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Module 9 Unit 1 Are you feeling bored 2 I get up in the morning Listen and sing I get up in the morning I get ready for school I love morning exercises They are cool cool cool I learn I talk I play I love going to school I always enjoy my day because it s cool cool cool 3 Look and learn happy 高兴的angry 生气的 How is he she feeling 4 bored 厌烦的 Look and learn sad 伤心的 How is he she feeling 5 Look and learn ill 有病的 miss 想念 What s the matter 6 Bored bored he is bored Sad sad he s feeling sad Happy happy they are happy Angry angry she gets angry Let s chant 7 They are feeling Look and say happy 8 The boy is feeling Look and say angry 9 This boy is feeling Look and say bored 10 The girl is feeling Look and say sad 11 Yes I am No I m not Ask and answer in pairs Are you feeling 12 1 Is Lingling feeling bored 3 Is Lingling feeling sad 2 Is Lingling feeling angry 4 What s the matter No she isn t No she isn t Yes she is Her grandma is ill in hospital Listen and answer 13 Read and act out Amy What s the matter Lingling Are you feeling bored Lingling No Amy Do you miss your friends in China Lingling No 14 Is he she feeling Yes he she is No he she isn t Practice 15 1 A Is he feeling B Yes he is 2 A Is he feeling sad B He s Look and write sad No he isn t feeling bored 16 3 A Is she feeling bored B She s 4 A Is she feeling B Yes she is No she isn t feeling angry happy Look and write 17 Fill in the blanks 1 I m feeling now I m laughing 笑 2 Ms smart is feeling because Sam and Amy are arguing 3 I m feeling now I lost my dog 4 I want to go out to play but it s raining so I feel 5 I feel I want to eat something happysadhungryangrybored 18 Homework 1 用句型Are you feeling 来询问你的家 人或朋友 并把他们的回答写下来 2 Read the text Thank you
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