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2014人教必修三英语Unit3单元综合试题(含答案) Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. Could I have a look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide? Sure. , sir.A. Enjoy yourself B. Take your time C. Its my pleasure D. Never mind2. In order to find better job, he has decided to study second foreign language.A. the; aB. a; a C. the; the D. a; the3. Henry on the pavement in London when he heard someone calling behind him. A. wandered B. had wandered C. was wandering D. would wander4. The Wall Street Journal used the term dama, comes from Chinese pinyin for “big mother”, to describe the middle-aged Chinese women driving the global gold market.A. which B. that C. what D. as5. Though I hadnt seen Susan since we graduated from university, I her in the crowd at first sight. A. admired B. gathered C. spotted D. stared6. A Mr. Smith is waiting outside. he come in? Wait a minute. Im reading an important paper. A. Shall B. Must C. Need D. Should 7. If you dont mind, may I ask you you will do to get your stubborn father to change his mind? A. that B. whether C. which D. what8. Its said that the boy, who was born and in the mountains, later became an excellent general for his bravery. A. set upB. made up C. brought up D. taken up 9. Kitty, how do you your being late again? Your bike went wrong again? No. My mother was ill.A. account forB. pay for C. apologize for D. stand for10. Charlie was late for school again this morning. That was he was criticized by the head teacher. A. because B. why C. whether D. which11. A large amount of money on this advertisement last year. However, the product didnt sell well. A. was spent B. were spent C. has spent D. have spent12. My father pays special attention to good manners. guests leave, he will show them to the door. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Wherever D. Whenever13. Sorry, I broke your window while playing football. It doesnt matter. I know you didnt do it . A. on purpose B. by accident C. as usual D. by mistake14. Would you permit me here? Sorry, we dont permit in the library according to the rules. A. smoking; smoking B. to smoke, to smokeC. smoking; to smoke D. to smoke; smoking15. he was in last place, the Olympian showed his willpower by finishing his race.A. As for B. As if C. As though D. Even though二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)I was living in San Paulo, Brazil. It is a huge city with more people living in it than in my country, Hungary. We rented a(n) 16 in a very good community, but there was a favela (简陋小屋) quite near.For several months I didnt have a car, 17 three times a week, I took buses to go to the city centre. During these 18 , I would ride with the people who took the same bus from the favela to go to work.When I got on the bus, all the 19 were already taken. But when people saw that my bag was 20 , they offered to put it on their legs to make me feel lighter 21 . At first, I was 22 . Then I realized that these people had no 23 to steal from me: they only wanted to 24 .Once, on my way back, I had to 25 a long time at a bus stop. I was alone, except for a woman who was very poor. She 26 a small paper bag of popcorn and nothing else.While we were waiting, she walked over and 27 me some popcorn. I 28 her, but didnt want to help myself to it. She then repeatedly 29 that I should take from what was clearly her only food.That was the first time I 30 how people who have almost nothing are sometimes able to 31 the little they have so much more “easily” than those who 32 a lot. I wonder if its true that the more you have, the bigger the burden (负担), and the 33 to share anything with others.I was so moved by that womans simple 34 that day. I clearly had more than she did, but she naturally and 35 shared what little she had with me.16.A. schoolB. gardenC. apartmentD. bedroom17.A. soB. butC. whileD. as18.A. visitsB. tripsC. greetingsD. holidays19.A. entrancesB. passengersC. seatsD. goods20.A. emptyB. brokenC. goodD. heavy21.A. walkingB. standingC. readingD. chatting22.A. satisfiedB. excitedC. shockedD. interested23.A. chanceB. methodC. patienceD. plan24.A. helpB. meetC. stopD. change25.A. wait forB. look forC. ask forD. sit for26.A. foundB. carriedC. collectedD. packed27.A. boughtB. soldC. madeD. offered28.A. thankedB. refusedC. doubtedD. promised29.A. pretendedB. arguedC. insistedD. complained30.A. dreamed aboutB. talked aboutC. cared aboutD. th
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