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2014 2015学年度第2学期单元基础检测(1)(考查内容:Book 8A Unit 1 满分100分 时间60分钟)一、单词拼写与运用(一)根据汉语意思及所给的首字母填空,使句子内容完整。1. There are many p _ on the bus.2. We should help the people when they are in t _ . 3. To our s _ , she won the first prize.4. You should take care not to h _ yourself in P.E. class.5. Oh, you got h _ on the head! Was it serious?6. We need two k _ of the apples to have the thanks-giving party.7. He made a d _ to go to Sanya to spend his vacation.8. We all know the i _ of learning English.9. We used a k _ to cut off the tree.10. We all enjoyed o _ on vacation.11. He f _ down and hurt his back when he played basketball.12. She hurt h _ when she rode her bike.13. Put some m _ on your leg. You will feel better.14. He has a fever. You should take his t _.15. He goes to school on f _ every day.16. You should l _ down and have a rest.17. Sonia likes taking r _.18. The old man _ _ (下车) at the park.19. The boy is _ _ (等待) the No.8 bus.20. Tom cut his _ (膝盖) yesterday. He should have a rest.21. “Faster, Higher, Stronger” is the _ (精神) of the Olympic Games.22. Wash the cut and put a _ (绷带) on it.23. They _ (几乎) forget the time.24. What does the word _ (意思是)?25. He was sad about the _ (死亡) of his grandfather.26. We should keep calm in a difficult _ (情况).(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He has a headache. He should _ (go) to bed early.2. The bus driver stopped the bus without _ (think) twice.3. They agreed _ (have) the meeting next week.4. I saw a little boy _ (cry) in the corner.5. He expected them _ (to) with him.6. Im feeling terrible, I have a _ (stomach).7. Why did you make this _ (decide)?8. He _ (have) a headache last week. But now he is _ (feel) better. 9. Im too _ (stress) out, Id like to listen to some music now.10. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _ (health) every day.11. Its easy _ (say), but difficult _ (do).12. The bad guy was _ (catch) by police yesterday.13. Are you afraid of _ (die)?14. I used to get up late. But now Im used to _ (get) up early.15. Yesterday five _ (passenger) died in the bus accident.16. We all know the _ (important) of studying English well.17. My parents are thinking about _ (travel) to Boston.18. In Europe, people eat with forks and _ (knife).19. Kate is thirteen years old and she is old enough to look after _ (she).20. Helen gave much _ (bleed) to help save the little boy.21. Frank _ (hurt) his back badly when he worked.22. We sat around the fire to keep _ (we) warm.二、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.他胃疼,24小时不要进食。He has a stomachache. He _ eat anything _ _ _.2.你应当多喝热水。 You _ drink _ hot water.3.早睡觉对你的健康有好处。 _ _ is good _ your _.4. 刘伟没有放弃,他仍然继续弹钢琴。Liu Wei didnt _ _ and he still _ _ _the piano.5.多亏了你的帮助,我才能学好英语。 _ _ your help, I can learn English well.6. 你怎么了,David? 我嗓子疼。 _ the _ _ you, David? I have _ _ _.7. 你应该躺下休息。You _ _ _ and _.8. Cindy 发烧了。 她应该去看医生。 Cindy _ _ _. She should _ _ _ _.9. 他让乘客们下车。但让他吃惊的是,没有一个人动。He asked the passengers to _ _ the bus. But _ _ _, no one moved.10. Tony 是一个淘气的孩子。他在学校总是惹麻烦。Tony is a naughty boy. He always _ _ _at school.11. 学会控制你的时间和金钱至关重要。Its important to learn to be _ _ _ your time and money.12. 斯科特习惯了冒险。他喜欢蹦极、爬山和骑山地车。Scott _ _ _ _ _. He likes bungee jumping, _ _ and mountain biking.13. 他买那辆车花光了所有钱。He _ _ _ all his money to buy that car.14. 妈妈把我的房间锁上了,我出不去了。My mother locked my room and I couldnt _ _ _ it.三、单项选择1. The weather was too hot. He felt sick and _.A.fall downB.fell downC.falls downD. fallen down2. _ to see if you have a fever.A. Drink hot waterB. Get an X-rayC. Take your temperatureD. Take some medicine3. I told her _ more vegetables.A. eatsB. eatC. ateD. to eat4. I told him he should _.A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. has a rest D. had a rest5. I hope he is OK._.A. I hope notB. I hope soC. I think soD. I dont think so6. The boy in my neighborhood has EV71, his family are all very sad.
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