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2010高考英语全国1卷分析一 单选一) 单选概述2010年单选语法考点集中在三大从句(4)时态语态(3)非谓语(2)和情景交际(2)上。此三大语法总数占到11分。对比09,此板块分数是6分,其增加了对特殊句式(倒装),介词和冠词的考查。10动词及其短语仅考查了1题,而09年动词及其短语考查了3题。综上所述,在教学过程中重视三大从句,情景交际,时态语态,非谓语及动词短语即可。二) 考题分析年分2010英语全国1卷2009英语全国1卷考查点个数题号个数题号定语从句124128名词性从句133124状语从句225、30特殊句式131情景对话231、35121非谓语动词227、34135时态语态321、28、32226、29情态动词129125动词短语122327、30、32代词123133形容、副词126123介词134冠词122定语从句24. As a child, Jack studied in a village school ,_ is named after his grandfather.A. which B. where C. what D. that名词性从句33. We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.A. that B. which C. what D. where状语从句25. Mary made coffee _ her guests were finishing their meal.A. so that B. although C. while D. as if30. The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story.A. or B. unless C. but D. whether时态语态21.Have you finished reading Jane Eyre(简爱)?(过去进行时)No, I _ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doing B. would do C. has done D. do28. When you are home, give a call to let me know you _ safely.(现在完成时)A. are arriving B. have arrived C. had arrived D. will arrive32. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _.(过去将来时)A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made非谓语27. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ from the library.A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing34. With Fathers Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought情景交际31. Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mom?_ Wait till you are old enough, dear.A. Will you? B. Why not? C. I hope so. D. Im afraid not.35. Was he sorry for what hed done?_.A. No wonder B. Well done C. Not really D. Go ahead动词辨析22. The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box “ This Side Up”A. carried B. delivered C. pressed D. packed副词、形容词26. I have seldom seen my mother _ pleased with my progress as she is now.A. so B. very C. too D. rather情态动词29. Just be patient .You _ expect the world to change so soon .A. cant B. neednt C. may not D. will not代词23. Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and _ half learning drawing.A. another B. the other C. others D. other二 完形一)、完形概述 今年完形填空还是考查记叙文,文章思路清晰,逻辑严谨,难度中等偏下。跟历年完形填空真题相比,今年的文章可以说比较容易答题,很多考生拍手叫好。文章讲的是医生和一名年老病人之间的事,从医生和病人交流的过程中来阐释这位年老病人的爱情观和生活观,文章结尾部分升华主题,行文细腻,甚为优美。出题模式跟高考英语全国卷一2006年和2008年的完形填空题非常相似。今年完形填空题的考点分布如表2所示。表2 2010年高考英语全国卷一完形填空考点分布及其与09年全国一卷的对比考点20102009动词87名词5 6形容词副词64代词1连词12二)、考题分析第一类:动词及其短语(8)37 A persuading B promising C understanding D telling. (语义辨析:护士对一个老汉能做的动作,最符合逻辑的是telling,告诉。 promising 表示许诺,有可能选,再看看宾语就可以排除,at least 40minutes 没有一个承诺是这样子的,我保证你至少要等四十分钟,不是承诺这是诅咒。Promise 这个词从来没对过。)39. A taking off B. fixing C looking at D winding (语义辨析:看动作的发出者,一个焦急的老汉会做的动作,肯定是look at 看手表这个选项。这个词Fix再次很悲情的在选项中出现,全国卷中从来没有对过。)41 A turn up B show off C come on D go away(解析:词组,表示“出现”的意思。06北京出现过的,就是我和姐妹们一起谈论人生,爸爸突然出现,当时是错误选项。这里要注意破折号表示解释说明,我不是很忙,为啥呢?因为我的病人在appointed hour 里面没有出现。)42 A needed B forgot C agreed D happened(语义辨析:need 不算一个很标准的动词,但是和后面的动词结合起来看就不难解决。B forget叫做忘记,他忘记了回去吃饭这样的事情,不算一个appointment。C agree to do是讲过的,同意做某件事情,在文中没人提要求,所以不存在同意不同意。D happen to do 07全国卷1那篇笨鹅飞上天空的文章出现过,那么老头子早上碰巧要去找老伴吃饭,顺便来一趟医院,这样的意思诡异。所以只有选C。)47 A recognize B answer C believe D expect(语义语境:之前见过,现在认不出来,全国卷北京卷都常考的recognize再次出现,证明了这个单词很重要。) 48 A moved B disappointed C surprised D satisfied(解析:多次强调的词,表示惊讶,正面态度负面态度都可以的。干扰选项moved干扰度比较大,需要对全文的态度进行把握,文中进行到这里并没有很明显的作者的正面态度出现,证据就在于他的那个问句:你知道她不认识你,还是每天早上要去陪她?这句话显然不是一个正面态度的体现,而真正的态度转正的地方在倒数第二段,他忍住泪水,所以这里不能选moved这个表示正面态度的词语。) 51. A realize B suggest C hope D prove(解析:realize表示主观意识到,又是一再强调的常考词。试卷中同时出现realize 和recognize,并且在不同选项中还是第一次)54 A. learn B make C. favor D. try(词语搭配:解析:机关题,实际上考查动词和名词的搭配,和在一起是一个固定词组,make the best of 充分利用,就是说他们可以没有最好的东西,但是他们把他们所拥有的东西,发挥到了极致。C选项favor 不能选,因为表示的意思是偏好,A和B 你喜欢哪个,有比较的时候才用favor,在这里没有比较爱人认得你还是不认得你,所以不选。)第二类:名词及其短语(5)36 A breath B. test C seat D break(语义题解析:没难度,关键名词就在后面 waiting room 。这个词break 有可能选,但是break之前一定要很紧张才行,这里老汉没有紧张。这个词第一次考,一般不对。)43 A daughter B wife C mother D sister(联系后文)50.A curiosity B tears C words D judgment(解析:关键在前面的动词hold back忍住 忍回去,忍回去的只有泪水)52 .A agreement B expression C acceptance D exhibition(解析:真爱就是要接受现实
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