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Unit 2 language points 中小学课件站 1 More than More than 数词 表示 多于 over 1 我认识大卫有二十多年了 I have known David for more than 20 years More than n 不只是 不仅仅 2 杰克不仅是一个老师 他还是一个作家 Jack is more than a teacher he is a writer too 中小学课件站 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 3 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 More than one n 不止一个 作主语 谓语动 词用单数 不止一个人有这本书 More than one person has this book 中小学课件站 No more than 和 一样不 都否 定 Jack is no more clever than me Not more than 不如 前者不如后 者 Jack is not more clever than his teacher 中小学课件站 No more than 数词 仅仅 Not more than 数词 不超过 中小学课件站 2 In a way in some way in one way 在某种程度上 No way Give way to sb 屈服 让步 you must not give way to their demands In the way 造成不便 I am afraid your car is in the way By the way 顺便说 中小学课件站 By way of 路经 途经 通过 的方法 They are traveling to France by way of London They learn English by way of watching TV 中小学课件站 the way 从句 the way 是先行词 其后是定语从句 1 the way in which 2 the way that 3 the way 从句 省略了that或in which 在通常情况下 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式 用that的次之 而省略了关系代词that 或 in which 的 反而显得更自然 最为常用 如下面三句话所示 其意义相同 I like the way in which he talks I like the way that he talks I like the way he talks 中小学课件站 The way of doing sth The way to do sth 中小学课件站 3 be different from 与 不同 都市生活与乡村生活迥然不同 City life is different from country life Be different in 在 方面不同 Leaves are found on all kinds of trees but they differ greatly size and shape A on B from C by D in 中小学课件站 Why not do 为什么不呢 Why don t you do Why not go by underground Why don t you go home 中小学课件站 at the end of指 在 的末尾 既指时间 也指空间 at the end of the year the street by the end of 指 到 末 只指时间 不指空间 by the end of 通常与动词的完成时连用 在街尾 有一家书店 At the end of the street there is a bookstore 中小学课件站 1 By the end of this term we ll have learnt 10 units 2 We had studied for 9 years by the end of last year 中小学课件站 in the end 最终 最后 They won in the end 中小学课件站 2 make a voyage trip journey to place make voyages trips journeys to place 做 一个 去 的旅行 中小学课件站 解释 voyage 去国外或海上旅行 journey 指较远的从一地到另一地旅行陆路 travel 一系列的旅程 尤指旅行的概念 不可数trip 短途 旅行 tour 为了公务 娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行 中小学课件站 练习 用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1 It is tiring to take a long by train from Paris to Moscow 2 The from England to Australia used to take several months 3 We ll have time for a to France next weekend 4 We went on a guided round the castle 答案 1 journey 2 voyage 3 trip 4 tour 中小学课件站 Because of 与 because 的区别 因为你的关心 我发现生活充满了希望 1 Because you are concerned about me I find that life is full of hope 2 Because of your concern I find that life is full of hope 因为雨下得很大 那个男孩穿过树林回家了 1 Because it rained heavily the boy went back home through the woods 2 Because of the heavy rain the boy went back home through the woods 中小学课件站 Native n 当地人 Are you a native of this please Adj 一 本国的 当地的 天生的 指金属 天然纯净的 1 Her native language is Chinese 2 He has a great deal of native intelligence ability and charm 3 This bowl is made of native copper 中小学课件站 二 动植物 原产地的 与介词 to 连用 The tighter is native to indian 中小学课件站 Would like to do 想要做 中小学课件站 Prefer to do rather than do Prefer doing to doing 中小学课件站 1 even if even though 即使 尽管是连词 用来引导让步 状语从句 若主 从句皆表示将来情况 从句中可用一般 现在时代替将来时 Even if I have to walk all the way I will get there He likes to help us even though he is very busy 2 even if 从句所说的不那么肯定 even though 从句是事实 中小学课件站 Even if he is poor she loves him He may be poor yet she loves him Even though he is poor she loves him He is poor yet she loves him 中小学课件站 Come up While we were talking a man came up The sky was dark blue when the moon came up The question finally came up for discussion The seeds I sowed last week haven t come up yet I will let you know if anything comes up 中小学课件站 come up走近 上来 提出 come across邂逅 come about发生 come at向 扑来 攻击 come from 来自 come out 出版 开花 结果是come up with想出 come round 绕道而来 come down落下 塌下 come to 达到 苏醒 谈到 中小学课件站 When will his new novel come out 他新创作的小说什么时候出版 How did this come about 这事是怎么发生的 中小学课件站 1 The hunter walked across the forest when suddenly a bear him 2 The magazine once a month 3 I wish you can to England on your holiday 4 The engineers has new ways of saving energy 5 They an old school friend in the street this morning 答案 1 came at 2 comes out 3 come over4 come up with 5 came across 中小学课件站 Over 在 期间 中小学课件站 actually actually adv in fact as a matter of fact 事实上 实际上 He looks stupid but actually he is clever 中小学课件站 communicate with you can communicate with me in QQ zone 你可以和我在QQ zone里交流 中小学课件站 Each other 与 one another 的区别 都表示 相互 彼此 在句中作动词 或介词的宾语 但不能作主语 表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系用each other 表示三个或三个以上的人或事物之间的相互关系时 用each other或one another都可以 Tom and Mary looked at each other The students send cards to one another each other every year 学生们每年都相互寄卡片 中小学课件站 Have you ever read the novel written by luxun The house being built are for teachers The house built are for eachers 中小学课件站 base base sth on upon sth 以 为基础 He based his hopes on the good news 他把希望寄托在好消息上 This movie is based on facts 这部电影是以事实为根据的 中小学课件站 At present 2 I am afraid I can t help you at present 恐怕现在我没 法帮助你 中小学课件站 present adj 现在的 目前的2 出席的 The present government has done a lot to protect animals Were you present at the meetin
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