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小学英语语法点基础复习之时态【总编号:200901】2009-7-14制一、一般现在时。例句:I usually go to bed at nine.(惯性的,现在反复出现的动作) China is in the east of Asia.(表示客观事实或普遍原理)注意点:1.主语是第三人称单数,动词要把-s/-es。例句:He goes to bed at nine.(go 表示去,是动词,第三人称单数动词s/es)2.若疑问词为do,答否定的时候用dont表示。例句:Do you like your school ? Yes, I do / No , I dont.表示肯定句与否定句: I like my school .否定:I dont like my school!二、一般过去时。例句:He arrived in Hangzhou an hour ago. 到达 他一小时到达杭州。 I saw him today.我今天见过他(已经过去)若疑问词为did,则答句为:肯定:Yes , I did 否定:No, I didnt. 动词过去式的变化规律。词尾有个e,只要直接加上d,likeliked即可。辅音字母y在词尾,变y+ed ,study-studied.“一辅重闭”做尾巴,双写后ed,例;stop-stopped.travel是特殊例子,双写l在ed.说明;规则动词的过去式是直接在词尾加ed,若该词以不发音的e结尾,则直接加d。(help-helped)三、一般将来时。例句:They will fly to Beijing tin three days. They will be a meeting at four oclock. 一般将来时表示将来会出现的动作或状态Be +going to +动词原型。表示说话者明确的打算或确信会发生的事,多用于口语。1.Im going to write to Mary this evening.2.Are you going to visit the Science Museum this afternoon?一般将来时常伴有表示将来的时间的短语。This evening tomorrow next Monday(week month) at the end of this term in a few minutes etc肯定与否定式(将来时)肯定:They will finish the work next week.否定:They dont finish the work next week.疑问:Will they finish the work next week? Yes , they will / No ,they wont.小学英语语法点基础复习时态练习设计练习设计:写出下列单词的过去式。do-_ buy-_ go-_ drink-_ read-_ have-_ can-_ come-_ eat-_ fly-_ get-_ grow-_ keep-_ learn-_ let-_ make-_ put-_ run-_ see-_ send-_ sit-_ speak-_ swim-_ take-_ tell-_ win-_比较级、最高级专题。原级比较级最高级talllongshortOldSmallBigHotEarlyBeautifulBusyGoodNeweasy连词成句专题。I happy very am _doctor is My mother a _students my There are in 45 class_food and drink table There on is some the_three lessons have this afternoon we_
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