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单词识记 1 v to get used to a new situation 2 n pleasure you feel when you realize something is good or well done 3 n the scientific study of the chemistry of living things 4 n a group of people who sing together Unit 15 Learning Period Five Communication Workshop Culture Corner Bulletin Board 课课件 北师师大版必修5 课标课标 通用 adapt appreciation biochemistry choir 5 adj which must be done or carried out 6 n a written official declaration of some fact 7 n a selection or variety 8 n the work of a carpenter 9 adj giving all the details clearly compulsory certificate range carpentry specific 短语天地 1 在某种程度上 2 交换观点 意见 3 在辩论中 4 表达观点 5 与 相关 6 in order of 7 after school activities 8 optional subjects 9 a good variety of 10 in conclusion to a certain extent exchange views in a debate express one s views be relevant to 以 为顺为顺 序 课课外活动动 选选修课课程 各种各样样的 总总之 句型搜索 1 I don t think that would be a problem 信息提取 I don t think that从句 句中用了否定前移 例句仿写 我认为他的话不对 are right 2 My perfect school would be in the centre of the city but near a big park so that students could go there after lunch to relax 信息提取 so that 引导一个目的状语从句 例句仿写 为了赶上早班车他很早就出发了 He early the early bus I don t think his words set outso that he could catch 3 As well as the subjects on the timetable there would be many after school interest groups 信息提取 all well as作 也 讲讲 连连接两个并列的句子 成分 例句仿写 她是一个作家也是一个老师师 She is a writer as well as a teacher 1 adapt vt 使适应 改编 搭配 adapt to 使 适应 adapt for 将 改为 adapt oneself to 适应 adaptable adj 能适应的 适应性强的 adaptation n 改编 本 改造 适应 The children found it hard to adapt to their new school 孩子们发觉们发觉 很难难适应应新学校 It s hard to adapt this novel for children 要将这这小说说改编为编为 适合小孩子读读很困难难 These flowers are well adapted to the harsh winter 这这些花卉特别别适应应冬天的严严寒气候 He tried to adapt himself to the new life 他尽力使自己适应这应这 种新生活 The author is going to adapt his play for television 作者将把他的剧剧本改编编成电视剧电视剧 完成句子 1 He tried hard to 使自己适应这种新生活 用adapt的适当形式填空 2 Some animals are and they can to the severe environment Their ability of makes them survive the cold weather adapt himself to the new life adaptableadapt adaptation 2 appreciation n 赏识 鉴赏 感激 Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you ve done for us 多蒙鼎力协助 不胜感激 备些薄礼 敬请笑纳 Your appreciation of her hard work has meant a lot to her 你对她努力工作的认可对她来说非常重要 拓展 appreciate v 欣赏 赏识 感激 appreciate sth欣赏 感激某事 appreciate doing sth感激做某事 appreciate one s doing sth感激某人做某事 Her talent for music was not appreciated 她的音乐乐才能无人赏识赏识 They deeply appreciated his kindness 他们对们对 他的好意深表感谢谢 We shall appreciate hearing from you again 能再次收到你的来信 我们们将十分感激 注意 其后只能接 事 作宾语 而不能接 人 I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it 如果你能帮助我做这这事 我将十分感激 单项填空 1 I really appreciate to relax with you on this nice island A to have had time B having time C to have time D to having time 2 I d appreciate if you would like to teach me how to use the computer A that B it C this D you 答案 1 B 句意 我十分感激和你在岛上放松 感激 做某事appreciate doing 2 B it用来泛指某事 可用于如I like it I appreciate it I hate it等类类似句型 故选选B 3 range n 范围 幅度 种类 射程 v 在某一范围 内 变动 分类 归类 The drug is effective against a range of bacteria 这种药可以有效抵制一系列细菌 拓展 a range of 一系列 in the range of在 范围内 in within one s range在某人的能力范围内 beyond one s range超出某人的能力范围 range from A to B range between A and B从 在 A到B之间的变化 范围 There is a range of activities for children 这这里有给给孩子们们提供的各种活动动 There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 percent 将会有0到3个百分点的增长长幅度 Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels 住宿条件从经济经济 旅馆馆至豪华宾馆华宾馆 不等 助记 单项填空 There are a good many students in the hall ages from 10 to 18 A besides ranged B as ranged C for ranging D with ranging D 1 as a whole从整体上来看 We must consider these matters as a whole 我们必须从整体上来考虑这些问题 As a whole the book is worth reading 整体来看 这本书值得一读 完成句子 1 He has some shortcomings but 总的来说 他还 是不错的人 2 They agreed to the plan 大体上 as a whole he is not bad on the whole 2 in conclusion在结束时 最后 In conclusion I had to say you did the job excellently 最后我不得不说你的工作做得很完美 In conclusion I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today 最后 我想说我今天过得很开心 拓展 3 in conclusion在结束时 最后 In conclusion I had to say you did the job excellently 最后我不得不说你的工作做得很完美 In conclusion I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today 最后 我想说我今天过得很开心 Concluded 结结束了 To be concluded 下期完结结 To conclude 总总而言之 We came to a conclusion that the room must have been empty 我们们得出的结论结论 是 那个房间间 当时时 一定是空着的 He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks 他说说了一些有趣的话结话结 束他的演讲讲 The book concluded with a happy ending 这这本书书以大团圆团圆 做为结为结 束 单项填空 1 I ve that he s not the right person for the job A come to the conclusion B reached the conclusion C led to the conclusion D A B and C 2 let s a conclusion A At last make B Finally have C In conclusion come to D Finally take D C 3 be involved in卷入 参与 How many vehicles were involved in the crash 这这起撞车车事故涉及多少辆车辆车 To our surprise so many people are involved in the movement 令我们们吃惊的是 这这么多人参与了这这个运动动 拓展 be get involved in doing sth一心一意做某事 involve with和 有密切联系 involve sb in sth把某人牵扯到某事里面 involve sb in doing sth使某人参与干某事 It s best not to involve
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