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时间表达法:century 世纪 year 年season 季节 month 月week 星期 day 日hour 小时 minute 分钟second 秒 date 日期in the past (years) 在过去now / at present 现在,目前in the future 在未来Nowadays 当今,目前Recently 近来In the coming years 在接下来的几年In the near future 在不久的未来各个季节:spring, summer, fall / autumn, winter寒/暑假:Summer / winter vacation(holiday)1月至12月:January February March April May June July August September October November December星期一至日:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sundayat 9:00 from 3:00 to 5:00on October 20th, 2012on Mondayon Monday October 20th, 2012in May / summerin (the year of) 1997in the 21st centuryin the 1980sa long time ago, at six oclock in the morning, at the end of, at the weekend, before he came here, by the end of last term, during the summer holidays, in a few years time,in the past, in the old days, in the past ten years, in August 2002, in winter vacation, in weekdays, last month, next week, on Sunday morning, on October 1st, since early in the 20th century, so far, up to now, notuntil.节日介绍:(1) Chinese traditional festivals:New Years Day / The Spring Festival -First day of the first lunar month of the year The Lantern Festival -15th day of the first lunar month of the year Dragon Boat Festival-5th day of the 5th lunar month of the year Mid-Autumn Festival -15th day of the 8th lunar month of the year Chongyang Festival / Double Ninth / Elder Day -9th Day of the 9th lunar month of the year(2) Western festivals & international days:情人节(2月14日)Valentines Day国际妇女节(3月8日) International Womens Day愚人节(4月1日) Fools Day复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日) Easter国际劳动节(5月1日) International Labor Day母亲节(5月的第二个星期日) Mothers Day国际儿童节(6月1日) International Childrens Day父亲节(6月的第三个星期日) Fathers Day教师节(中国,9月10日) Teachers ay鬼节(万圣节除夕,10月31日夜) Halloween万圣节(11月1日) Hallowmas感恩节(11月最后一个星期4) Thanksgiving护士节(12月12日) Nurse Day圣诞除夕(12月24日) Christmas Eve圣诞节(12月25日) Christmas Day节礼日(12月26日) Boxing Day新年除夕(12月31日) New Years Eve“每(隔)”every + 基数词 + 复数名词every + 序数词 + 单数名词every ten meters 每10米every tenth meter 每隔9米every other day 每隔一天 = every two days = every second dayevery few days 隔几天write on every other line 隔行写年龄表达法:(1)具体年龄:他八岁了。 He is 8. = He is eight years old. = He is an eight-year-old boy.在18岁的时候,他参军了。 At the age of 18, he joined the army. = At 18, he joined the army. = When he was 18 years old, he joined the army. (从句)(2)大概年龄:他父亲60多岁去世的。 His father died in his sixties.= His father died over / more than / above sixty.他30岁出头。He is in his early thirties.他快70岁了。He is close to / nearly / almost 70.He is going on seventy years old.他还不到20岁。 He is not yet twenty. = He is just under twenty.再过两个月我就18岁了。 I am two months off eighteen.下周他就满20岁了。 He will be 20 years old next week.在他十几岁的时候in his teens / when he was a teenager在童年时期 in his / her childhood在青年时期 in the youth在中年时期 in middle age在老年时期 in old age (3) 年岁其他表达法:成年了 be an adult have grown up be/come of age 未成年 be under age超龄 be over age已到上学年龄 be of school age年迈 be far in years婴儿 baby (babies) 儿童 child (children) / kid (kids)青少年 teenager / adolescent / youngster青年 the youth成年人 adult / grown-up未成年人 minor中年人 middle-aged man老年人 old people / the aged / elderly people /senior citizens小学生 pupil初中生 junior middle school student高中生 high school student中学生 middle school student(作为高三学生: as a senior three student,)大学生 university/college student毕业生 graduate幼儿园 kindergarten小学 primary school初中 junior middle school高中 senior middle schoolhigh school大学 university / college数字表达法:(1)常见大约数表达法: “正好” exactly / clearly / precisely “大约” about / nearly / almost / around / some / towards / more or less + 数字; 数字 + or so / more or less “总共” in all / in total “以上, 超过” more than / over / above “少于” less than / under / below(2)数词:one first 1sttwo second 2ndthree third 3rdfour fourth 4thfive fifth 5thsix sixth 6thseven seventh 7theight eighth 8thnine ninth 9thten tenth 10thel
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