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初一英语上册第七、八模块自测题一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式(0.5x10)1. switch(三单)_2. one(序数词)_3. search(三单)_4. leaf(复数)_5.twelve(序数词)_6.you had better(缩写)_ 7. wolf(复数)_ 8. final(副词)_ 9. month(复数)_10. five(序数词)_二、选择题(25) 1. _ I go to work on foot. A. Some times B. Some time C. Sometime D. Sometimes 2. How often do you use a computer? _. A. For a week B. Three days C. Never D. A year 3. _ the computer, please. Id like to go online.A. Switch on B. Switch off C. Switch up D. Switch down 4. I also get information _ my lessons _the Internet. A. to; in B. for; on C. for; in D. to; on 5. Which floor does Mr. Hu live on? He lives on _floor. A. tenth B. the tenth C. ten D. the ten6. First, _ the printer _ the computer. Then you can print your document. I see. A. switch; onB. connect; toC. switch; offD. connect; for7. _ do you open a new document? Click“new document”. A. HowB. WhereC. WhatD. When8. How can I go on line? Click“Internet Explorer(网页浏览器)”with the _. A. monitorB. keyboardC. printerD. mouse9. What _ you _ on weekends? We play games, watch TV and do our homework. A. do; doB. does; does C. do; does D. does; do10. _ do you go online? Sometimes. A. WhenB. WhereC. How often D. What11. I want to send an email to him, _ I dont know his website. A. andB. soC. orD. But12.February is _month of a year.A. twoB. the twoC. secondD. the second13. Do you have _ about our team(队)? A. some informations B. some pieces of informationC. some pieces of informations D. some piece of information14Most British high school children _ uniforms(校服) at school.AwearBdress Cput onDdress up15Excuse me, where can I exchange(交换;兑换) _?Theres a bank on the second floor.AbooksBfood Cmoney D.stamps16Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?_. I have to study for tomorrows test.AId love toBIm afraid not CSounds good DNo problem17_ do you clean your room?Every day.AHow longBHow many CHow often DHow soon18Would you like _ me with my English?Yes, Id love to.AhelpBto help Chelps Dhelping19Its great _ from you again.AhearBto hear ChearsDhearing20I often _ much time_English.Atake; toBpay; for Cspend; onDcost; /21Many girls would like to _ skirts in summer.Aput onBdress CwearD. wears22We watch matches _ television.AbyBin ConDwith23Many Middle School students _ most of their money in playing computer games. AcostBtake Cpay Dspend24.Mr Brown always comes early. He is _late for work.AneverBoften Cusually Dsometimes25.Finally, you must _.Aprint it out Bprint out is Cprint it in Dprint in it窗体底端三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(21)1The book is too e_. I cant buy it.2On New Years Day ,I a_ get lots of cards from my friends.3My friend gives me a film t_.4Children like having birthday p_.5He is a student. He n_ plays computer games.6Shoes, jeans, shirts are all c_.7I like reading books and m_.8Her mother has two s_ scarves.9Our English teacher is singing an English s_.10.Do you go shopping at w_?11.The soliders s_the little girls life.12.Jack always s_ for information for his homework.13. My father is a manager of a c_, so he often talks to his c_ on the computer.14. I often visit the w_ on my computer on weekends.15. I always get some i_ for my lessons on the Internet.16. Our teachers often c_ our homework in class.17. His birthday p_ is a new English dictionary.18. There are some wonderful m_ in London Olympic Games.19. Im a_ that I cant finish the work. Its hard for me.20. Dont s_ too much time on the computer games.四、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(18分)1. _(not open) a new document, please. 2. There are lots of _ (mouse) in the field.(在田野里)3. My grandfather is a _(write). 4.My family lives on the _(five) floor. 5. Daming often uses a computer _(do) his homework. 6. Tony _(not often visit) his uncle.7. The _(nine) boy is from Dalian. 8.Who _(finish) his homework every day?9.To use your computer ,you need to turn it on _(one) 10.December is the _(twelve) month of the year.11. _ (connect)the monitor to the computer, please. 12. Lily _ (switch) on the TV and watches a football match. 13. Tony often _ (go) online at weekends. 14. First, use the mouse _ (click) “new document”. 15. His father _ (not watch) TV every evening but he often _ (write) novels on his computer. 16He always _(watch) TV in the evening.17I usually spend some of time _(play) basketba
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