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六年级英语上册Unit1复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.1.p _cn_ c( ) 2. l br_ry( ) 3.sc_ _nce( ) 4. h_t ( ) 5.h_ngry( ) 6.th_ _sty( )二、I can change.(写出下列动词的现在分词)A) play sleep look bark eat throw listen climb cry call B) bite write make bake take C)run swim sit hit skip hop 三、I can choose.( )1. The are playing in the park.A.child B.children C.childs( )2.There is old man in the park.A. a B.an C.( )3. Mingming is throwing stones the dog.A.to B.into C.at( )4. Peter is going to the cinema bike.A. by B. with C.on( )5.The girl her hair now.A. comb B. combing C.is combing( )6.The boy is his teeth.A. brushes B.brushing C. brush( )7. Dont up the slide.A. climb B. climbs C.climbing( )8. cat is looking at the fish. A.He B. His C.Me四、I can write the sentences according to the example. Example: (comb her hair) She is combing her hair. (drink some water) (run) 五、I can translate the phrases.1. 洗脸_ 2.写字_ 3.eat_ 4.clean the floor_ 5.comb ones hair_6.刷牙_ 7.跑步_ 8.喝水_六、I can read and do!The children are playing in the park. Lingling is sitting on a swing. An old man is sitting on a bench. He is sleeping. His dog is looking at the children. Mingming is throwing stones at the dog. The dog is very angry. It is barking.The dogs chain is broken and running to Mingming. He is climbing up the slide. The dog is biting his foot. He is crying. The old man calls his dog back.a) 阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.The children are playing in the zoo.( )2.Lingling is sitting on a bench.( )3.Mingming throws stones at the dog and makes it angry.( )4.Mingming is not crying.b) 回答下列问题。4.What is the old man doing? 5.Is the dogs chain broken? .六年级英语上册Unit2复习题一、 Look! I have a good memory.1.alw_s ( ) 2. fam l_( ) 3.usu_lly ( )4. oft n ( ) 5.l te ( ) 6.n ver( )7.w ve ( ) 8.th_ m( ) 9.w_ ke up( ) 二、I can change.(写出下列动词的三单形式)A) get make run leave wave B) wash go do watch C)carry study D) have_ be_三、I can choose.( )1.Katie always _ early. A.gets up B.get up C.getting up( ) 2.He usually waves _ goodbye. A. they B. them C. their( ) 3.Sally _ the breakfast table at 6:30 a.m A. runs for B. run to C. runs to( )4.He is never late _work. A. at B.in C.for( )5.I usually _ my homework at six oclock. A.does B.do C.did( )6. This is _interesting story. A. a B.an C.the( )7.This picture is not _ A.I B. my C.mine四、I can write the sentences according to the example. Example: (make the bed) He makes the bed at 7 oclock 1. (watch TV) _ 2. (do her homework) _五、I can translate the phrases.1. wash her face _ 2.起床 _ 3. have breakfast _ 4.每天 _ 5. be late for work _ 6.整理床铺 _ 7. on weekdays _ 8.在七点钟 _六、I can read and do! Katie always gets up at 6 o,clock every day. She washes her face at 6:15am. Then she makes her bed at 6:25am. The family usually has breakfast at 6:40am. Katies father always leaves for work at 7 oclock.He is never late for work. He usually waves them goodbye.a) 阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的写(T)误(F)。( )1.Katie always gets up at 7 oclock.( )2.Katie does her homework at 6:15am.( )3.Katies father is always late for work.( )4.The family usually has breakfast at 6:40am.b) 回答下列问题。4.What time does Katies father leave for work?
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