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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 听歌学英语 Fill in the blanks after listening to the song 导读 这首歌曲来自于美国男子合唱团98度 98 Degrees 收录在他们第4张专辑 真 相 Revelation 中 合唱团4位成员拥有完美的和声 曲风更偏向于R B 专辑销 量达到千万套 并8次进入单曲的前40 这首曲子温馨甜蜜 诉说着作者对上苍能 够安排恋人与自己相遇的深深的感激和对恋人无比的眷恋 My Everything The loneliness of nights alone The search for strength to carry on My every hope has seemed to die My eyes had no more to cry Then like the sun shining up above You me with your endless love And all the things I couldn t see Are now so clear to me You are my everything tears surrounded Nothing your love won t bring My life is yours The only love I ve ever known Your spirit pulls me through When nothing else will do Every night I pray On bended That you will always be My everything Now all my hopes and all my dreams Are suddenly reality alone knee You ve opened up my heart to feel A kind of love that s truly real A light that ll never fade There s not a thing in life that I would ever trade For the love you give It won t let go I hope you ll always know You re the breath of life in me The only one that sets me free And you have made my soul complete For all time guiding 你是我的一切 孤单的黑夜里 寻找继续的力气 希望似乎都已破灭 眼角泪滴早已干涸 这时你阳光般出现 无尽的爱温暖着我 以前未有的感受 如今如此清晰 你是我的一切 你的爱给了我一切 我因你而存在 我唯一的真爱 你鼓舞我前行 其他东西都没用 每晚都祈祷 虔诚地跪下 愿你一直是 我的一切 现在所有希望梦想 瞬间成为现实 你打开我的心门 感受真爱的甜蜜 这盏灯不会熄灭 没一样东西值得我来换 你给我的爱 我不会放手 希望你明白 你是我每天的呼吸 解救我的唯一途径 我的心从此完整 直到永远 导航知素养 A guide to the module 主题语境人与自然宇宙探秘地球与宇宙奥秘探索 语言知识 1 语音 省音 失去爆破 借助重音 语调 节奏等的变化表达意图和态度等 2 词汇 attack exist claim calm unlikely cover adapt die out come straight to the point reputation due to fortune等的用法 3 语法 情态动词 have done 4 语篇 描写大自然的神秘现象 5 语用 根据交际具体情境 正确理解他人的态度 情感和观点 文化知识了解不同地区所存在的自然界的不解之谜 了解相同的动物在不同文化中的象征意义 语言技能 1 理解性技能 把握语篇中主要事件的来龙去脉 在听 读 看的过程中有选择地记录天池水怪 中西文化中的龙等有关信息 2 表达性技能 根据表达的需要选择词汇 和语法结构 能够介绍一个或几个不解之谜 能够撰写 一篇描写大自然的神秘现象的短文 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 重点单词 1 vt 袭击 攻击 2 n 动物 生物 3 adj 灰色的 4 vt 声称 5 n 表面 水面 6 adj 平静的 attack creature grey claim surface calm 7 adj 怀疑的 不相信的 8 vt 占地 多大面积 9 adj 吓人的 frighten vt 使害怕 frightened adj 害怕的 受惊的 fright n 害怕 10 vi 存在 existence n 存在 11 adj 锋利的 尖的 sharpen v 使锋利 12 adj 神秘的 mystery n 神秘 神秘的事物 13 adj 不可能的 likely adj 可能的 sceptical cover frightening exist sharp mysterious unlikely 核心短语 1 接近 靠近 2 对 怀疑 3 占有 的面积 4 be back in the news 5 stick out get close to be sceptical about cover an area of 再次成为新闻 伸出 经典句式 1 He a round black creature moving quickly through the water 他声称看见一个圆圆的 黑黑的动物在水中快速游动 2 reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century although no one has seen one close up 自上世纪初以来 一直就有关于天池怪物的报道 尽管还不曾有人近距离目睹 过 3 They say that the low temperature lake be able to support such large living creatures 他们说 温度低的湖中不可能存活体形如此大的生物 claims to have seen There have been is unlikely to 1 词的转化 2 词的派生 cover vt 占地 多大面积 n 封面 1 名词 形容词 en 动词 sharp adj 锋利的 尖的 sharpen v 使锋利 fright n 害怕 frighten vt 使害怕 2 否定前缀un unlikely adj 不可能的 unforgettable adj 难忘的 unbelievable adj 难以置信的 unfair adj 不公平的 unfortunate adj 不幸的 原文呈现现 The Monster of Lake Tianchi The Monster of Lake Tianchi in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province northeast China is back in the news after several recent sightings The director of a local tourist office Meng Fanying said the monster which seemed to be black in colour was ten metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting It jumped out of the water like a seal about 200 people on Changbai s western peak saw it he said Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature Xue Junlin a local photographer claimed that its head looked like a horse 阅读阅读 清障 monster n 怪物 be back in the news再次成为新闻 sighting n 珍奇动物等的 目击 发现 seem to be似乎是 There seems to be 似乎有 seal n 海豹 peak n 山峰 get a clear look at sth看清楚某物 mysterious adj 神秘的 claim vt 声称claim to do 声称做 moving在此处作宾语补 足语 表示 正在移动 surface n 表面 水面 非限制性定语从句who were walking along the side of the lake修饰先行词The soldiers who在从句中作主语 watch doing sth看见 正在做某事 with prep 带有 horn n 动物头上的 角 a third n 意为 又 不定冠词 序数词 表示 又一 再一 come from来自 非限制性定语从句who was visiting the lake with his family修饰先行词Li Xiaohe who在从句中作主语 Step 1 Lead in Read the following pictures and match them with the given names A The Bigfoot B The YetiC The Loch Ness Monster D The UFOE The Dinosaur F The Pyramid ACB FDE Step 2 Read for the main idea A The monster of Lake Tianchi B Something about travel in Tianchi C Some strange scenes of Lake Tianchi D Someone has seen the monster close up 答案 A 1 What does this text tell us 2 Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph Para 1 A a third sighting of the Tianchi monster Para 2 B the latest sighting of the Tianchi monster Para 3 C information about Lake Tianchi Para 4 D more information about the Tianchi monster Para 5 E another recent sighting of Tianchi monster 答案 B E A D C Step 3 Read for details Read the text carefully and choose the best answers 1 Read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from 2 What does this passage tell us A A tourist guide B A newspaper C A dictionary
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