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1 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 冒险 take a risk risks to do sth 冒险 做某事 高考典句 2015湖北高考 By feeding the ponies tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car 游客给小马驹 喂食 会增加它们被车撞到的风险 2016北京高考 Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward the risk seems worth taking 有时我们认 定冒一点不必要的危险是值得的 因为当我们权 衡 风险 和回报时发现 这个风险 好像值得去冒 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点延伸 1 阅读 下列句子 指出画线单词 的词性及含义 They knew they risked being arrested 词性 动词 含义 冒 的 险 Buying a second hand car is a risky business 词性 形容词 含义 冒险的 有风险 的 2 阅读 下列句子 指出risk构成的其他短语及意义 A German study suggests that people who were too optimistic about their future actually faced greater risk of disability or death within 10 years 短语 face the risk of 意义 面临 的危险 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 高考典句 2016全国甲高考 I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking 短语 run the risk of doing 意义 冒险做 If we don t solve the problem of global warming our next generation will be at risk 短语 at risk 意义 处境危险 遭受威胁 He was determined to do it even at the risk of being laughed at 短语 at the risk of 意义 冒 的风险 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 face the risk of 面临 的危险 run the risk risks of doing 冒险做 at risk 处境危险 遭受威胁 at the risk of 冒 的风险 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 2 Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit in the first place Page 20 当然 对付这些毒品的最好的办法就是一开始就别沾染它们 考点 get sb into sth 染上 养成 的习惯 I ve got into the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school 我已经养成了在从学校回家的路上去拜访爷爷 奶奶的习惯 He got into the habit of smoking in his childhood 小时候 他染上了吸烟的习惯 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点延伸 阅读 下列句子 指出get into的其他短语及意义 I usually managed to find some trouble to get into 短语 get into trouble 意义 陷入困境 It s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again 短语 get into debt 意义 借债 He wouldn t take advice and now he has got into difficulties 短语 get into difficulties 意义 陷入困境 get into trouble 陷入困境 get into debt 借债 get into difficulties陷入困境 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 3 HIV weakens a person s immune system that is the part of the body that fights disease Page 22 人体免疫缺损病毒削弱人的免疫系统 也就是身体抵抗疾病的 部分 考点一 weaken v 使变弱 削弱 Does this friendship strengthen me or weaken me 这段友谊是让我变强还是变弱 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点延伸 阅读 下列句子 指出由 en 作前缀或后缀构成的词的含义 The Internet is invented to enrich our life and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than to shackle us with a chain 含义 使充实 使丰富 Her boss threatened to fire her 含义 威胁 恐吓 We ensure that the work shall be done in the right way 含义 确保 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点二 that is 即 也就是说 换言之 that is to say in other words He managed to get the job he applied for that is he was able to earn money by himself 他成功获得他申请的工作 也就是说 他能够自己赚钱 了 You can t only pay attention to the price in other words both the quality and the price are important 你不能仅仅 注意到价格 换句话说 质量和价格都很重要 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 4 If you develop AIDS your chances of survival are very small Page 22 如果你染上了艾滋病 你生存的可能性会很小 考点 survival n 幸存 高考典句 2015北京高考 He thought about all of the survival shows he had watched on TV 他想到他在电视 上看到的所有的生存类节 目 That man has taken courses in wilderness survival training 那个男人参加了野外生存训练 的课程 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点延伸 阅读 下列句子 指出黑体词的词性及含义 Having survived that night we were confident that everything else would be all right 词性 动词 含义 活下来 幸存 My grandma survived my grandpa by ten years 词性 动词 含义 比 活得长 There was no survivor from the plane crash 词性 名词 含义 幸存者 生还者 温馨提示误 Fortunately he survived from the traffic accident 正 Fortunately he survived the traffic accident 分析 survive作 幸免于 讲时 是及物动词 通常不与from连用 其后直接接宾语 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 5 do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs Page 22 注射药物时 不得共用患者所用的其他任何东西 剖析本句是状语从句的省略 在时间状语或条件状语中 当从 句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句含有be 时 可以省略be 和主 语 I will not come unless I am invited 除非被邀请 否则我是不会来的 You can never be too careful while you are crossing a busy street 当你穿过一条交通繁忙的街道时 千万要小心 I want to avoid the rush hour traffic if it is possible 如果可能的话我想避开交通高峰期 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 6 Then she offered me a cigarette and I felt so embarrassed and awkward Page 24 然后她递给我一支烟 这让我感到非常尴尬和不安 考点一 embarrassed adj 尴尬的 陷入困境的 I was embarrassed by his unexpected question 他的突然发问 使我不知所措 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点延伸 阅读 下列句子 指出黑体词的词性及含义 She may embarrass you with her rude behaviour 词性 动词 含义 使困窘 使为难 His jokes didn t even raise a smile which was embarrassing 词性 形容词 含义 令人困窘的 To her embarrassment she couldn t remember his name 词性 名词 含义 窘迫 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 考点二 awkward adj 局促不安的 笨拙的 I felt rather awkward in such a formal party 在这样 一个正式的聚会上 我感到非常局促不安 Swans are surprisingly awkward on land 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇 Don t ask such awkward questions 不要问如此不好回答的问题 It is awkward to discuss such matters in public 公开讨论这 些问题 是很尴尬的 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 123456 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习 一二三 一 写作词汇检测 A 根据每一组的提示词 完成或者翻译句子 1 risk 1 Naturally I didn t want missing the train 2 你把这个给他看 是
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