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Unit 4 Using language Listening speaking and writing 1 Train the students listening and speaking abilities 2 Develop the skills in listening speaking writing 1 Before you listen to the tape discuss in groups of four what you need to do to change Eliza into a lady Make a list and then think about how you will make each change Then prepare to present your ideas to the class Listening Things that need to changed How to make the changes 1 Eliza s clothes 2 Eliza s hygiene 3 Eliza s behaviour 1 Buy new ones 2 Give her baths 3 Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activities Things that need to changed How to make the changes 4 Her language grammar pronunciation use of appropriate language e g no swearing 4 Have lessons to help her with all three problems learn the rules practise repeating words till correct learn socially safe topics to discuss Now listen to the tape and answer the following questions 1 Check the list of changes you suggested Are they the same as professor Higgins 2 Does Professor Higgins concentrate on her pronunciation or her grammar Do you think her is correct Give a reason 3 What do you think of his teaching methods Would you like to be taught by him Why 1 Each group of four should evaluate their own ideas They should then honestly report to the class how close their ideas were to those of the story If there is little time the teacher can use a show of hands to estimate how close student s ideas were to those of the play Answers 2 Get Ss to discuss where Henry puts most emphasis on this first lesson is it on pronunciation or grammar Discuss why and whether he was correct or not Make sure Ss give a reason The teacher should move round the room so that Ss can tell him her their ideas as he she passes and save time on the reporting back to the class Answers 3 Ask Ss to consider whether they would have liked to be in Henry s class Ask them give a reason Let them suggest other possible teaching methods he might have used Answers Listen to the tape a second time and fill in the chart Think about how you would evaluate Eliza s progress What Eliza got rightWhat still needs to be improved Pronu nciation She got the phrases and sentences correct after repeating them twice Do you think I don t know anything a cup of tea The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain Her ai in The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain and her alphabet What Eliza got rightWhat still needs to be improved Gram mar She still doesn t know about double negatives don t no so her meaning is the opposite of what she means Her sentence I can t hear no difference means I can t hear any difference I can t hear no difference CHANGING ELIZA HIGGINS Good morning Eliza My goodness how pretty you are after a good bath Ready for your first lesson You see Colonel Pickering and I are both here waiting Listening text ELIZA Than you sir HIGGINS So let s begin Say your alphabet ELIZA I know my alphabet Do yer thin I know noffink HIGGINS Now now Let s start again Say this after me very slowly loudly and carefully Do you think I don t know anything ELIZA Do yer think I don t know anythink PICKERING Do you know Higgins I think that was better HIGGINS far from satisfied Once more Eliza emphasizing each word Do you think I don t know anything ELIZA very slowly and carefully too Doo yoo think I don t know anything HIGGINS Now to the alphabet my girl Don t argue just say it PICKERING Yes say it Eliza You ll understand soon Do what he tells you and let him teach you in his own way ELIZA Oh well If you put it like that Ahyee Bayee Sayee Dayee HIGGINS bored Stop at once Now say A B C and D ELIZA in tears But I am saying it Ahee Bayee Sayee Dayee HIGGINS Stop Say a cup of tea ELIZA I cap o tee HIGGINS Put your tongue forward until it pushes against the top of your lower teeth Now say cup ELIZA C c c I can t I can t hear no difference cept that it sounds more genteel like when you say it begins to cry HIGGINS angrily Well if you can hear that why are you crying Now try again Eliza ELIZA C cup PICKERING Splendid Miss Doolittle Never mind a little crying you are doing very well The lessons won t hurt I promise not to let him pull you round by your hair HIGGINS Now try the whole thing Eliza A cup of tea ELIZA very slowly and with emphasis A cu up of tea PICKERING Good good HIGGINS Better better Now try this sentence The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain ELIZA again with emphasis The rine in Spine falls minely on the pline HIGGINS excitedly It s coming It s coming Now try again Eliza slowly The rain ai ai ai in Spain ai ai ai falls mainly on the plain ELIZA The rai ain in Spai ain falls mai ainly on the plain CP Miss Doolittle that s so much better HIGGINS Now Eliza go and practise by yourself Keep your tongue well forward instead of trying to swallow it ELIZA beginning to cry Oah Oah HIGGINS angrily Now Eliza go and tell Mrs Pearce about this lesson Think about it and practise by yourself Away with you Eliza still sobbing rushes from the r
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