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Unit 1 Friendship Reading 中小学课件站 单词拼写 1 She was very 心烦 to hear that she failed in the exam again 2 If the weather is good we ll eat 户外 3 Business has 遭受 loss since the economic crisis 经济危机 happened upset outdoors suffered Revision 中小学课件站 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 中小学课件站 4 When he was abroad his parents were 担心 about his safety 5 The old lady has got a 疏松的 tooth 6 There were several new events 增加 to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games 7 The big earthquake that happened in Sichuan destroyed the town of Beichuan e loose added ntirely concerned 中小学课件站 8 According to the law t are not allowed to smoke or drink 9 Her nervousness was c herself to the children 10 He i all the No Smoking signs and lit up a cigarette eenagers ommunicating gnored 中小学课件站 重点短语 1 平静下来 2 与 相处 3 欺骗某人做某事 4 爱上某人 5 记下 写下 6 故意 7 遛狗 8 面对面地 9 在黄昏时刻 10 一系列的 calm down get along on with cheat sb into doing sth fall in love with sb set down on purpose walk the dog face to face at dusk a series of 中小学课件站 典型句式 1 I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky the song of the birds moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound P2 以前湛蓝的天空 鸟儿的歌唱 月光和鲜花 从未令我心 迷神往过 此句为复合句 remember 后跟that引导的宾语从句 when 引导定语从句 修饰先行词 a time 意思 曾经有 的时 光 中小学课件站 2 Another time five months ago I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open P2 还有一次 就在五个月前的一个晚上我碰巧在楼上 窗户是 开着的 句中 happen to do sth 意思是 可转变为 It happens that 碰巧做某事 中小学课件站 3 I didn t go downstairs until the window had to be shut P2 我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去 not until 意为 在这个句型中 主句的动词 必须是终止性动词 直到 才 即学即练 We to bed midnight and had to get up at 4 am so we were exhausted A went until B didn t go until C go at D didn t at B 中小学课件站 4 it was the first time in a year and a half that I d seen the night face to face P2 这是我这一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 此句为复合句 that引导定语从句 修饰 It That This is was the first second time that 意为 the first time 那 这是某人第一 二 次做某事 中小学课件站 即学即练 Do you know our city at all Yes quite well this is the fourth time I here A am B have been C was D had been B 中小学课件站 Key words 1 upset adj 心烦意乱的 不安的 不适的 vt 使不安 使心烦 Your friend comes to school very upset P1 你的朋友非常伤心地来到学校 His father s death upset him very much 他父亲的去世使他很难过 The rain upset our plan for a picnic 这场雨打乱了我们去野餐的计划 Language points 中小学课件站 拓展 sth upset sb 某事 使某人心烦意乱 sb upset sth 某人 打 弄翻某物 upset a plan 打乱计划 be upset about over at sth 为某事烦心 upset one s stomach 使 肠胃 不适 中小学课件站 即学即练 1 There is no point 为此事烦恼 2 你别为这事烦恼了 Let s just forget it getting upset about it Don t upset yourself about it 中小学课件站 2 ignore vt 不理睬 忽视 You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down P1 你忽视铃声 去某个安静的地方使你的朋友平静下来 It s dangerous to ignore traffic rules 忽视交通规则是很危险的 I said hello to her but she ignored me 我和她打招呼 但她却不理睬我 中小学课件站 拓展 ignore sb sth 不理睬某人 某事 ignorance n 无知 愚昧 不知道 be in ignorance of about sth 不知道某事 ignorant adj 无知的 愚昧的 不 知道的 即学即练 The manager of the company had other s advice which led to the failure of the business A disliked B suffered C ignored D discussed C 中小学课件站 3 calm vt down B put down C keep down D turn down 解析 选 A 句意 她让灌木丛中的那条蛇吓得如此厉害 以至于好长时间才平静下来 B项意思是 放下 写下 C项 卧倒 镇压 D项意思是 拒绝 把声音调低等 中小学课件站 4 concern vt 使 担忧 涉及 关系到 n 担心 关注 利害 关系 You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him her and you will meet after class and talk then P1 你告诉你的朋友你担心他 她 并且课后你会见他 她 然后 和他 她说话 The experts are concerned about the growth in the world s population 专家担心世界人口的增长 中小学课件站 More and more people concern themselves about the environmental problem 越来越多的人关心环境问题 I m not concerned with that matter any longer 我和那件事再也没有关系了 He called on all concerning to take an active part in the movement 他呼吁所有有关的人积极地参与这场运动 中小学课件站 拓展 concern be concerned with sth 和 有关 be concerned about sth 担心 关心某事 n U 关心 担忧 C 关心的人 或 事 vt 涉及 关系到 参与 使 担心 使 操心 中小学课件站 即学即练 1 This novel was concerned the Second World War while most teenagers are more concerned the hero s love story A with about B with at C for about D about with 2 They ve decided to have another discussion their methods of work A concerns B concerned C as concern D concerning A D 中小学课件站 5 settle vi 安家 定居 停留 vt 使定居 安排 解决 She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place P4 她发现在隐藏的地方很难定居并镇静下来 At last the old couple settled in Hong Kong 最后那对老年夫妇在香港定居了 The butterfly settled on the flower 蝴蝶在那朵花上停了下来 It s time we settled the problem 是我们解决这个问题的时候了 中小学课件站 拓展 settle down 舒适地坐下 或躺下 定居 安静 平静下来 settle in into习惯于 适应 settle on选定 决定 settle up付清账单 中小学课件站 C 即学即练 1 With a lot of difficult problems the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks A settledB answered C to settleD to answer 2 The voyage was completed so James Cook made up his mind to down in London A settle B write C set D sit A 中小学课件站 6 suffer vt be concerned about suffer from calm down My good friend Lucy My good friend Lucy came to school very upset She told me that she was suffering from a headache I was concerned about her and tried to calm her down 即学即练 中小学课件站 Key phrases 1 add up 合计 Add up your score and see how many points you get P1 把你所得的分数加起来看能得到多少分 These figur
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