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选词填空-填单词20题Directions:Complete each sentence using the words given below. Each word can be used only once. Change the form where necessary.exert generate notion giant depressingencounter astronaut revolves reckless formulaproposal simultaneous explosions atomic inhabitantaliens rotates extend responsive curseEarth1)on its axis every 24 hours.His2)driving accounted for the accident.World War II ended when the United States dropped two3)bombs on Japan.We would like to4)this capability to software systems and architectures.Even though were always affected by gravity, we rarely notice it because it doesnt5)a great pressure on us.In February 1773 the Royal Society submitted a6)to the king for an expedition towards the North Pole.I often wonder if we will ever make contact with7)from another planet.The8)of price competition is foreign to many schools.Many astronomers have made the9)that wormholes are like doorways in space.Timmy wants to be a(n)10)when he grows up and travel to the Moon.In the 19th century waterpower was widely utilized to11)electricity.The12)to calculate the force of an object is its mass multiplied by its acceleration.Each and every13)of Earth requires some form of energy sustenance to survive.The result of the new policy has been a14)leap in productivity.Every day of our lives we15)stresses of one kind or another.It appeared that a pretty16)summer awaited Jones, which made her very sad.Military doctors were just learning how the17)could cause traumatic brain injury.Earth18)around the Sun.Feeling angry, they began to19)and shout in different languages.Amazingly, there were two20)asteroid impacts on Mars last year.参考答案:1)rotates 2)reckless 3)atomic 4)extend 5)exert 6)responsive 7)aliens 8)notion 9)proposal 10)astronaut 11)generate 12)formula 13)inhabitant 14)giant 15)encounter 16)depressing 17)explosions 18)revolves 19)curse 20)simultaneous 收起答案单词填空10题Directions:Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition or adverb.21)Stephanie passed her chemistry examflying colors.参考答案:21)with 收起答案22)We are discussing the problems that have recently cropped.参考答案:22)up 收起答案23)The six astronautsboard will spend ten days in space.参考答案:23)on 收起答案24)Whats to prevent Gregcoming to the same conclusion as you have?参考答案:24)from 收起答案25)As a physicist, one of the first things you learn is to learnyour mistakes.参考答案:25)from 收起答案26)Shuttles can fly very fast, but they need to speedeven more to leave the atmosphere.参考答案:26)up 收起答案27)There are boundbe problems with something so new.参考答案:27)to 收起答案28)Waitresses are very friendly to me, which makes us feelhome.参考答案:28)at 收起答案29)They didnt have to do anything except sitand enjoy life.参考答案:29)back 收起答案30)They traveled all the way to that town to soakthe atmosphere of holidays.参考答案:30)up 收起答案选词填空(15选10)10题Directions:Read the following passage, and select a suitable word for each blank from the word bank. Write down the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. Each word can be used only once. A) equation B) electron C) particle D) dreadful E) namely F) blast G) debris H) shift I) superman J) baffling K) gasping L) reckless M) obstruction N) well-defined O) momentarilyLast Friday, Lucy and I went to see a science-fiction movie. It was about a(n)31)group of astronauts flying through space. Why were they so careless? Who knows? The story was32)and it didnt make sense for one minute. At least, it didnt make sense to me.It seemed like every few minutes there was a(n)33)and something would blow up for no apparent reason. Youd think that, with so many explosions and so much34)lying around as a result, the spaceship would have trouble flying. Apparently not. Actually, one of the characters in the movie was35)worried about this problem, but then something else blew up and distracted him.Honestly, I thought the whole movie was36); I could barely sit through to the end. It literally left me37)for breath because I was so confused and frustrated. It seems to be an unfortunate trend that filmmakers have decided to38)away from solid, meaningful storytelling and instead focus on special effects without a clear story.Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer movies with39)characters and sensible stories 40), old Hollywood films from the 1940s and 1950s. Ill take Clark Gable or Fred Astaire over these silly special effects extravaganzas any day.参考答案:31)reckless 32)baff
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