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高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit13-14 高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit13-14重点句型1. Life in the oceans range from the tiniest plants all the way up to giants like sharks and whales.2. Water is actually quite simple, but the way the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties.3. They form a polar molecule, that is, one with a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end.4. The salinity of the earths oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand, meaning that there are about 35 grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilo of water.5. Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree centigrade.6. Water, which seems ,so simple and common, is what makes life possible.7. Freedom fighters can be found everywhere and they are of all times.8. From the late eighteenth century to well into the nineteenth century different people struggled for their rights. 重点词汇1. sailor n. 水手2. transport n. vt. 运输3. range vi. n. 变动4. hydrogen n. 氢5. oxygen n. 氧气6. relative adj. 相对的7. solid n. 固体8. freezing adj. 冰冻的9. pure adj. 纯净的10. relationship n. 关系11. float v. 漂浮12. decrease vi. 变小13. centigrade adj. 摄氏温度的14. absorb vt. 吸收15. stable adj. 稳定的16. steady adj. 平稳的17. trust vt. 信任18. nursery n. 保育院19. freedom n. 自由20. civil adj. 国内的,公民的21. murder vt. n. 谋杀22. revolution n. 革命23. slavery n. 奴隶制24. soul n. 灵魂25. arrest vt. 逮捕26. race n. 人种;赛跑27. marriage n. 结婚28. forbid vt. 禁止,不许29. political adj. 政治的30. demand vt. n. 要求31. lawyer n. 律师32. act n. 法令33. politics n. 政治34. religion n. 宗教35. independence n. 独立36. abolish vt. 废除37. chapter n. 篇 重点短语1. benefit from 从得益2. all the way 一直3. take advantage of 利用4. give off 释放5. a variety of 种类繁多的6. put.in prison 把投入监狱7. join hands 联手8. set an example to 为树立榜样9. from then on 从那时起10. start with 以开始11. regardless of 不顾12. at first sight 乍一看13. call in 召集 交际用语1. What is it that makes the ocean such a great place to live?2. The nutrients is whatever falls into the ocean will quickly become available to other living things.3. What happened first was that .4. One of the reasons why . is .5. . is often followed by . 词汇短语6. absorb v. 1) 吸收 Use the cbth to absorb the ink. 用布吸干墨水。 She is a good student and absorbed new ideas quickly. 她是一个好学生,吸收新思想很快。 2) 常用被动,be absorbed in全神贯注于;专心致志 His business absorbed him. / He is absorbed in his business. 他专心处理业务。 fabsorbing = very interesting 非常吸引人的;引人入胜的 absorbed (人) 精神集中的 absorbent 能吸收水分等的1. benefit vi. 受益 n. 益处 1) benefit from / by sth. = receive benefit from 受益 于;得益 Who will benefit from the old mans death? 那位老人死后谁将是受益人? He hasnt benefited from the experience. 他虽有体验却无长进。 2) benefit vt. 使受益;有利于;有益于 = do good to, to be useful to Such foolish behaviour will not benefit your case. 这种愚蠢的行为不会对你的情况有利。 3) n. 优越条件;利益;好处,相当于“pmfit, advantage, good effect”,通常与以下例句中所示的动 词及介词连用。 She had the benefit of a good education. 她受过良好的教育,这是她的优越之处。 It is of great benefit to everyone. 这对于每个人都有极大的好处。 Because of illness, she didnt get much benefit from her stay abroad. 她呆在国外因病而没得到多大的收获。【考点1】benefit的用法搭配: benefit from 从中受益 for the benefit of 为了某人的利益句型: be of (great / much) benefit to.= be (very) bene ficial to 对有利有益benefit sb / sth 使获益【考例1】The book is of _ benefit _ us. A. great; for B. much; for C. very; beneficial D. great; to考查目标考查搭配与运用。答案与解析D be of (great / much) beneit to.=be (very) beneficial to 表示“对有利有益”。13. demand v. n. 要求,需要 1) n. 要求,需要 It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。 Teachers are in great demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。 2) v. 要求,需要 I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要约翰马上去那儿。 This work demands your patience. 这项工作需要你的耐心。【考点3】demand的用法搭配: supply and demand 供需 refuse / reject ones demand(s) 拒绝某人的要求 satisfy / meet / fulfill ones demand(s) 满足某人的 要求 demand a reasonable (an immediate) explanation / answer 要求合理(立即)解释答复 make strict demands on sb in sth 严格要求某人= be strict with sb in sth 句型: sb demand to do sth 要求做某事 sb demand that主语 + (should) do sth 要求某人做 某事 sb demand of sb to do sth = demand ones doing sth 要求某人做某事 make the demand that主语 + (should) do sth 要求 某人做某事 sb. demand sth of / from sb (不容否定地)向某人要 求某事某物 sth demand sth 需要 sb / sth be in great / high demand (in sp.)(某地)急 需 There is much / a great / no demand for sb / sth (in sp.) 某地急需不需要辨析:demand;require两词均意为“需要,需求”,但demand指大胆地、权威性地要求对方或自己认为有权利向某人提供某物或提出做某事 其后不接动名词,可接名词或不定式,被要求人小直接作demand的宾语。require指因有需要或有权要求某物或做某事。含有权威性和公正性的语气。【Ir指根据事物内在原因提出的要求。demand,require后接宾语从句时都要用虚拟语气。 友情提示:(1) 禁止使用demand sb to do sth 结构。(2)“某地急需”还可表达为 sth be in great need in sp. sb / sp. be in great need of sth sp. is
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