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Unit 4 Did You Have a nice Trip一. 教学内容:Unit 4 Did You Have a nice Trip? Lesson 25 Lesson 281. 单词和短语chopsticks gift clerk every store story Tshirt homework ice cream last sandwich second third happen 2. 语法(1)一般过去时. (2)过去进行时. 3. 语言目标(1)What time is it?Its 2:30. (2)What happened to?/What happens?二. 重点、难点分析1. Who wants to go shopping today?今天谁想去购物?who是疑问代词,表“谁”的意思,在句中作主语,疑问词作主语,谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式。如:Who is talking with you? 谁在和你说话?Who teaches you English?谁教你们英语?2. I want to buy gifts for my family. 我想给我的家人买礼物。buy sth. for sbbuy sb. sth给某人买某物,如:She buys chopsticks for her mother. 她给她妈妈买了筷子。Im buying a bike for my daughter. Im buying my daughter a bike. 我正在给我女儿买自行车。Dont forget to buy him some food. Dont forget to buy some food for him . 别忘了给他买些食物。3. I can walk with you. 我可以和你一起走。walk with和一起走,with是介词,with you是介词短语作伴随状语,有时为了强调,也可置于句首。如:He goes to the park with his classmates. 他和他的同学们一起去公园。With a book in her hand, Miss. Zhao comes into the classroom. 赵老师手里拿了一本书进了教室。The teacher with her students is flying kites. 老师和他的学生们正在放风筝。4. What time it is,LingMing?几点了,李明? Its 2:30. 两点半了。What time it is?是对时间点进行提问,可转换成Whats the time?回答时在时刻点前用介词at,表示,“在点”。如:What time do you have supper?你几点吃晚饭?At 6:30. 六点半。What time are they going to have a meeting?他们要在几点开会?At about 9:00. 大约在九点。5. happen不及物动词“发生”。如:Go and see what is happening?去看看出了什么事?What happens next?接下来发生了什么事?可构成短语:happen to sb /sth某人或某物出了事happen to do sth. 碰巧恰好干某事,如:A traffic accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他出了一起车祸。What happens to his bike?他的自行车发生了什么事?I happen to know her. 我恰好认识她。My mother happens to meet her old friend in the street. 我妈妈在街上碰到了她的老朋友。6. fell是不及物动词fall的过去式,“跌倒,落下,跌落”之意,有固定搭配fall down 下落,fall off 从落下,fall behind落后等。如:The water in the river is falling. 河流水位正在下降。In winter, the temperature falls. 冬天气温下降。The boy fell off the bike. 这个小男孩从车子上摔下来了。The baby fell down on the floor. 这个小婴儿摔在地上了。He doesnt study hard. So he falls behind the others. 他学习不努力,因此落后于其它学生。7. brokebroke 是动词 break的过去式,break既可做及物动词,意为“打碎”,“打破”,也可做不及物动词,意为“破碎,坏了”或“(天气)突变”。如::Who broke the window? 谁打破的窗户?Tom broke his leg last week. 汤姆上周摔断腿了。Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。Day broke. 天亮了。The cup is broken. 杯子碎了。Uncle wang is mending a broken car. 王伯伯正在修一辆破车。8. I broke my tail! I fell at the Palace Museum!我弄断了我的尾巴!我在故宫摔倒了!这个句子用的是一般过去时态,表示过去某个时间发生的或存在的状态,也表示过去反复发生的动作,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday昨天;the day before yesterday前天。last week/month/year上个星期/上个月/去年 two days ago两天前; in 2000 在2000年等。如:I was here yesterday. 我昨天在这。My uncle went to Beijing three days ago. 我叔叔三天前去了北京。He knew me last year. 他是去年认识我的。一般过去时态的句子主要是通过把谓语动词变为过去式形式而表现出来. 动词过去式形式的变化规律分为规则变化和不规则变化,需记住。9. I was taking a picture with Jennys camera. 我正在用詹尼的相机拍照。这个句子用的是过去进行时态,表示在过去某个时刻发生的动作或存在的状态,结构是was/were+ v ing。如:Mary was writing a letter to her friend at 8:00 last night.昨晚八点钟玛丽在给她的朋友写信。It was raining this time yesterday. 昨天这个时间在下雨。10. What did you do?你做什么了? I walked to the park yesterday. 我昨天步行去公园了。I looked at a picture yesterday. 我昨天看了一幅图画。来源:学优中考网这是一般过去时态的特殊疑问句及其回答,一般过去时态的特殊疑问句是特殊疑问词加一般疑问句的语序,若谓语动词是行为动词,则助动词did要置于主语前,且动词的过去式要还原成动词原形,其回答要与问句时态一致。如:What time did you get up this morning?今早你几点起床?I got up at half past six我六点半起床。How many English words did you learn last term?上学期你学了多少英语单词?I learned about two thousand English words. 我学了大约2,000个英语单词。walk to the parkgo to the park on foot类似的短语有: fly to go to by airby planeride to go to by bike 来源:学优中考网 drive to go to by carlook是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,若接宾语要加介词。如:look at 看 1ook out of向外看;look for 寻找;look after照顾,照看。 look at表示看的动作see表示看的结果,而watch表示注视,观看,“看书,报”我们用read。如: Look at the blackboard,please. 请看黑板。来源:学优中考网 How many people can you see in the room?在这个房间里你能看到多少人? Theyre watching a football match. 他们在看足球赛。 My father reads newspaper before supper. 我爸爸在晚饭前看报纸。来源:学优中考网 11. Li Ming is arriving home from Beijing. 李明马上就要从北京到家了。 在英语中,有些表示位置转移的动词,如:come leave,arrive,go等的现在进行式可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。如:He is leaving for Shanghai. 他马上就要动身去上海。 The bus is coming. 公共汽车就要来了。She is moving to the city next week. 下个星期她要搬到城里去。 12. I missed you! 我想念你。 miss及物动词,“想念,惦记”。如: The girl misses her mother very much. 这个女孩非常想念她的妈妈。 miss还有“未赶上,错过”之意,其后若是动词。则要用-ing形式。如: She missed the 8:10 train. 她没赶上八点十分的火车。 You can t miss it. 你不会错过它。Did you miss me?你想我了吗?来源:学优中考网Yes. I missed you. 是的,我想你了。这两句是一般过去时态的一般疑问句及其回答。Were your mother at home this morning?今天上午你妈妈在家吗?Yes, she was. No, she wasnt. 是的,她在家。不,她没在家。Were the twins ill last week?上个星期这对双胞胎病了吗?Yes, they did. No, they didnt. 是的,她们病了。不,她们没病。13. 1stfirst 2ndsecond 3 rdthird 4thfourth 5thfifth 6th sixth 7thseventh 8th eighth 9thninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12
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