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单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 1 基础写作 图表类 oBy Tracy 09广东高考 你是校报小记者 最近进行了一次采访 时间 上周末对象 眼科医生 eye doctor 王教授 主题 我国中小学生近视 short sightedness 问题 基本信息 1 发生率 略高于50 2 人数 世 界第一 专家解读 1 原因 很复杂 2 治疗 没有哪一 种药物能治愈近视 3 建议 不要过度用眼 多参加户外活动 4 特别提示 如何握笔也和 近视有关 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道 包括如下内容 1 采访的时间 对象和主题 2 中小学 生近视的发生率及人数 3 专家解读 Last weekend I had an interview with Professor Wang an eye doctor about the problem short sightedness According to Prof Wang a little more than half of the students in middle and primary schools are suffering from it rating the first in the world consequently Related experts say that the causes leading to it are very complicated and up till now no medicine has been found to cure for it It is suggested that we students not overuse their eyes and it s of great help to our eye health to participate in more outdoor activities Meanwhile another tip from the experts is that the problem has business with how we hold the pen while writing 2011年深一模 你是校报小记者 最近进行了一次采访 时间 上周星期三 对象 王老师 主题 中学生英语单词拼写的问题 基本信息 1 约54 高中同学英语书法很差 2 约45 的英语词汇只会说而不会写 老师解读 1 原因 考试未设拼写题型 平时训练不够 学生懒于记忆 2 建议 提高认识 引起重视 加强训练 掌握方法 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道 包括如下内容 1 采访的时间 对象和主题 2 中学生英语单词 拼写的现状 3 老师解读 oLast weekend I had an interview with Professor Wang an eye doctor about the problem short sightedness o时间 上周星期三 对象 王老师 主题 中学生英语单词拼写的问题 oLast Wednesday I had an interview with Mr Wang an English teacher about the problem of English word spelling among middle school students concerning the issue of oAccording to Prof Wang a little more than half of the students in middle and primary schools are suffering from it rating the first in the world consequently o基本信息 1 约54 高中同学英语书法很差 2 约45 的英语词汇只会说而不会写 oAccording to Mr Wang a little more than half of the senior middle school students English handwriting are very poor and the percentage of the words which they can not spell correctly although they are able to speak is 45 slightly oRelated experts say that the causes leading to it are very complicated and up till now no medicine has been found to cure for it o老师解读 1 原因 考试未设拼写题型 平时训练不够 学生懒于记忆 oHe said that the causes leading to it are that there are no specific word spelling checks in exams and there are no enough training The students are lazy to memorize for spelling problemsalso pointed out Worse still oIt is suggested that we students not overuse their eyes and it s of great help to our eye health to participate in more outdoor activities o 2 建议 提高认识 引起重视 加强训 练 掌握方法 He suggested that we should raise the awareness and place great emphasis on that and above all we should master skills while we are training ourselves Last Wednesday I had an interview with Mr Wang an English teacher concerning the issue of English word spelling among middle school students According to Mr Wang slightly more than half of the senior middle school students English handwriting are very poor and the percentage of the words which they can not spell correctly although they are able to speak is 45 He also pointed out that the causes for spelling problems are that there are no specific word spelling checks in exams and there are no enough training Worse still the students are lazy to memorize He suggested that we should raise the awareness and place great emphasis on that and above all we should master skills while we are training ourselves 07 10年广东高考基础写作题目统计 年份 命题形式主要内容体裁题材 07表格谁是你的偶像 调查报 告 学校生 活 08中文提纲 奥运比赛项目 射击 介绍体育 热 点话题 09中文提纲 中小学生近视 问题 采访报 道 健康 10中文提纲禁烟决定通讯报 道 热点话 题 Structure of the article oGeneral idea conclusion tendency 图表反映的问题或总体 趋势 oFacts to support the idea 具 体数据或事实 oReasons 原因分析 oSolutions or personal opinion suggestions if needed 解决 问题的方法或建议 必备词句 o点明主题的常用词句 上周 我们对 人进行了关于 的调查 Last week we made did carried out a survey on among people e g 上周 你市的一家报社对国庆长假期间市 民的休闲方式进行了一项调查 A survey was carried out by an evening post in our city among the citizens on how they spent their last national holidays Practice o受某英文报的委托 你最近就英语阅读兴趣 以访谈的方式对某市10所高中的1000名学生 进行了调查 Recently we did a survey among 1000 senior middle school students from ten schools on their reading interests o最近我国的教育专家对我国中学生所喜爱的 节日进行了一项调查 Recently some Chinese educational experts did a survey to find out which festivals are the most favorite ones among middle school students o图表反映的问题或总体趋势的常用词句 1 从以上表格中我们可以明显地看出 中国 人口在高速增长 From the graph table diagram chart above we can see obviously that the population of China is increasing fast 2 正如能够从图表中所看到的 As can been seen from the table As we can see clearly from the table 必备词句 p图表内容描述的常用词句 p表赞成的动词短语 p表不赞成的 动词短语 的人数是 数字 the number of people who is 数字 the number of people who takes up X e g 反对该观点的人超过5千 The number of people who are opposed to this idea is over 5 000 必备词句 agree with approve of be in favor of be for disagree with disapprove of be opposed to be against 吸烟人数 约3 5亿 分布 男性75 女性25 1 The number of people who smoke is about 350 000 000 2 The number of men who smoke takes up 75 The number of women who smoke takes up 25 o The number of people who smoke is about 350 000 000 and 75 are male while 25 are female Pract
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