3 You ll learn more about this in the next section 赤裸的 永远 部分 4 He is in such a bad mood that it is not appropriate for him to appear in public 5 Guangzhou has always been a port for foreign exchange and trade 6 One day in class the teacher told everyone to take out a blank sheet of paper to write down the new words on it 合适的 交换 空白的 7 The load is so heavy that the workers cannot move it 负担 根据语境及首字母写出正确的单词 1 The librarian is arranging the books on the s 2 She won the women s national springboard c in 1963 3 I would like to propose a toast to the bride and b 4 He was touched by the w of their welcome helf hampionship ridegroom armth 5 He turned off the light and the room was in complete d 6 I really desire to get a s from Oxford University 7 Sailors must have a good c to find their way 8 She found a company to s her through college arkness cholarship ompass ponsor 词 汇 微 空 间 n ship n friend n 朋友 friendship n 友 谊 leader n 领导者 leadership n 领导能力 member n 成员 membership n 成员资格 relation n 关系 relationship n 关系 关联 owner n 拥有者 ownership n 所有权 根据语境及汉语提示写出短语 1 She 发出 a cry of fear when she saw a snake 2 He was always 试验 new ideas as a boy 3 He studies so hard to avoid finishing 在 的底部 the class 4 She tried to commit suicide but we saved her life 碰巧 letout tryingout atthebottom of by chance 5 Everyone should 注意 preserving his own eyesight 6 May I seats 和 交换 you 7 We should 坚持 in the face of difficulties payattentionto exchangewith holdon 根据课文内容选择最佳答案 1 What do the first four lines mean A I can help you in summer B If it s cold in winter I can give you warmth C If you can hold on winter you can leave D On winter mornings there s a lot of new snow 2 What does Paragraph Two from the fifth line to the eighth line mean A I can give you sunlight if you need B I can offer you a place without darkness C I can communicate with you and encourage you D A place of sunlight is waiting for you 3 What does the last paragraph mean A I will help you find your way B I will give you all my love C A place of sunlight is waiting for you D I will support you until your total independence 4 In the poem I ve saved the summer summer means A one of the four seasons B the speaker s strong love C a part of the speaker s life D the speaker s great hope 5 After reading the poem who can you guess wrote the poem A A lover B A son C A teacher D A parent 1 appropriate adj 适当的 正当的 Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending 把每句话的开头和结尾进行适当的连线搭配 Sports clothes are not appropriate for to a formal wedding 运动服不适合在正式婚礼中穿 It is appropriate that everyone should be suitably dressed 人人穿戴得体是恰当的 It is appropriate for senior students to take a part time job at university 对大四的学生来说在大学里做兼职是合适的 自我归纳 be appropriate sth 对 是合适的 it s appropriate that sb 某人做某事是恰当的 It is appropriate for sb to do sth 对某人来说 for to shoulddo 做某事是合适的 知识延伸 appropriately adv 适当地 活学活用 Her clothes 适合 such a formal occasion I should discuss that now 我现在来讨论那件事不合适 He was dressed appropriate for the heat in a dark suit 语境填空 wereappropriatefor Itisnotappropriatethat inappropriately Is it appropriate to further your studies after graduation 译 毕业之后还继续学习合适吗 2 exchange n 交换 交流 互换 vt 交换 I have offered to paint the house in exchange for a week s accommodation 我提 出愿意粉刷房子 条件是让我免费吃住一周 Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds 我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑 Would you like to exchange places with me 你愿意跟我换一下地方吗 自我归纳 作为交换 对 的交换 exchange 以 换 exchange 和 交换 in exchange for for with 巧学助记 双向的exchange 活学活用 They were given food and shelter work 他们用劳动换取食物和栖身之处 He the black jacket a blue one 他把那件黑色的夹克换成了蓝色的 inexchangefor exchangedfor They had their gifts exchange 语法 填空 I usually exchange a few words of greeting with my neighbour after breakfast 译 exchanged 早饭后我通常与邻居互相问候一下 3 hold on等一下 别挂电话 坚持 抓住 握住 品读例句 体会hold on在语境中的含义 Please hold on for a moment and let me see if Mr Black is available 请您 我去看看布莱克先生在不在 等一下 We should hold on in the face of hardships 在困难面前我们应该 He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue 他 一根树枝 直到我们把他救下来 坚持 抓住 When he left the phone to find a pencil he asked me to hold on 离开电话找铅笔的时候 他让我别 挂断 知识延伸 hold on to 抓紧 不放开 hold back阻挡 隐瞒 hold out伸出 坚持 hold up举起 阻挡 维持 活学活用 用适当的介 副词填空 I hope you can keep holding no matter what happens If you are shaking hands with a high ranking officer or leader you d better hold your hand after him on out The minute you think of giving up think of the reason why you held so long He had a hard time to hold on to himself 译 on 他好不容易才控制住自己 4 let out发出 放走 泄露 把衣服放大 放宽 品读例句 体会let out在语境中的含义 When she fell off the bike she let out a cry of pain 当她从自行车上摔下来时 她 痛苦的叫声 发出 Even if he knows it he ll not let out the secret 即使他知道这个秘密 他也不会 的 He has gained weight and has to let out the waist of his dresses 他胖了只得把衣服的腰身 If the bird is let out of its cage it will certainly fly away 如果把鸟儿 笼子 它肯定会飞走的 泄露 放大些 放出 知识延伸 let down 放下 使失望 let alo
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