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一、按括号内的要求填写单词:1class(复数)_2family(复数)_3go(反义词)_4no(同义词)_5too(同音异形词)_6China(形容词)_7my(名词性物主代词)_8they(宾格)_ 9she(形容词性物主代词)_二、选择填空:1_one on the table is_ old photo of my familyAAn, an BA, an CThe, an DThe, a 2-_,whos that man? -_, Idont knowASorry Sorry BExcuse me Excuse meCSorry Excuse me DExcuse me Sorry3What class are you _?Aat Bin C/ Don4_ new bike is this?AWho BWhos CWhose DWhoses5Li Ping and I _ in the same gradeAbeBam Cis Dare6These coats are _Put _ on the desk, pleaseAour, theyBours, themCours, theyDour, them7-Are you new students? -_AYes, I am BYes, we areCNo, we are DNo, Im not8-Is this room the _? -Yes, its Lily and Lucys AtwinBtwinsCtwinsDtwinss9The boy _ a yellow sweater is _ duty todayAon, on Bin, at Cin, on Don, at10_ six and seventeen?AWhats BWheresCWhos DHow11_ Lucys cat_ name is MimiAIts, Its BIts, ItsCIts, ItsDIts, Its12Are you _?AEnglish Ban EnglishCEnglishes DEnglish boy13. -Your picture is very good -_AOh, no BI dont think soCThank you DNo, its not14-Is your brother in Grade 1 or in Grade 2? -_AYes, hes in Grade 1 BNo, hes in Grade 2CGrade 2DYes, Grade 115-_? -Fine, thank youAnd you?AHow do you do BHow are you CHow old are you DNice to meet you16-Hello! Is that Bill -No, _(电话用语)Athis is SamBthats SamCIm SamDthis is Bill17-Can I see your licence, please? -_AOK BThats SamCThats all rightDYoure right18Is _ teacher? Yes, she isAyour he Bhe your Cyour she Dshe your19This is your sweaterPut _, pleaseAon itBit onCon them Dthem on 20Its time _Ato go to home Bgo to homeCto go home Dgo home三、用适当的单词完成下列句子:1What colour are Jims trousers? _ brown2-Is this pen _? -YesIts mine3Look, here _ my father and mother4This skirt is _Can you give me a new one?5Lucys hat looks _ a cat6-_very much -Thats all right7Im in Row OneLi Lei is in Row One, _8We have one box, but they have two _9Wheres my watch? I cant _ it10-Is this watch Bills? -Yes_ it to him四、按括号内的要求进行句型转换:1Whatre these? Theyre English books(变为单数句型) _? _ English book2Is that boy in Class One ?(变为复数句型) _ in Class One?3I can spell my name(变为一般疑问句) _ you spell _ name?4Shes Lucys sister(变为否定句) She _ sister5Li Lei and Jim are in Row One(对划线部分提问) _ are Li Lei and jim in?6The girl under the tree is his sister(对划线部分提问) _ is his sister?7Thats Kates kite(对划线部分提问) _ kite is that?8I am on duty today(对划线部分提问) _ on duty today?9Mr Greens clothes are on the clothes line(对划线部分提问) _ Mr Greens clothes?10Is this bike yours? (用 his 构成选择疑问句) _ this bike yours _?五、根据汉语意思完成句子:1这个用英语怎么说? Whats this _?2照片上的你有多大?_ are you _ the picture?3请这边走。_,please4瞧那边的两幅画,它们看起来很像。 _ the two pictures _They _5“几点了?”“七点半了,是该去上学的时候了。” -_? -Its seven thirty_ time to _6现在轮到你了,给你。 _ nowHere _六、阅读下列对话,根据对话内容判断正()误()Bill:Look at the black bike under that tree, please! Is it yours, Jim Jim:Let me seeOh, noIt is not mineMine is blackBut its oldI put it in the room behind our class-roomI think its hisBill:Whose?Jim:MikesHe is new in our classBill:Excuse me, MikeJim:Yes?Bill:Is your bike under the tree ?Jim:Oh, yes, it isBill:We want to play games under the treeCan I put it in the room behind your c
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