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2015年中考英语复习二轮专项练习汉译英1There will be a car show this weekend.(改为否定句)There_ _a car show this weekend.2I need 40000 yuan to pay for the summer camp.(对划线部分提问)_ _money do you need to pay for the summer camp?3I found it difficult to get to sleep in the night.(改写同义句)I found _ _ difficult to get to sleep in the night.4你能告诉我怎样处理这些问题吗?Can you tell me how I can_ _these problems?根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。5There is a supermarket near his house. (用next week改写)There _ _ a supermarket near his house next week.6 My cousin went to America and bought the expensive handbag for $300.(同义句转换)My cousin went to America and _ $300 _ the expensive handbag.7 They will go home in five days. (对划线部分提问)_ _ will they go home?8他努力学习,以便于考试合格。(完成译句)He studied hard _ _ to pass the exam.9听音乐是有乐趣的事。_.10Tom希望他的梦想成真。_.11那个短发男子教我们语文_.12我经常放学后打篮球。_.13我和Millie都是阅读兴趣小组的新成员。_.14Kate是一个留着长直发的害羞女孩。Kate is a _ girl _ long _ hair.15多么诚实的男孩啊!他从不撒谎。What _ _ boy! He never _ lies.16 英国学生暑假比美国学生少休息几周。British students _ _ weeks _ for the summer holiday than American students.17我弟弟总是乐于帮助其他人解决问题。My brother is always _ problems.18 因为看演出,昨天放学比平时稍微迟了点。Because we watched a show, school ended _ yesterday.19谁能再向他们提供三本书?Who _?20桑蒂留着长发。Sandy _ long _.21我希望他的梦想成真。I hope his dream will _ _.22他不擅长网球,放学后他不打网球。He _ _ _ tennis and he doesnt play tennis after school.23埃迪一天要走向他的碗好几次。Eddie _ to his bowl _ _ a day.24他最喜欢的运动是打排球。_ _ is playing _.25你想要其他的什么?_do you want ?26在他的空余时间,他在电视上观看篮球比赛。In his _ time, he _ basketball _ on TV.27Kitty带领她的妈妈参观她的学校。Kitty _ her mother _ her school.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。28 我们英语老师善于讲有趣的笑话29 Kitty每天花大约两个小时读英语。30 昨天他们迫不及待地加入了学校的旅行31 将来我想成为一个著名的歌手并周游世界。32 在扬州有许多景点,你们可以在那里玩得开心33玛丽比琳达高,也比琳达唱歌清晰。Mary is _ _ Linda,and s he also sings _ _ than Linda.34我弟弟打败了王林,赢了比赛。My brother _ Wang Lin and _ the match.35我们认为最重要的事情是过得开心。We think the most important thing is _ _ _ _.36你比你友好 还是和她一样?Are you _ than your sister or _ _ _ her?37在北京期间,他们尽最大的努力使我们感觉到了家一样。They _ their best _ _ us feel at home when we were in Beijing,38 人人天生具有学习的能力。(be born with)39 我想知道是否我们的足球队能赢。(wonder)40老师说得是如此的快以至于大多数时间我都不能理解他。41后羿多么希望嫦娥能回来吧!(how)42 你如何为考试而学习?我和小组一起学习。(how,by)A. 翻译句子43一个人在选择朋友的时候无论怎么谨慎都不为过。A man _ in the_ his friends.44据说虎年出生的人很勇敢。_that people _are brave.45Hobo说粉红色没什么问题。Hobo says that _ _wrong_.46我宁愿步行去上班也不愿意乘公共汽车。Id _on foot _ a bus.47昨天这个生日蛋糕被分成八份,我开心地与朋友们分享它。Yesterday the birthday cake_ parts and I _my friends happily.48明天要么你去那儿,要么我去那儿。_going there tomorrow.49我的新电脑出了点问题。_with my new computer.50你做任何事情前要三思You should before _.51你能告诉我那个小男孩为什么在哭吗?Can you tell me _.52根据你所拥有的时间选择你的爱好怎么样?What about _ the time you have?53一分钟前西班牙得分了。Spain _ _ _ _.54你怎么了?_ _ with you ?55吃水果对健康有益。 _ _ is _ _ your health.56让我们尽可能多地说英语。_.57所有学生中,吉姆里李老师最近。Of all the students,Jim is_ _ _ Mrs Li.58 中国的天气与美国的不一样。59 她面带微笑,看起来高兴。60 中国学生比起英国学生的暑假放多了几个周 。61 她的钱比我多但朋友比我少。62保持教室的干净整洁很重要。参考答案1wont,be2How,much3it,was4deal,with【解析】试题分析:1句意:这个周末有一个车展。一般将来时的否定句在will后加not,wont=will not。故答案为wont,be。2句意:参加这次夏令营需要付40000元。对金钱进行提问要用how much,故答案为How,much。3句意:我发现晚上入睡很困难。本句同义句可以改为由一个句子做found的宾语,故答案为it,was。4deal with译为“处理”,故答案为deal,with。考点:完成句子。5will be6spent on / paid for7How soon8in order【解析】试题分析:5There be句型表示“某地(或某时)存在有某人(或某物),而并非某地(某人、某物或某时)拥有什么东西”,
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