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第二课时 Reading A. B1& B2【学习目标】1.能够根据图片和关键词猜测生词大意。2.熟悉购物用语,并能进行实际应用。【课前预习】一、 根据解释及首字母写单词。1. f_ not busy 2. m_ 60 seconds3. e_ dear, cost too much money4. p_ like better 5. p_ very beautiful二、 快速阅读一下两个对话,回答下列问题。1. What does Amy want to buy?2. Will Amy buy the cards?3. Why does Amy buy a present for her friend.4. What does she buy for her friend?5. Who is her friend?6. How much do this years football cards cost?【课堂解疑】来源:学优中考网1. What are you looking for? 你要买什么?这是商店营业员招待客人时经常讲的话。在购物时,营业员还经常使用另外两句话,你知道吗?_ _2. Just a minute.请稍等。相当于Just a moment.有时还可以表达成:Please wait a minute. 或please wait a moment.3. Take a look. They are great.看一看,他们很棒的。Take a look的意思是“看一看,瞧一瞧”,相当于have a look.Eg: Id like to take a look at this blouse.我想看看这件衬衫。你知道下面这个句子的同义句吗?Take a good look at that film. _4. How much do the cards cost? 这些卡片多少钱?cost“药费钱”其主语只能是物。Eg: The hair clips cost five yuan.这些发夹5元钱。同学们,让我们一起想一想价格的其它表达方法吧!How much is / are +something?Whats the price of something?聪明的你,能写出下面这个句子的同义句吗?How much do the CDs cost?_ _5. Thats quite expensive. 那太昂贵了。expensive“昂贵的”同义词dear, 反义词cheap, 便宜的。来源:xYzKw.ComEg: The Walkman is very expensive. I cant buy it.这部随身听很贵,我不能买。你会翻译下面这个句子吗?这些贴画不贵,我能买些。_.6. Thats a discount on last years cards. 去年的卡片打折。Discount作名词解释为“折扣”。对某样东西打折用介词on,如:a discount on books.对某物的价格打折也可用介词on,如:allow 10% discount on the prices of goods.(按货价打九折)。但以某种折扣出售商品用介词at,如:sell a radio at a 25% discount.(以七五折出售收音机)。学后记:来源:学优中考网来源:xYzKw.Com来源:xYzkW.Com
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