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必修 3 考点要求 Unit 3 Million Pound Bank Note 写出下列必考单词 1 戏剧 一场 场面 景色n 2 小说 新颖的n adj 3 人行道n 4 作者n 5 通道 一 段n 6 冒险家n 7 信封n 8 过错 缺点 故障n 9 妒忌的adj 10 短语n scene novel pavement author passage adventurer envelope fault jealous phrase 11 出生地n 12 剧作家n 13 真的adj 14 鞠躬v n birthplace playwright genuine bow 写出下列单词的变化形式 1 许可 v 通行证 n 许可 n 2 耐心 n 有耐心的 adj 不耐烦的 adj 3 粗鲁的 adj 粗鲁地 adv 粗蛮 n 4 出现 外貌 n 出现 v 消失 v 5 冒险 n v 冒险家 n adventurer permit permitpermission patience patientimpatient rude rudely rudeness appearance appeardisappear adventure 6 便士 n 身无分文的 adj 7 相信 v 可以相信的 adj 难以置信的 adj penny penniless believe believableunbelievable 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Why are you so to your students You must learn to treat them because teaching is a job that requires both skills and patient 2 Circumstances do not me to help you so if you can t gain you can t go into the lab permit 3 When the kid said Go away the young mother patiently told him not to be to others and will make him looked down upon by people rude 4 Her exciting in the Himalayas attracted all the students adventurer 5 Do you his Do you think it is believe 6 Sandy s at the party was a hint that she would leave because whenever she on such an occasion she would for some time appear 答案 1 impatient patiently patience2 permit permission3 rudely rude rudeness4 adventures 5 believe belief believable6 appearance appeared disappear 翻译下列必背短语 1 抚养 2 冒险 碰运气 3 衣衫褴褛 4 打赌 5 前进 说吧 可以 6 导致 解释 7 至于 8 偶然 碰巧 9 与此相反 10 坦诚地说 bring up take a chance in rags make a bet go ahead account for as for by accident on the contrary to be honest 活学活用 根据括号中的解释 用适当的短语完成句子 1 The poor weather may the small crowd give the cause of 2 You re to spend so much money buying such an old house take a risk 3 When he entered the tailor s he was looked down upon because he was wearing very old and torn clothes 4 The young man appeared to be rich but he earned no more than 500 dollars a month opposite 5 I m not a millionaire I can only earn enough to feed and clothe my family to tell the truth to be frank frankly 6 I didn t mean to overhear anything In fact I just passed your office quite by chance 答案 1 have accounted for 2 taking a chance 3 was in rags 4 on the contrary 5 To be honest 6 by accident bring bet wander permit stare account seek scream issue bow 单元重点动词 活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空 1 When I was taking a walk along the path I heard a lady in the distance 2 It s impolite at strangers 3 Remember never to any difficulties and you ll become more and more capable 4 Parking here so please park your car in some other place 5 A person innocent until he is proved guilty 6 up by his uncle Tom always said he was lucky to have a happy childhood after his parents died 7 A joint statement the presidents of the two countries held a press conference together 答案 1 screaming 2 to stare 3 to bow 4 is not permitted 5 is accounted 6 Brought 7 having been issued 重点句型 I wonder Mr Adams if you d mind us asking a few questions P18 亚当斯先生 我们问几个问题不知道你是否介意 句型 I wonder if you 不知道你是不是 常用来提出 疑问或请求 Would Do you mind 劳驾你 好吗 你不介意吧 活学活用 将下列句子译成英语 1 不知道你能否愿意借些钱给我 I am wondering 2 不知道你能否允许我们下午去游泳 3 我把窗子打开一会儿 你不介意吧 答案 1 if you would like to lend me some money 2 I wonder if you will allow us to go swimming this afternoon 3 Do you mind if I open the window for a while Do you mind my me opening the window for a while 语篇领悟 根据课文Act One和 Act Four完成下列短文 1 sail home Henry a San Francisco businessman found himself 2 carry out to sea by a strong wind When he had just 3 given himself up for lost he 4 spot by a ship and 5 he landed in London 6 accident Hungry and alone he walked the streets of the city 7 he was 8 expect called into a mansion 9 two rich brothers Oliver and Roderick gave him a letter and told him not to open it till two o clock of the day 10 knowing it was a million pound bank note Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach Everybody was rude to him 11 he was in 12 and looked depressed Then to the 13 of everybody he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay for the meal 14 see the note all the people in the restaurant became polite and tried their best to please Henry Don t you think it s 15 most incredible tale in the world 答案 1 Sailing2 carried3 about4 was spotted 5 therefore so6 by7 when8 unexpectedly9 where10 Not1 1 because as12 rags13 surprise 14 Seeing15 the 考点活用 用本单元所学词组 句型翻译下列短文 我十二岁的时候 非常偶然地读了马克 吐温写的一个有 趣的故事 作者给我们讲了一个令人难以置信的故事 我真 的非常喜欢这个故事 正是这个故事让我对马克 吐温的作品 感兴趣 在这个故事中 一对有钱的英国兄弟对身无分文的 亨利打了一个赌 他们给了衣服褴褛的亨利一张面值百万的 支票 带着这张支票 亨利经历了许多惊险的奇遇 由于他 寒酸的外表 亨利在许多地方遭遇了劣质服务 可是 当他 们看到这张钞票后 那些瞧不起他的人立刻改变了态度 就 连富家兄弟中的哥哥的女儿也爱上了亨利 发生在亨利身上 的故事对那时崇拜金钱的社会作出了生动的解释 答案 When I was twelve years old I found an interesting play written by Mark Twain by accident The writer tells us an unbelievable story I did like it very much and it was this story that made me interested in Mark Twain s works In the story two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry who was in rags giving him a million pound banknote With the banknote he met many adventures Be
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