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教师: 学生: 年级: 学科: 日期: 星期: 时段:一、课 题课文中的知识点整合二、教学目标1.理解句型及意义2.把握课文内容3.学会运用英语三、教学重难点难点:句型结构重点:课文理解和句子理解四、教学课时一个课时五、教学方法操练法 教授法 六、教学过程 Unit 2 Pet cornerkittens drink water. Birds eat seeds.This is our rabbit. This is its food. Does it eat fish? No, it doesnt. It eats carrots.Does it drink water? Yes, it does.Story time: Im going to Xian. Can you look after my kitten, Susie? Of course, Grandma. What does it eat? It eats cat food and fish. Does it drink milk? No, it doesnt. It drinks water. It plays with this ball. It can run and jump. Youre thin, I like ice cream. You like ice cream, too. Here you are. Here you are. Eat some ice cream. Dont give ice cream to the Kitten. It doesnt eat it, Susie. Oh, dear! My kitten is fat now. It cant run, It cant jump. Im sorry, Grandma.Say the sounds and the words.dr drink dress tr trousers treeI wear trousers To climb a tree. I wear a dress To drink my tea.I have a cat. Its name is Pat Cat. It doesnt eat carrots. And it doesnt eat seeds.It eats fish every day. I hope that my cat doesnt run away.I have a fish .Its name is Swim fish. It doesnt eat carrots and seeds.It eats fish food every day.I hope that doesnt swim away.Unit 3 My dayTims getting up. Hes having breakfast.go to school have lunch go home do homework have dinner go to bedStory time Were back. Im tired. Jenny, dont forget your homework. See you at dinnertime.Yes Mum. Im getting up See you later. Oh no! Its six fifteen I usually do my homework at five thirty. Whens Mum?Its eight forty-five. We usually have dinner at seven thirty. Where are you, Jenny? Im here. Im in bed. Its eleven forty-five I usually go to bed at nine thirty.No, it isnt. Your watch is wrong. Its London time. Oh, yes. Its four forty-five here.the sounds and the words.br brother breakfast fr friend fruit four thirty four thirty We go home at four thirty. When do you have dinner? When do you have dinner? Six thirty six thirty we have dinner at six thirty.When do you do homework? When do you do homework? Seven forty-five seven forty-five. We do homework at seven forty-five. When do you go to bed? When do you go to bed? Nine thirty nine thirty we go to bed at nice thirty.Unit 4 Our lessonslets go to school. Its Sunday, Koko. We dont go to school on Sunday. We go to school on Monday. I play badminton on Monday, too.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayStory time Take out your science books. Oh, dear! Its Monday. I dont have my science book! What other lessons do we have on Monday? At ten oclock, we have music. At eleven oclock. Its Tuesday, Koko. We have PE on Tuesday. Oh, dear! I dont have my shorts and T-shirt. Koko, what are you doing? She doesnt have her Chinese book, Miss Zhang. Wheres Koko? Look, shes coming. She has all her books! Its Friday. What lessons do we have today, Koko? I dont know. I dont have a timetable.Say the sounds and the words.gl glove glass cl classroom clockI can see a glove, a glass and a sock. In the classroom near the clock.What lesson do we have on Monday? What lesson do we have on Monday at ten oclock? We have music on Monday. What lesson do we have on Tuesday? We have science on Tuesday.Unit 5 Revision Hi, John, can you help me ?I cant find my timetable. What lesson do we have on Monday morning? Let me see. Oh, yes. At eight oclock we have English. Yes, English. At eight fifty we have music. Oh, music at eight fifty. At nine fifty? Yes. Then at ten forty we have maths. And then we have lunch at one thirty we have PE. PE then at two thirty we have Chinese.Ok, thanks John. See you on English class. 八、学生对本次课的评价 特别满意 满意 一般 差学生签字: 九教学小结教师签字: 教务主任签字:
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