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错题本第一次一、 选择题1. _ the pair of trousers cool? Yes, I want to try _ on.A. Does, it B. Does, them C. Is, them D. Is, it答案:C讲解:a(the) pair of +名词复数(如鞋子,裤子等)作为整体后面用三单形式,但是如果要试穿,那么试穿一双要用them。2. The 8-year-old girl _ glasses _ my best friend.A. wears, is B. with, is C. in, are D. wears, are答案:B讲解:这里的“戴眼镜”是后置定语修饰前面主语8岁女孩,所以不是这句话的谓语动词,因此不能用“wears”三单形式,要用“with”或 “wearing”。3. -Can you _ the story of Change?-Of course I can. I can also _ it in English if you cant _ Chinese.A. tell, say, speak B. speak, tell, say C. tell, tell, speak D. say, say, say答案:C讲解:tell强调告诉他人某事或物,如说出两者间的不同点(tell the difference between A and B;say强调某人说话内容,如用英语来表达某物(say sth in English);speak强调某人的说话能力,如会讲某种语言(speak French/Japanese).4. -_ one of the _often late?-No, everyone _early.A. Does, man teacher, is B. Is, man teacher, are C. Is, men teachers, is D. Does, man teachers, are答案:C讲解:名词可作形容词修饰后面的名词,但是注意单复数用法。当后面的名词是复数,那么:如果前面名词复数是不规则形式的也要用复数,如men doctors, women teachers等;如果前面名词复数是规则形式的就不要用复数,如girl students, boy friends等。当然,如果后面的名词是单数,那么前面只要用单数就行了,如a man teacher。5. -_does the music sound? -It sounds_.A. What, good B. How, great C. How, well D. What, well 答案:B 讲解:人的五官:sound, look, smell, taste, feel都是连系动词,后面必须用形容词。就形容词划线提问就要用疑问词“how”表示“怎样/如何”。6. What are you _? Can you _anything?A. listening, hear B. listening to, listen to C. hearing, heat D. listening to, hear 答案:D 讲解:listen to sth的“to”不能省略,这里的sth提到前面由“what”充当,“to”不能省略。listen to强调听的过程, hear强调听到的结果。7. -The girl _ red looks _. -Yes, she looks like_.A. wearing, beautiful, beautifully B. in, beautiful, beautiful C. with, beautiful, a doll D. in, beautiful, a doll 答案:D 讲解:第一空的“穿红色衣服”不是这个句子的谓语而是是定语后置,应用“wearing”或“in”表达,look连系动词后用形容词,look like后面应用名词描述相似的事物(like是介词,后面加名词)。8. The boy has fun _ so he works hard _all his lessons. A. studying, at B. to study, at C. studying, on D. in studying, on 答案:A 讲解:have fun (in) doing sth=have a good time (in) doing sth表示做某事很开心,work at sth表示在某方面努力工作(学习)。9. -Lucy, you _spend so much time _this problem. A. neednt to, on B. need not, in C. dont need, on D. dont need to, on 答案:D 讲解:need to do sth/dont need to do sth中的need是实意动词,后面动词搭配为to do,但是neednt do sth中的neednt 是情态动词,因此后面直接用动词原形。spend st on sth表示在某方面花费一些时间,spend st (in) doing sth表示做某事花费一些时间。10. -Who _the master of Hobo?-Eddie _. A. is, does B. is, is C. does, does D. does, is 答案:B 讲解:master是名词,所以前面谓语动词用be, 回答相应的也用be动词,第三人称单数做主语,应用is.11. I dont want to _you because you are not helpful. A. make friends to B. make friend with C. make friend on D. make friends with 答案:D 讲解:make friends with sb。“和某人交友”,固定词组。二、 词汇1. “What are the a_ of the new students?” the teacher asked.答案:ages (age是可数名词)2. Sandy is _(slim) than Kitty.答案:slimmer (重读闭音节要双写结尾字母)3. How beautiful this music _!(听起来)答案:sounds (人的五官look看起来, smell闻起来, taste尝起来, feel摸起来, sound听起来 都属于连系动词,后面用形容词)4. That player _(似乎) a little worried before the match.答案:seems (seem是连系动词后面可以直接用形容词)5. Children like playing with _(猴子).答案:monkeys (y前面如果是a, e, i, o, u五个元音字母的话,y就不要改成i再加es)6. You dont have a rubber. What about _(借) one from Tom?答案:borrowing(首先这里是固定词组what/how about doing sth, 其次,向某人借某事用borrow sth from sb, 而把某物借给某人用lend sth to sb, 根据句意用第一个词组)三、 动词1. As a rule, we must _our school uniforms from Monday to Friday.(wear)答案:wear (情态动词后面应用动词原形)2. Peter, together with his family, _in Pairs now.(live)答案:live (虽然有now,但并不表示现在进行时,是事实“居住在某地”的意思。)3. The Green family _(study) the Chinese medicine at the moment.答案:are studying (family在这里表示“家人”谓语动词用复数;at the moment = now,所以用现在进行时)4. Jane _(not be) late for school these days. 答案:isnt(这里所给的be是谓语动词,因为三单做主语,所以用is,否定句后面再加not)5. I dont know when _(tell) him the truth. 答案:to tell(疑问代词除了who后面可以用不定式,to do)6. She likes to take notes _(get) ready for the test. 答案:to get(这里不定式to do表示做前面一件事的目的)7. Why dont you _(walk) to school with? 答案:walk(why dont you do sth=why not do sth,表示“为什么不做某事”,固定搭配)四、 辨音 1. A. here B. wear C. share D. pair 答案:A 讲解:A发/IE/,B、C、D发/ZE/。 2. A. country B. uncle C. blouse D. cousin 答案:C讲解:C发/aJ/,A、B、D发/Q/。 3. A. cars B. boys C. girls D. cakes 答案:D讲解:D发/s/,A、B、C发/z/。 4. A. teach B. school C. watch D. French 答案:B讲解:B发/k/,A、C、D发/tF/。 5. A. thank B. think C. plane D. English 答案:C讲解:C发/n/,A、B、D发/N/。 6. A. land B. can C. and D. any 答案:D讲解:D发/e/,A、B、C发/A/。 7. A. master B. hard C. grandpar
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