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Period Three Grammar Writing 二 状语的构成 1 副词作状语 He speaks English quite fluently 他的英语说得非常流利 2 名词作状语 We ll meet on Monday 我们将在星期一见面 3 数词作状语 He came out first in the exam 他考试得了第一名 4 形容词 短语 作状语 Ripe the oranges taste sweet 这些橘子熟时 味道甜美 5 不定式作状语 I opened the window to let some fresh air in 我打开窗户让新鲜空气进来 6 分词作状语 Heated water changes into steam 当水加热时 变成水蒸气 7 介词短语作状语 We jumped with joy 我们高兴地跳了起来 8 独立主格作状语 It being Sunday the library is closed 因为是星期天 图书馆关门了 9 从句作状语 We must strike while the iron is hot 我们必须趁热打铁 即时跟踪1 1 His father was surprised 听到 这个消息 2 给予更多的关注 the little trees would have grown better 3 既吃惊又高兴 Tony stood up and accepted the prize 4 The teacher came in 手 里拿着一本书 5 总的说来 he is better than Jack to hear the news Given more attention Surprised and happy with a book in his hand All in all 二 复习状语从句 一 时间状语从句 时间状语从句常由以下引导词引导 when while as before after since until as soon as no sooner than hardly when the moment every time immediately等 The moment I heard the voice I knew father was coming 一听到这声音 我就知道父亲要来了 二 地点状语从句 地点状语从句常由where或wherever引导 Wherever I am in the future I will be thinking of our motherland 将来不管我在哪儿 我都会想着祖国 三 原因状语从句 原因状语从句常由because as since now that 引导 Since no one is against it let s try and reach a decision 既然没人反对 咱们就设法做个决定吧 四 条件状语从句 条件状语从句常由if unless in case that so far as as so long as on condition that suppose supposing that 等引导 As long as we don t lose heart we ll find a way to overcome the difficulty 只要我们不灰心 我们就能找到克服困难的办 法 五 方式状语从句 方式状语从句常由as as if though等引导 The old man told us his story as if it had just happened 老人给我们讲着他的故事 就像刚刚发生的一 样 六 让步状语从句 让步状语从句常由though although as even if though however whatever no matter how who 等引导 Although they themselves are not rich they often give the poor child food 尽管自己也不富裕 他们还是经常给这个可怜 的孩子食物 七 目的状语从句 目的状语从句常由so that in order that lest 免 得 等连词引导 从句中的谓语动词常用may might can could should等情态动词 Ask her to hurry up with the exercises so that I can hand them in to the teacher 让她把作业快些做完 我好交给老师 八 结果状语从句 结果状语从句常由so that so such that with the result that引导 Mike is such an honest man that we all believe him Mike is so honest a man that we all believe him 迈克很诚实 大家都相信他 九 比较状语从句 比较状语从句常由as as not so as as more than等引导 He is doing his homework as carefully as he can 他正在用心地做作业 十 使用状语从句时要注意的几个问题 1 在时间和条件 有时也在方式 让步等 从句中 主句是一般将来时 从句通常用一般现在时表示将 来 We ll go out if it doesn t rain tomorrow 如果明天不下雨 我们就去郊游 2 有些时间 地点 条件 方式或让步状语从句 如果从句的主语与主句的主语一致 或虽不一致 但 从句主语是it 从句的谓语又包含be动词时 就可 省略从句中的 主语 be 部分 When he was still a boy of ten he had to work day and night If it is necessary I ll explain to you again 3 注意区分不同从句 引导的是什么从句 不仅要 根据连词 还要根据句子结构和句意来判别 以 where为例 可引导多种从句 You are to find it where you left it 地点状语从句 Tell me the address where he lives 定语从句 句 中有先行词 I don t know where he came from 宾语从句 Where he has gone is not known yet 主语从句 This place is where they once hid 表语从句 4 容易引起混淆的引导词 1 while while常表示 当 的时候 然而 尽管 The students were busy taking notes while they were listening to the lecture The young mostly enjoy pop music while the old usually prefer classical While there exists much unemployment in almost all cities people with special skills are still in great demand 注意 while表示 尽管 时 相当于 although though as 但while although引导的让步状 语从句不用倒装语序 though引导的状语从句可以 倒装也可以不倒装 而as引导的状语从句则必须倒 装 Though the bride is happy Happy though the bride is she will feel homesick at the beginning Happy as the bride is she will feel homesick at the beginning 2 until和till until和till都表示 直到 常可互换 但till一 般不用于句首 也不可用于强调句中 until till从句或短语与肯定的主句连用时 主 句的谓语必须是延续性动词 表示主句的动作一直 持续到until till所表示的时间为止 You may stay here until the rain stops Mr Bush remained there till his brother arrived until till从句或短语与否定的主句连用时 主句 的谓语必须是非延续性动词 表示 直到 才 即 主句的动作到until till所表示的时间才开始 David won t go to bed until till his wife returns Leo didn t come until he had gone over his lesson not until 位于句首时 主句须用倒装语序 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted not until 结构可用于强调句中 It was not until she came to see us that we knew her mother was ill in bed 3 so that so that可以引导目的状语从句与结果状语从句 当表达的含义是 为了 以便 时 为目的 状语从句 此时 从句的谓语部分通常带有情态动 词 当表达 以至于 因此 时 为结果状语从句 If you do know answer in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear 目的状语从句 It rained hard the day before yesterday so that we had to stay at home 结果状语从句 当从句之前的so that可用in order that代替时 为目的状语从句 反之 为结果状语从句 We now study hard so that we may work well in the future We now study hard in order that we may work well in the future 目的状语从句 即时跟踪2 句型转换 1 We hurried so as not to miss the bus We hurried we might not miss the bus 2 Since everybody is here let s begin our class everybody is here let s begin our class 3 Although he is a child he can do a lot of housework he can do a lot of housework so that Now that Child as though he is 4 With time going on he became more and more confident time went on he became more and more confident 5 He didn t stop until he had finished all his work 1 Not until he had finished all his work 2 It was that he stopped As did he stop not until he had finished all his work 在空白处填入1个适当的单词
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