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Nature Topic :disaster1. what disasters do you know about?disaster /natural disaster/fire/flood /drought/earthquake/ hurricane/typhoon/ tornado/ snowstorm /landslide(山崩)/tsunami(海啸),volcano(火山)等1.2008年8月30日下午16点30分,在中国四川汶川发生了一次里氏8.0级(8.0Ms)大地震, (happen/hit/strike;measure)2. 据台湾灾害应变中心消息(Taiwans disaster control center),星期二,“莫拉克”(Morakot),50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。3. recent /years/China/ experience/ a series of/ disaster/such as/ heavy/ snowfall/2009/terrible/ Wenchuan Earthqake/ Sichuan Province/发生某地an earthquake happened in/hit/struck .2. what harmful things do the disasters bring for us?the electricity was cut off/ cut off the power/ electricity / houses collapse(fall down)(房屋倒塌)/ wash away buildings, roads and bridges/ be in ruins; fall into ruin/ vegetable fields were ruined./ trigger landslides and other disasters(引发泥石流及其他灾害)/ cause great damage /economic losses (造成经济损失)missing(失踪) /get injured/be killed/lose ones life/cause sbs death1.Be/ the strongest earthquake/China/since/ 1976/Tangshan earthquake/ Wenchuan earthquake/ cause/ 69, 197 / die/ 374, 176 injure/ 18, 340 /miss2.This/earthquake/ result in/ death/ thousands of/ life/ in Sichuan. 3. Roads/ mountainous area/ badly /damage/ earthquake and landslides/4. That city/raze/ the ground/ by an earthquake.5. terrible/ fire/ cause/ loss/ one million yuan/ we /must/ keep /the lesson /in mind/ dont/ play fire/ at will(随便地).6.May/2008/earthquake/ worst ever/ strike Sichuan Province/kill/ up to/ 1 00, 000 people/ /leave/millions/ homeless/7. About /38 people/kill/ and/ more than/ 500 people/ injure/ the earthquake/8.The number of/ people/ who/ lose/ homes/ reach/ as many as/ 10,000/The earthquake/ cause/ loss/ 3 billon dollars/3.why are there so many disasters?15. 全世界产生温室效应是引起水位上涨的一个决定因素,这是水灾发生的一个潜在危险。(a determining factor causing, pose a potential threat to)Greenhouse gas released by nations around the world is a determining factor causing the rising level, which poses a potential threat to flooding. 3. how do we deal /cope with disasters?(What do we do with disasters?)3.救援捐赠: 受灾地区: stricken district/area 救灾工作: rescue work 恢复正常: return to normal 地震灾民: the victims of the earthquake 被困人员: trapped people 拯救: rescue . from 呼吁人们捐赠: call on people to make donations4.救援捐赠:(1)受灾地区:stricken district/ area (2)救灾工作:rescue work (3)恢复正常:return to normal(4)地震灾民:The quake-afflicted people(5)被困人员:trapped persons (6)受害人:victims (7)拯救:rescue. From(8)防汛抗旱:flood control and drought relief(9)呼吁人们捐赠:call on people to make donationsAn earthquake can often cause damage. And although not all earthquakes are severe, they help people to be aware of (知道) the proper way to prepare for such an event. Your level of preparation can directly affect your chance of survival. If you are outdoors, find an open area free of trees and tall buildings. If you are driving when an earthquake hits, slow down and stop in a clear place and stay in your car. Do not park near buildings or under bridges. Know that if you are indoors, you must protect yourself from falling objects by finding a safe place in your home and protecting your body as much as possible. If you are in bed when the shaking starts, cover your head with a pillow. Also, you should secure all possible objects to a wall, paying special attention to tall furniture. This will reduce the chance of the objects falling on top of someone and causing injury. A good way to protect yourself from possible falling debris during an earthquake is to hide under something. This most often means a heavy table or desk which is large enough. It is important for you to know these areas before an earthquake. Make sure that all the family members know the best place to hide themselves in each area of the house. If you live in the place where earthquakes are possible, make sure you have ways to tell your family members your condition. All family members and friends should know how to get in touch with you after an earthquake. This will stop many people worrying about you and trying to get through to you after such a disaster. It is especially important for families with young children to practice what to do in an earthquake. Make sure your family has a plan of action, and decide a meeting place to go. In an earthquake which causes great damage, it is important to have items on hand, water, food, medicine, a flashlight and so on. It is also wise to be prepared by taking a First Aid class to learn something useful for a possible disaster.Help:1. secure vt. to fasten or tie something firmly in a particular position把弄牢2. debris n. pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc. (破坏物的)碎片;破片;瓦砾堆5. 气象学家预测坏天气将对救援工作产生妨碍。(Meteorologists are forecasting a small break in; hamper aid efforts情系灾民。(Our hearts are withtouched by)Ou
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