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Unit 2 Witnessing time 高中英语 选修9 译林版 After the American Revolution won in 1787 the new government in the U S A had to choose a capital city The thirteen states quarreled about this So the government decided to build a completely new capital The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia D C The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river It was named after George Washington the president of the U S A Washington D C a government city is an important cultural 文化 center as well as a big tourist 游览 center Most capital cities have simply grown from small cities Washington however was planned as the capital of great nation It was designed by a French artist who first made a study of many capital cities of Europe In general his plan followed the plan of the beautiful French city of Versailles 1 When the new capital was built America was made up of states A thirty B thirteen C fifty D fifteen 答案 B 2 Washington D C is the name of A an American president B America s capital C a famous river D a beautiful garden city 答案 B Period One Welcome to the unit Reading Words 1 politics n 政治 political adj 政治的 2 associate vt 联想 联系 association n 协会 3 sacred adj 神圣的 4 theft n 偷 盗窃 thief n 小偷 贼 steal vt 偷 5 friction n 争端 分歧 6 autonomous adj 自治的 7 clumsy adj 笨拙的 clumsily adv 笨拙地 clumsiness n 笨拙 8 smog n 烟雾 smoggy adj 烟雾迷漫的 9 appoint vt 任命 委任 appointment n 约定 appointed adj 指定的 约定的 10 mend vt 修理 解决 11 steady adj 稳步的 持续的 steadily adv 稳固地 steadiness n 坚定性 12 assessment n 评估 评价 assess vt 评定 估价 13 fortnight n 两周 14 sunburnt adj 晒黑的 晒伤的 Phrases 1 have an influence on 对 有影响 2 carry out执行 实施 3 make advances取得进步 4 in particular特别是 5 in honour of为了纪念 6 be based on以 为基础 7 associate with 将 与 联系起来 8 be no different不例外 9 seize control of 夺取了 的控制权 10 under the title of以 的名义 称为 Fast Reading 根据课文内容选择最佳答案 1 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text A The world s civilization originated from old Greece B The ancient Greeks did much to advance the world s civilization C The Roman alphabet was invented in Rome D The Greek civilization was outstanding in the past but is out of date now 答案 B 2 Which statement is NOT true according to the text A Marathon is a Greek invention B Marathon used to be the name of a place C Marathon is named after a Greek messenger D Marathon is now the name of a distance race 答案 C 3 is the most important surviving building in honour of the Goddess of Athena A The Parthenon B The Erechtheum C The Temple of Nike D The 13 metre high gold covered statue 答案 A 4 To keep the monument clean the Greeks have to overcome problems that come from A man plants and animals B bad weather C heavy pollution D natural disasters 答案 A 5 Which of the following is most effective in preserving cultural heritages A Education B Restoration C Rebuilding D Improvement 答案 A Careful Reading 根据课文完成下表 每空一词 The Acropolis Now Introduction to the Acropolis The greatest 1 of Athens 2 in the 5th century BC in honor of Athena There are three main temples to Athena 3 done to the Acropolis Damaged partly by natural 4 like earthquake and partly by man Used to store their 5 of gunpowder by the Turks in 1458 6 by an attack from Italy Many of the best sculptures were 7 8 of the Acropolis Establishing a committee to undertake this task Continuing its work and hoping to bring the Acropolis back to its 9 glory Undertaking important 10 work to teach people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings 答案 1 symbol 2 Built 3 Damage 4 forces 5 supply 6 Destroyed 7 stolen 8 Restoration 9 former 10 educational Key Words 1 In particular we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis 我们特别要将古希腊文明与其首都雅典城相联系 雅典最伟大的标志就是雅典卫城 归纳拓展 associate vt 联想 联系 adj联合的 副的 语境感悟 1 People always the Great Wall China 人们总是把长城与中国联系在一起 2 We closely each other during the most difficult time 在最困难的时期 我们之间的关系密切 associatewith wereassociated with 即时跟踪 1 翻译句子 我从不赞成暴力运动 我和那家法律服务机构有所联系 I have never associated myself with violence I am associated with that law firm 2 单项填空 John is considering another company so that they will be much stronger A associating with B associate C to associate D associated with 答案 A considering 此处意为 考虑 后接 v ing形式作宾语 associate with 意为 使结交 或合伙 2 In a gesture to help preserve history the Greek government appointed a committee in 1975 to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis 为表示其帮助保存历史的意愿 希腊政府于 1975年任命了一个委员会来负责卫城的全面修 复工作 归纳拓展 appoint vt 任命 指派 约定 指定 安排 语境感悟 1 They him 他们任命他为经理 2 He Williams his deputy in the city of York 他任命威廉姆斯作为他在约克市的代理人 3 I them in the evening 今晚我与他们有个约会 appointed to be manager appointedas have an appointment with 即时跟踪 1 翻译句子 委员会最近任命我为主席 我的病人没有在约定的时间到 Committee members recently appointed me their chairman My patient didn t turn up at the appointed hours 2 单项填空 He had a talent for music and was conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of 30 A assigned B appointed C recommended D honoured 答案 B 句意为 他有音乐天分 在30岁时被 任命为上海乐团管弦乐队的指挥家 assign分 配 分派 appoi
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