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What s your advice Ed5vais 劝劝告 5nQmbE 数字 号码码 fEuld 折叠 ri5plai n 答复 vi 答复 vt 回答 回复 5daiEmEnd 钻钻石 5nEubEdi 没有人 As 当 时时候 tFu z 选择选择 chose chosen 5CpEzit 相反的 spel 拼写 spelled spelt spelled spelt advice number fold reply diamond nobody choose opposite spell as 1 What have Danny and Jenny made They have made advice diamonds 2 How do they play the game A Choose a B the colour as they and the diamond C Choose a which is inside the diamond D Open and close the diamond as they the number E Choose a again F Look the number Colour Spellopen close number count number under There comes the advice 3 What advice did Danny get from Jenny s advice diamond Nobody wants to be sick Eat good food It makes you strong 4 What advice did Jenny get from Danny s advice diamond Always be nice to your dinosaur friends 给给你的朋友一些对对将来好的建议议 Give your friends good advice for the future 5 丹尼答道 Five Danny replies 詹妮一边边数数 一边边开合 建议议宝石 Jenny opens and closes the diamond as she counts 快的 是 慢的 的反义词义词 Fast is the opposite of slow 一直要善待你的恐龙龙朋友 Always be nice to your dinosaur friends Here are some important sentences of this text Can you find the relative sentences from the text 给给你的朋友一些对对将来好的建议议 Give your friends good advice for the future 5 丹尼答道 Five Danny replies 詹妮一边边数数 一边边开合 建议议宝石 Jenny opens and close the diamond as she counts 快的 是 慢的 的反义词义词 Fast is the opposite of slow 一直要善待你的恐龙龙朋友 Always be nice to your dinosaur friends Here are some important sentences of this text Can you find the relative sentences from the text advice 意思是 劝劝告 意思 不可数名词词 没有复数 形式 一些意见见 advice advice advice 一条建议议 give advice 提出建议议 take one s advice 接受忠告 让让我给给你一个忠告 Let me give you a piece of advice 这这条建议对议对 我们们来说说很重要 This piece of advice is very important to us somelotsof a lotof a piece of advice reply replied replied vt 直接跟句子 与answer的意思相近 vi 接介词词to 然后跟名词词或代词词做宾语宾语 他回答说说他起床很晚 He replied that he got up late 他回答了我的问题问题 He replied to my question Five Danny replies as conj 意思是 当 时时 一边边 一边边 当我进进去的时时候 他出去了 He went out as I came in 她一边边哭一边对边对 她男友说说 我恨你 She cried as she said to her boyfriend I hate you Can your tell the differences between as and when as 表示两种正在发发展变变化的情况 相当于 随着 主句和 从句表示的动动作同时发时发 生 且强调调 一边边 一边边 when 主句和从句表示的动动作不是同时发时发 生 有先有后 Let s make another two sentences 当那两个学生在公园散步时时 他们们用英语语交谈谈着 The two students talked in English as they walked in the park 当我母亲进亲进 来时时 我正在看电视电视 When my mother came in I was watching TV opposite n 相反的事物 adj 相反的 相对对的 Fast is the opposite of slow Fast is opposite to slow 冷和热热是相反的 冷是热热的反义词义词 Cold is opposite to hot Cold is the opposite of hot Can you make some more sentences 1 肯定祈使句的句首加always表示 要一直 2 never也可以放在句首表示 永远远不要 要一直记记住你的老师师 Always remember your teacher 永远远不要告诉诉他关于我的任何事情 Never tell him anything about me 3 be nice to n be kind to n 他的后妈对妈对 他很好 His step mother is nice to him 我们应该们应该 善待同学 We should be nice to our classmates 选择选择 1 I wonder if you can give me advice A a B an C some C many 2 homework us very tried A Too many makes B Too many make C Too much make D Too much makes 3 Who s in the classroom They all went out A Somebody B Anybody C Everybody D Nobody C D D 短语语翻译译 是 的反义词义词 提建议议 一条建议议 太多的苹果 太多的水 善待 She said angrily pointing to the notice She said angrily as she pointed to the notice be the opposite of give advice a piece of advice too many apples too much water be nice to OK Let s have a rest
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