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Lesson 87 Lesson 87 A Perfect AlibiA Perfect Alibi 真実 一 New words and expressionsNew words and expressions alibi n alibi n 不在犯罪现场不在犯罪现场 commit v commit v 犯 罪 错 犯 罪 错 inspector n inspector n 探长探长 employer n employer n 雇主雇主 confirm v confirm v 确认 证实确认 证实 suggest v suggest v 提醒提醒 truth n truth n 真相真相 一 单词讲解 alibi n 不在犯罪现场 prove an alibi establish an alibi set up an alibi 法 提出不在犯罪现场的辩护 eg They all had alibis for that night commit 1 v 犯 罪 错 eg He must have committed a crime eg A robbery was committed near here commit suicide 自杀 commit murder 杀人 commit a blunder 犯了大错 2 把 委托于 交付 投入 eg They committed the patient to the mental hospital eg He was committed to prison 他被关入监 狱 commit on sth commit to do sth commit to doing sth 承诺某人某事 eg She didn t want to commit herself on that matter eg The government committed itself to reduce reducing taxes eg He committed himself to the antiwar inspector 1 视察员 an inspector of factories 工厂的视察员 2 n 探长 inspect 1 v 详细调查 检查 eg You should inspect the car well before you buy it 买车之前你应该检查它 inspector 2 视察 eg The Minister of Education inspected our school inspection n 检查 审查 undergo a medical inspection 接受健康检查 eg They made an inspection of the factory employer n 雇主 employee employment 就业 雇用 unemployment full employment 充分就业 eg We ve in the employment of the company employ 1 v 聘请 雇用 employ sb as 雇用某人 eg The firm employs two interpreters interpreter in t prit n 译员 解释者 翻译器 eg He employed the girl as a typist 2 使用 物 能力 use eg You should employ your finds more wisely employ English as a common language 以英语作为官方语言 employ oneself in be employed in 忙于 从事于 eg She was busily employed in preparing dinner for five guests confirm v 确认 证实 confirm 名 sth eg He confirmed the rumor confirm that wh 确定某事物 eg The president conformed that he would visit France the following month confirmed adj 已被确认 已被证实 confirmation n 确定 eg The rumor lacks confirmation suggest 1 v 提醒 使想起 suggest sth to sd eg The skyscrapers suggest giant matchboxes eg What does the word black suggest to you suggest itself to 想法等 浮现在 的心中 eg An idea suggested itself to me then 2 提议 见议 suggest doing suggest sth n eg May I suggest going there by train eg He suggested another development program to the government suggest that wh 建议 表明 eg She suggested that we should have lunch at the new restaurant 3 委婉地说 暗示 eg Are you suggesting that I m not suited for the job suggestion n 建议 suggestive adj 富于暗示 启发 的 suggestive comment 富于启发评论 truth 1 n 真相 lie fact 真相 事实 truth 指与虚假 错误相对的事实 fact 指实际存在的客观事实 eg My father says that truth will come out in the end eg Tell me the truth 2 真理 the truths of science 科学的真理 in truth的确 事实上 the truth is that the truth is 老实说 eg I don t want to tell the truth true 真实 false f ls a 错误的 假的 伪造的 虚伪的 truthful 指人 诚实的 不说谎的 指 叙述 真实的 时在的 间接引语 He said that He told me that He asked that 三 课文讲解 At the time the murder was committed I was travelling on the 8 o clock train to London said the man at the time at the moment when train to London Do you always catch such an early train asked the inspector catch an early train 赶这样早的火车 miss an early train catch the early train such an early train such后面加名词或名词短语 而 so 加形容词 或副词 such an early train so early a train Of course I do answered the man I must be at work at 10 o clock My employer will confirm that I was there on time on time 准时 in time 及时 Would a later train get you to work on time asked the inspector get get sb to do sth 说服 使做 eg I ll get him to do the work eg You ll never get her to agree let sb do 让 做 get sth doing 使 发动 eg Let me try now I ll get the car going get done 被 eg I got caught for speeding on time 准时 on the button on the dot准时地 in time 及时 I suppose it would but I never catch a later train suppose 认为 think expect eg Will you be late eg I don t think so eg I don t suppose so eg I don t expect so At what time did you arrive at the station At ten to eight I bought a paper and waited for the train And you didn t notice anything unusual And you didn t notice anything unusual 这是由陈述句加问号的问句 Of course not I suggest said the inspector that you are not telling the truth I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o clock train but that you caught the 8 25 which would still get you to work on time the 8 25 指8点25分的火车 You see on the morning of the murder the 8 o clock train did not run at all It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line break down 抛锚 eg Many cars broke down on the cause be taken off the line 被取消 1 you see在口语中经常作为插入语出现 句首 句中或句尾均可以 表示 你知 道 事实上 等 You see He was not really interested in the film you see You see My leg isn t all right yet you see so I can t climb the hill with you 2 run可以指火车 公共汽车 船等 定时 定期行驶 在两地间 往来 Buses run every ten minutes here This ship runs between Dover and Calais 复习宾语从句重难点的有关知识 宾语从句分为三类 动词的宾语从句 介词 的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句 难点一 作动词宾语 例 He told us that he felt ill Do you know whose dictionary it is 注意 1 ask 的用法 在宾语从句中是 问 的意思 所以后面的从句肯定是存在 是 或者 否 的意思 所以引导词是if whether或者wh 疑问词以及how how引 导的短语 例 She asked me if whether his brother would come back the next day My teacher asked
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