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高中英语知识点大全(23):倍数的表示法1、belong to 属于无被动结构,也不用进行时态。下列单词和词组也无被动形式:appear, disappear, happen, take place, break out等。The house belongs to him.这所房子归他所有。The book belongs to my deskmate.这本书是我同位的。2、besides作为副词,意思是“还有,而且”(moreover),常放在句首。如:I don t want to go out for a walk. Besides, Im feeling tired.3、倍数的表示法1)times asas“是的几倍”;Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的大小是欧洲的4倍。2)times +形容词/副词比较级+that:The new building is four times higher than the old one.新楼比旧楼高4倍。3)times+the size/height/length/depth+ofThe earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球是月亮大小的49倍。The ball is twice the width of our classroom.舞厅是我们教室宽度的2倍。4)times+what从句:The production now is three times what it was ten years ago.现在的生产是10年前的3倍。应用选择正确答案After the new technique was introduced,the factoryproduced_tractors in 1988 as the year before.(MET90)Aas twice many B.as many twiceC.twice as many D.twice many asThe population of China is_than that of America.A.larger five times B.five times larger C.five times as D.as five timesKey:C B
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