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译林英语五年级下册U8 Birthdays 教学设计江苏省新沂市马陵山镇黄甲小学 戈静 221400Teaching contents:译林英语5年级下册U 8 Birthdays (Story time)教材简析:本单元谈论自己的生日。课文中呈现了教室的场景,Miss Li和学生们在课堂上谈论生日的话题,Su Hai 和Mike分别介绍了各自的生日,呈现了中西方文化的差异。Teaching aims and learning objectives:1. Ss are able to read,comprehend and tell the story.2. Ss are able to understand and know the words and sentence patterns:eleventh,eighth,together,birthday,game;When is your birthday?Its on.3. Ss are able to locate information in detailed reading.4. Ss are able to talk about their birthdays.5. To love and to be love is the greatest happiness in our life.Teaching key & difficult points:1.Ss can read, comprehend and tell the story.2.Ss can understand and know the words and sentence patterns:eleventh,eighth,together,birthday,game;When is your birthday?Its on.What do you do on your birthday? I usually.3.Ss can talk about their birthdays.设计理念:新课程标准提出,要面向全体学生,要为学生的全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。教学中,围绕Birthdays创设多种活动,充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体性和创造性,让学生能够轻松愉快的的讨论自己的生日及活动。设计思路: 新课初始,通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,自由谈话了解日期的表达,猜节日来引出课题“Birthdays”。学生看视屏思考回答问题、听录音、反复读故事了解Mike和Su Hai的生日及活动。通过选择、回答问题、判断、阅读根据板书复述课文等练习方式再次加深对文本的理解。教师鼓励学生简单介绍自己的生日,强调了语言的实际应用。Preparation教学准备:PPT、cardsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warm upa. Enjoy a song: Happy birthday to you! T: Do you know what this song about? Ss: Birthday. T: Do you like birthdays and why? Ss: Yes, I do. Because.b. Free talk T: What day is it today? Ss: Its . T:Whats the date today? Ss: Its.(设计意图:欣赏歌曲可以为学生创造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,通过自由谈话初步渗透日期的表达方式)c. Listen and guess-What holiday is it?(1) Children like this It is on the first of June. What is it?S: Childrens Day(2) It is in May. We always have three days for rest. People always go to the park with their family. What is it?S: May Day(3) It is a great festival for me. I was born 33 years ago. What is it?S: It is your birthday.T: Today we will discuss Unit8 Birthdays(设计意图:由第七单元节日引出本单元新授内容Birthdays)Step 2 Pre-readinga. When you see the word “birthday”, what comes to your mind?S1: Noodles.S2: Birthday cakes.S3: A big dinner.S4: Presents.S5: Party.T: I think you always have a good time on your birthday.(设计意图:用已有知识唤醒学生对生日的记忆,为导入课文做铺垫。)b. Watch and think Q1:What are they doing? Q2: How do people celebrate their birthdays?c.Listen and answer T: Look! Miss Li, Su Hai and Mike are talking about birthdays too. Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1) Whens Su Hais birthday? 2) Whens Mikes birthday?(教师板书句型,学生观看动画并尝试回答)S: Su Hais birthday is on the 11th of May.S: Mikes birthday is on the 8th of April.(学生回答,老师板书并教学11th, 8th )(设计意图:激发学生认真观看,调动学生阅读故事的积极性。整体感知故事发展的脉络。)Step 3 While-readinga. Read and choose1) When is Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday?A. the 11th of AprilB. the 11th of May(5月11日)2) When is Mikes birthday?A. the 8th of MayB. The 8th of April b. Read and answerQ1: What do they usually do on their birthdays?Q2: What do they eat on their birthdays?c. Read and fill in the formT: Just now, we know the date of their birthdays. This time, lets read the story and find out what they do on their birthdays. Please finish the table.WhoWhenActivitiesHowSu HaiMike(学生小组合作完成,教师给与指导并根据不同人物进行板书)(设计意图:指导学生阅读,练习学生intensive reading skills,泛读理解故事、信息定位、找关键词等阅读技巧帮助学生更细致到位的理解故事)d. Listen and judge (If it is correct please say “Yeah, yeah,yeah”,if not,say “No.no,no”)1) Su Hais birthday is in June.2) Su Hai and Su Yang usually eat noodles on their birthday.3) Mikes birthday is in April.4) Mike always has a party at school.(设计意图:学生通过视听感知英语,有效练习学生听力和对故事的理解也培养学生英语核心素养,发挥主体性。)Step 4 Post-readinga. Listen and repeat Listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.T: Now, children, lets follow the tape and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. OK?(设计意图:听录音模仿语音语调,有助于学生对故事人物和情节的正确理解。)b. Lets read and retell1)Read in roles2)Read together3)Retell the story according to the blackboard design(设计意图:通过对完整故事的回忆和复习来发掘学生的思维想象力和语言能力。)C. Make and sayDraw a birthday card.Give it to your parent or friend. d. Summary1).T: Do you spend your birthday like Su Hai or Mike?S1: Su Hai.S2: Mike.T: Su Hai is a Chinese girl. Mike is an English boy. But now most of the children eat a birthday cake on their birthdays. 中国人过生日的文化已经吸收了很多西方元素,因此,中西方生日文化差异已经不是很明显了!2). T: Boys and girls. How is your birthday? Would you like to introduce your birthday now?My birthdayMy birthday is on the ofI on my birthday. I want a/anI have a great time/have a lot of fun.(设计意图:通过对比发现中西方文化存在差异,但是不明显了。并运用所学语言对自己的生日进行简单描述,体现语言的实际应用。)Step 5 Homework1) Talk about your birthday with your classmates.2) Surf the Internet and learn more information about the birthday in other countries.Blackboard designUnit 8 BirthdaysWhens Su Hais birthday? Whens Mikes birthdaySu
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