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Nursing English Conversation 护理英语口语 1 AskingAsking ListeningListening Nursing procedureNursing procedure CommunicationCommunication 2 Asking a patient about his illness 询问病情 3 What can I do for you Can I help you 有什么我能帮助你的 What s the matter What s up What happened 什么事 发生了什么事 What s matter with you What s the trouble 你有什么不舒服 How are you today How was your sleep last night How is your appetite p ta t 您今天怎么样 您昨晚睡得怎么样 您的食欲怎么样 How long have you had this trouble 你得这病多久了 Have you ever had this trouble 以前有过这样吗 4 When did the pain start 什么时候开始痛的 How are you feeling now 你现在感觉怎么样 What s wrong with your eyes 你的眼睛怎么了 Have you taken anything for it 你吃过什么药了吗 How far pregnant are you pregn nt 你怀孕多久了 How is your sleep 你睡眠怎么样 5 Any vomiting 有没有呕吐 Are you feeling nausea n zi 你觉得恶心吗 Are your bowels regular ba l 你大便正常吗 Do you cough 有没有咳嗽 Do you feel short of breath sometimes 你有时觉得气急吗 Do you have any appetite p ta t 吃东西有胃口吗 Does it hurt 痛不痛 Do you feel tired 你觉得疲劳吗 6 What When Where How Are you Do you Have you Should I May I Can I Whould you Can you 7 Listening 倾听 8 I cough a great deal at night 我晚上咳得很厉害 I don t feel like eating anything 我什么也不想吃 I feel a pain in my left leg 我觉得左腿疼 I feel dizzy and I ve got no appetite d zi 我头晕 没胃口 I feel feverish fiv r 我觉得有点发烧 I feel hot and cold 我觉得忽冷忽热 I feel like vomiting 我觉得想吐 I have a headache hede k 我头痛 I m thirsty hungry sti 我很口渴 饿 9 I m aching all over 我浑身都痛 I m having some trouble sleeping 我有点失眠 My left foot hurts 我的左脚受伤了 My stomach is upset st m k 我的胃不舒服 My weight fell from 65kg to 50kg we t 我的体重从65减到50公斤 There s a bitter taste in my mouth 我的嘴里有一点苦味 10 Nursing procedures 护理操作 11 I m going to do an ECG for you 我帮您做个心电图 You re going to have a CT scan of your chest head 您要做个胸部 头部CT You re going to have a chest X ray 您要拍个胸片 You re going to have a gastric endoscopy g str k en d sk p 您要做个胃镜 Let me check your lungs and heart 让我检查一下你的心肺 Let me sound your lungs 让我听听你的肺部 12 I m going to make your bed I ll change the bed linen at once 我帮您整理床铺 我马上帮你换床单 I m going to give you oxygen nebulization ks d n nebj la ze n 我要给您吸氧 雾化 I m going to shave your skin 我要帮你备皮 I ll take some blood from your arm 我要在您的手臂上抽血 13 I m going to take your temperature tempr t r 我要帮您测个体温 Let me feel your pulse p ls 我要帮您测个脉搏 I ll test take your blood pressure 我要帮您量个血压 I want to help you measure blood sugar 我要帮你测个血糖 14 I m going to give you a an intramuscular injection ntr m skj l r 肌肉注射 intravenous infusion ntr vin s 静脉注射 hypodermic injection ha p d m k 皮下注射 a transfusion blood transfusion tr ns fju n 输 液 输血 15 I m going to I will I want to take You re going to have Let me Let us Please 16 Communication 交流 17 Lie down on the bed Let me examine your belly 躺在床上 检查腹部 Now breathe in a deep breath 现在呼吸 深呼吸 Open your mouth please and show me your tong ue 张开嘴 伸出舌头来 Your blood pressure is normal 你的血压正常的 Your pulse is a bit fast slow 你的脉搏有点快 慢 Cough Now again 咳嗽 再咳一下 Coughing and deep breathing exercises 咳嗽呼吸练习 18 I don t think it s anything serious 我看这并不严重 I m afraid an urgent operation is necessary d nt 恐怕要立即动手术 You ll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days bz ve n 你得住院观察两天 You have to rest in bed for at least three weeks 您至少要卧床休息三周 I m afraid I have to give you a shot 恐怕我得给你注射一针 You have to stop smoking and alcohol lk h l 您必须戒烟 戒酒 19 Drink plenty of water 要多喝水 Be sure to keep warm and rest 注意保暖和休息 Take more exercises 多做运动 Please wait a moment I ll be back soon 请等一会儿 我很快回来 What would you like to eat drink 你想吃 喝什么 I turn off the lights and let you rest 我把灯关掉让你休息 20 These tablets are to keep the fever down 这些药片都是退热的 These tablets should clear up the trouble 这些药片可以解除这病痛 This is for oral medicine 这是口服药 This medicine will relieve your pain 这种药将给你止痛 Take the medicine with a lot of water 服用此药 要多饮水 21 Never mind It doesn t matter 没关系 Don t worry 不要担心 Don t be nervous 不要紧张 You will recover soon 您很快就会康复的 You are great clever brave 你真棒 聪明 勇敢 You did very well 你做的很好 Take it easy relax 放松 Hold on 坚持住 I believe you can do it 我相信你可以做到的 Have a rest 休息 comforting 安慰 22 I m afraid I think I have to I hope I believe I m sure 23 medication 药物 Sleeping pills 安眠药 Painkillers 止痛药 Antipyretic 退热药 ntipa ret k Laxative 通便剂 l ks t v Blood pressure medication 降压药 Fall blood sugar medicine 降血糖药 Oral medicine 口服药 r l 24 make the bed 整理床铺 Brush Clean the teeth 刷牙 Clean perineum per ni m 清洗会阴 Clean the urethra j ri r 清洗尿道口 wash the face 洗脸 wash one s hair 洗头 shave 刮胡子 Haircut 剪头发 cut fingernails f g ne l 剪指甲 change hospital clothes 更换住院服装 massage m s 按摩 put on take off your clothes 穿上 脱下衣服 25 床单 棉被 枕头 被单 床头 床尾 水垫 降温毯 The sheets The quilt kw lt The pillow p l sheets The head of a bed The end of the bed Water cushion Cooling blanket bl k t 衣服 裤子 镜子 梳子 水杯 Clothes The trousers The mirror The comb Water glass 26 oxygen mask 吸氧面罩 oxygen tube 吸氧管 infusion pump 输液泵 ventilator breathing machine 呼吸机 ECG monitor 心电监护 仪 blood pressure 血压 Oxygen 血氧 Heart rate 心率 body temperature 体温 Weight 体重 Breathe 呼吸 Pupil 瞳孔 vital sign 生命体征 vait l sain Drainage tube 引流管 dr
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