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Unit 3 Online travelWords, phrases and sentences一、英汉互译:1. the remote control _2. 寻找信息_来源:学优中考网3. send and receive E-mails_4. 多久一次 _5. write computer programs _6. 出版 _7. store more information _8. 听起来有趣 _9. answer a question correctly _10. 同时 _11. play the role of _12. 主要人物 _13. floppy disk _14. 赢得一分 _15. cover many topics _16. 网上订购某物 _17. open the treasure box _18. 卖完 _19. change the channel _20. 教某人怎样做某事 _来源:学优中考网xyzkw二、用所给动词的适当时态填空:1. -Whats that noise? -Jane and her sister _(watch) TV. 2. -Hey! How do you like the city of Rugao?-Its beautiful! I like the food here and I _(stay) here for another week. 3. While we _(clap) our hands, he came in. 4. Mr. Dong _(live) here since he was born. 来源:学优中考网xyzkw来源:学优中考网xyzkw5. Daniel will play with us as soon as he _(finish) his homework. 来源:学优中考网xyzkw6. -Your city looks beautiful! -Yes. Lots of trees and grass _ (plant) last year. 7. Do you believe that nice picture _ (draw) by a little girl?8. *How long _ (spend) in building this bridge last year?9. *Its going to rain. These things must _ (take) into a house at once. 10. Japanese _ (teach) in our school. 11. -When _ this hotel _ (build)? - Before 2000. 12. *She hurt herself and _ (send) to hospital at once. 13. She _ (not pass) the exam if she doesnt work hard enough. 14. The Greens _ (have) a birthday party at 7:00 last night. 15. Nancy _ (travel) to many places of interest since she came to China. 来源:学优中考网xyzkw三、完形填空Jones enjoyed 1 to see the films especially (尤其 ) the 2 from the stories he had read in 3 . He went 4 once a week. He liked to sit in 5 seat, but sometimes he 6 when the theatre (剧院 ) was full. One evening, he found 7 sitting behind a woman and theres a big 8 beside her. This was strange, but what the dog was doing was 9 stranger. It 10 to be seeing the film with interest. And at times, it turned to the woman and barked( 吠) quietly in 11 ear. Jones was 12 surprised that he 13 the dog was very strange. “Yes, you are 14” . said the woman, “It is strange. It isnt 15 the book at all. ”( )1. A. go B. to go C. going D. very much来源:学优中考网xyzkw( )2. A pictures B. one C. others D. ones( )3. A. a newspaper B. books C. his textbook D. dictionaries( )4. A. at most B. at least C. than D. only来源:学优中考网( )5. *A. the same B. different C. a same D. empty( )6. *A. couldnt B. could C. cant D. would( )7. A. it B. him C. himself D. herself( )8. A. dog B. man C. boy D. woman( )9. A. more B. very C. even D. too( )10. A. looked B. wanted C. liked D. seemed( )11. A. its B. its C. his D. her( )12. A. so B. too C. such D. not( )13. A. told B. said C. talked D. spoke( )14. A. wrong B. right C. strange D. friendly来源:xyzkw.Com来源:xyzkw.Com( )15. *A. like B. good at C. reading D. interested in来源:xyzkw.Com来源:学优中考网【试题答案】一、1. 遥控器 2. search for information 3. 发送和接收电子邮件4. how often 5. 编写电脑程序 6. come out7. 存储更多信息 8. sound interesting 9. 正确回答问题10. at the same time 11. 扮演的角色12. main character 13. 软盘 14. earn a point15. 涉及更多主题 16. order sth. online 17. 打开藏宝箱 18. sell out19. 换频道 20. teach sb. how to do sth. 二、1. are watching 2. will stay 3. were clapping 4. has lived5. finishes 6. were planted 7. was drawn 8. was spent9. be taken 10. is taught 11. was, built 12. was sent13. wont pass 14. were having 15. has travelled三、CDBBA ACACD DABBD学$优中考,网www.xyzkw.com
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