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语 篇 理 解 课 时 跟 踪 检 测 Unit 5 Section 语言点一语言点二语言点三 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 Match the main idea with each paragraph Paragraph 1 A Give expansive information about Tianchi and how visitors get to it Paragraph 2 B Changbaishan is a good place to visit and how Tianchi gets its name Paragraph 3 C Present an interesting myth about Tianchi Paragraph 4 D Let the Lake of Heaven guarantee your lasting love 答案 Paragraph 1 4 BACD Read the text and fill in the blanks ChangbaishanPositionIn Jilin Province Height 1 from 700 metres above sea level to over 2 metres Attrac tions 3 plants and animals Mountains 4 and hot water pools Chang baishan Attrac tions 5 A deep lake that has formed in the crater of a dead volcano on 6 of Changbaishan 2 194 metres above sea level and more than 200 metres 7 Clear waters and sixteen 8 that surround it Chang Baisha n Attrac Tions 5 The most famous story about it Three young women from 9 bathed in it and the youngest one swallowed the 10 dropped by a bird She became pregnant and 11 a boy who is the father of the 12 答案 1 Varies 2 2 000 3 Unique Rare 4 waterfalls 5 The Lake of Heaven Tianchi 6 top 7 deep 8 mountain peaks 9 heaven 10 fruit 11 gave birth to 12 Manchu people 根据词性和汉语意思写出单词 并进行拓展 1 n 小说家 n 小说 2 n 雾 adj 有雾的 3 adj 不舒服的 不舒适的 反义词 adj 舒服的 舒适的 4 adj 失去知觉的 未察觉的 反义词 adj 有知觉的 5 vt 射中 射伤 n 射击 枪炮声 novelistnovel fogfoggy uncomfortable comfortable unconscious conscious shootshot 6 vt n 担保 保证 n 担保 人 保证人 7 adj 忧虑的 不安的 n 担心 焦虑 渴望 8 vi vt 惊慌n 惊慌 恐慌 过去式 9 vi 洗澡 游泳 n 洗澡 澡盆 10 n 欣赏 感激 感谢 vt 评价 鉴赏 欣赏 anxious guarantor anxiety panicpanicked bathe bath appreciationappreciate guarantee 1 shoot shot shot vt 射中 射伤vi 射击 教材P37原句 She was shot 她被击中了 be shot in the head 头部中弹 shoot sb dead 击毙某人 shoot at 向 射击 To our great surprise Gaddafi was shot dead at last 使我们吃惊的是 卡扎菲最后被击毙了 Sean Lien son of Lien Chan while speaking in Taipei 连战的儿子连胜文在台北演讲时头部遭到枪击 My father shot at the wolf but missed it 父亲向那只狼射击 但是没有打中 was shot in the head shoot shoot at 自填助记 He is a bird but he doesn t it 他向一只鸟射击 但他没有射中 shooting at shoot 2 anxious adj 忧虑的 不安的 教材P38原句 I was so anxious and couldn t move at first 起初我很焦虑 不敢动弹 1 be anxious for about be worried concerned about 为 担心 担忧 be anxious for be eager for be keen on 渴望 be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望 某人 做 be anxious that 渴望 从句谓语用 should do should可以 省略 2 anxiety n 担心 焦虑 渴望 He was anxious for his family who were traveling abroad 他担心在国外旅行的家人 She to college but anxious about not passing the college entrance exam 她渴望上大学 但又担心不能通过大学入学考试 She was anxious for them all her room 她渴望他们全都离开她的房间 is anxious to go to leave We were anxious that everyone should know the truth 我们渴望人人都了解实情 I felt anxiety for about his safety when I heard the news of the train accident 当我听到火车事故的消息时 我很担心他的安全 anxious eager anxious强调 担心或焦急 对结果感到不安 eager强调积极向上的期望 自填助记 He is so to learn that he stays up late every night but his mother is for his health 他太好学了 以至于每晚都熬夜 但他母亲非常担心他 的健康 eager anxious 3 panic 教材P38原句 I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic 我非常紧张 不得不强迫自己不要惊慌 1 vi vt 惊慌 The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns 人们听到枪声都感到惊慌失措 The banks were panicked into selling dollars 银行正惊慌地抛售美元 panic 因 而恐慌 对 感 到惊慌失措 panic sb doing sth 使某人惊慌地做某事 over at into 2 n 惊慌 恐慌 in panic 惊慌失措 get into a panic 陷入恐慌 in a state of panic 惊恐万分 People had nothing to do but wait for death 惊恐万分的人们只好坐以待毙 She when she couldn t find the tickets 她找不到车票 陷入了恐慌 The whole nation is in a state of panic following the attacks 整个国家的人们在袭击过后都惊恐万分 in panic got into a panic 4 guarantee 教材P39原句 If you are lucky enough to visit the Lake of Heaven with your loved one don t forget to drop a coin into the clear blue water to guarantee your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself 如果你有幸和你的爱人一起游览天池 不要忘了向清 澈 湛蓝的湖中投入一枚硬币来保证你们的爱情像湖 水一样幽深而长久 1 vt 保证 担保 China insists that freedom of navigation should be guaranteed in the South China sea 中国坚持认为中国南海航海自由应得到保障 guarantee to do sth 保证做某事 guarantee that 保证 guarantee sb sth guarantee sth to sb 确保某人得到某物 guarantee sth for 时间 某物的保修期为 be guaranteed to do sth 必定会做某事 We the broken door free of charge We guarantee that we will replace the broken door free of charge 我们保证免费更换这损坏了的门 We won t be able to guarantee you a room for the Christmas Eve We won t be able to guarantee a room to you for the Christmas Eve 我们不能保证平安夜给您一个房间 That kind of behaviour her angry 那种行为肯定会让她生气 guarantee to replace is guaranteed to make 2 n 担保 保证 保证书 give sb a guarantee that 向某人保证 be under guarantee 在保修期内 Can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finished on time 你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗 This camera has a two year guarantee Now it s still 这部相机保修两年 现在仍在保修期内 under guarantee 点此进入 1 draw 停下来 起草 2 take surprise 出乎某人的意料 3 glance 匆匆看一遍 4 vary to 由 到 不等 5 be home 是 的栖息地 6 be rewarded 奖赏 7 give birth 生产 生育 8 have a gift 有 的天赋 up by through from to with to for 1 glance through匆匆看一遍 教材P39原句 Glance through these questions 浏览一遍这些问题 He often glances through newspapers during breakfast 他经常在吃早餐期间浏览报纸 She glanced through the rep
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