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Using language Words preview yogurt radioactive radioactivity applaud accelerate arrest n 酸乳酪 酸奶 adj 放射性的 有辐射能的 n 放射性 vi lWho does the most dangerous tasks lWhere the danger comes from lWhether the tasks are shared fairly between men and women Co operative tasks Individual tasks Most dangerous tasks men hunting animals women doing cooking and preparing food men making or repairing tools women collecting fruit and nuts men hunting animals Where the danger comes from Sharing of tasks men and women had clearly divided tasks fire and collecting nuts needed to be done every day but killing animals would only be done now and then So the women s tasks were continuous and the men s tasks were more periodic wild animals living near the caves Language points 1 If only it could be just like last year 要是能像去年那样就好了 If only 但愿 要是 就好了 其后 一般用虚拟语气 If only she had looked ahead and planned better v to express approval of someone or something especially by such clapping 赞赏 鼓掌向 某人或某物 表示赞赏 尤指鼓掌欢呼 Everyone applauded when the play ended 演出结束时 大家都热烈鼓掌 I applaud your decision 我赞成你的决定 2 applaud 3 accelerate a to increase the speed of 加速 促进加快 的速度 这部新车加速效能良好 The new car has good acceleration b to cause to happen earlier 正式 催 促 他决定加快他的课程进度 He decided to accelerate his courses to capture and hold briefly the attention for example engage 引 起注意吸引并短时间吸引住 如注意力 吸引 花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意 The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susan s attention 4 arrest having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall 眩晕的 眼花的感 到眩晕并要摔倒的 a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高度 The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind 那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花 The disaster dizzied his brain 那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱 5 dizzy 6 relief 解脱的感觉 I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination 听说我已经通过了考试 感到轻松多了 Speaking and Writing Task1 Look at these beautiful pictures They were found during an excavation in the Sanxingdui Ruins Suppose you work in a museum and your job is to describe the objects as they are brought to the museum objec t siz e shapeappearance materia l Objec t SizeShape Appea rance Material tree395 cm tree with branches fruit on each branch good condi tion bronze Objec t SizeShape Appea rance Materia l maskadul t stylized half face flat nose curled hair growing from ears eyes filled in Good condi tion bronze ObjectSizeShape Appea rance Materia l birdnot known realisti c bird with stylized wing that points up into the sky maybe 3 feathers very good condi tion bronze Objec t SizeShape Appea rance Materia l potnot known tall thin body with fitted lid and handle 3 legs to stand on poor condi tion clay Task2 In pairs discuss what these objects were possibly used for All the objects are from the same excavation site in Sanxingdui and can be dated back to between 3 000 and 5 000 years ago Then write a description for the guidebook of the Sanxingdui Ruins You should include l the name of the site where the four objects were found and their possible dates l a description of each including appearance shape and a guess about the material it was made of l what each might have been used for l what we can learn from these objects about the people who lived then You may find the following expressions useful It looks like How large do you think it is It may might have been used as for It could be because It could be made from It could be because Is there any on the Is there anything to fix it to your face What do you think the decoration is Write a paragraph about each object in a formal style When you have finished exchange your writing with your partner and help each other by making useful suggestions on content grammar spelling and punctuation Homework
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