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高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit15-16 高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit15-16重点句型1. Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool, work out at the gym.2. Located in southern Austria, Kizbuhel is a paradise for skiers.3. But theres no need to worry if you have never skied before.4. Like many of its sister cities in the South, Atlanta was burnt down in the Civil War.5. Despite the hardships of the post-war years and the Great Depression, the people of Atlanta continued to develop the area, both economically and socially.6. It was also in Atlanta that one of the great leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born.7. In 1996, the city was the host of the Olympic Games, an honor the city-shares with great cities such as Sydney and Beijing.8. The South still has many problems to deal with, but the people there are determined to make a new beginning.重点词汇1. upset adj. 苦恼的2. airline n. 航空公司3. fly n. 苍蝇4. lifestyle n. 生活方式5. downtown adj. n. 城市商业区(的)6. princess n. 公主7. avenue n. 大街8. guarantee vt. n. 保证9. gather vt. 聚集,收集10. dip vt. 浸11. gym n. 体育馆12. analyse vt. 分析13. chat n. vi. 聊天14. rate n. 速度,费用;vt. 评估,认为15. arrangement n. 安排16. passport n. 护照17. cheque n. 支票18. entry n. 进入19. mental adj. 脑力的20. physical adj. 物理的21. suffering n. 痛苦22. greedy adj. 贪婪的23. trader n. 商人24. unemployment n. 失业25. former adj. 以前的26. overcome vt. 克服27. plain n. 平原;adj. 清楚的,明白的28. resist v. 抵抗29. chief n. 首领30. afterwards adv. 后来31. widespread adj. 分布广的32. rot vi. 腐烂33. wildlife n. 野生动物34. supply vt. n. 提供35. chain n. 链条36. willing adj. 愿意的短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填入一个正确的词,每个词4分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. look _ 调查;观察2. _ now and then 不时地3. get / be tired _ 对感到厌倦;对失 去兴趣4. cool _ 变凉;冷却;冷静5. _ vain 徒劳;白辛苦;徒然;枉然6. _ a chance 冒险;碰运气7. leave _ 不打扰;不理会8. _ on 坚持(做)9. _ a result结果;因此10. put _ 出版;生产;扑灭;关掉11. _ sale出售;新产品上市;减价;甩卖12. _ turn转而;反过来;轮流;依次13. _ a dip 去进行为时不长的游泳或(在河海 中)洗澡14. work _ 进行锻炼、训练;计算出;设计出15. be upset _ 对难过16. _ a list of列清单17. deal _ 应付;处理18. make _ of利用19. grow _ 长大20. see / think _ 认为恰当21. _ though即使;尽管;纵使22. be known _ 作为而l叶J名23. act _ 表演24. die _ 逐渐消失;灭绝25. burn _ 烧毁重点短语1. look into 调查2. every now and then 不时地3. get / betired of 对感到厌倦4. cool off 变冷5. in vain 徒劳6. take a chance 冒险7. leave alone 不理会8. insist on 坚持9. as a result 结果10. put out 扑灭11. on sale 出售12. in turn 轮流交际用语l. Im sorry to say .2. I hate to have to say this, but .3. Could you do something about. ?4. I will look into it immediately.5. Why didnt you tell me the truth?6. Ill do everything I can to help you.7. You really have to do something about .8. Why dont you do something about it?9. How long / wide / high / tall is . ?10. There is . in the north / south / east / west.词汇短语【考点lO】decide 的用法 构词:decision n. 决定;决心 搭配: make a / ones decision 决定下来,下决心,作出决定 come to / arrive at / reach a decision 作出决定 with decision 断然 句型: decide to do sth 决定干某事 decide wh- to do sth 决定何时如何在哪里是否 干什么 decide on + sth / wh- to do sth / wh- clause decide 后跟宾语从句,其含义是“断定”。 It has been decided that clause. 已决定 make decisions / a decision to do sth 决定干某事 辨析:decide; determine; make up ones mind该组词均表达“决定,决心”之意,但decide意为“决定,决心”,指经过考虑,对疑难问题、争端等做出决定,含有取舍之意。determine意为“决定,决心,确定”,指经过周密思考与斟酌而下的决心,含有坚持之意,语气较强。make up ones mind意为“决定决心,认定”,多指拿定主意去做某事,含有不再更改之意,后接不定式或从句。例如:We must decide what to do next. 我们必须决定下一步做什么。Have you determined where to go for your holiday?你决定去哪儿度假了吗?They have made up their minds to complete the taskahead of time. 他们已决定提前完成任务。【考例10】 (2003上海春招) When and where to go forthe on _ salary holiday _ yet A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided考查目标不定式短语作主语时的主谓一致。答案与解析D“疑问句 + to do sth”作主语,其谓语动词必须使用单数形式,而yet暗示要用完成时态。【考点4】enough的用法搭配: sure enough 果真;确实 strangely enough 说来也奇怪;奇怪得很句型:(not) adj./ adv. enough to do sth否定形式可与下列句型相转换: too adj. / adv. (for sb) to do so adj. / adv. that + 主语 + V(否定形式)肯定形式可与下列句型相转换:so adj. / adv. that +主语+V(肯定形式)My daughter is old enough to dress herself. 我女儿足够大可以自己穿衣服了。The box is not light enough for me to lift. 这盒子不够轻,我举不起来。= The box is so heavy that I cant lift it. (注意两句中it的有无)The boy is not old enough to join the army= The boyis so young that he cant join the army. = The boy is tooyoung to join the army. 这男孩太小不能参军。Is the ice hard enough to skate on? 这冰足够结实的可以站上去吗? Would you be kind / good enough to do sth? 用于邀 请对方千某事, 该句型相当于Would you be so kind / good as to do sth? cannot / can neverenough无论怎样也不为过分 I have had enough. 我吃 / 喝好了。友情提示:作形容词修饰名词时,既可放在其前又可
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