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英语计划总结之小学六年级牛津英语6b工作计划 一、情况分析。经过三年多的学习,六年级大部分学生对英语仍然保持着浓厚的兴趣,但有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣可能会开始减退,导致两极分化现象较为为严重,因此教学时应注意由简到难,循序渐进,在知识的复现中做好及时补差工作。使每位学生的英语水平都能得到一定的发展。二、指导思想。根据我国基础教育阶段英语新课标的要求,结合教材的特点以及学生自身的水平,从实际出发,使教学从易到难,突出重点,结合实际,贴近生活,以适应小学生的心理和生理特点,尊重学生学习语言的规律,培养21世纪的人才。三、教学目标。1、能按四会与三会要求掌握所学的单词。2、能按四会要求掌握所学的句型。3、能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合符合。4、能在图片、手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。5、培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范整洁。6、培养良好的听英语、读英语、说英语、用英语的习惯,能自觉的模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。7、能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识,完成某项任务,并促使语言能力的提高。8、能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。9、能渗透给学生良好的自学英语的方法。四、教学措施。1. 课堂上尽量使用英语组织教学,做到持之以恒,由少积多,以助于创造英语气氛,养成学生听英语,用英语思维的习惯。2.根据学生的特征,可将每个单元,该单元的教学内容重新组合,科学合理的把单词教学,对话操练,复习巩固融为一体。3. 多以图片、手势呈现英语单词及对话情景,图片呈现采用灵活多样的方法将该单元所学的内容柔和在一起进行综合操练。如师生快速问候和介绍、学生间连续的相互问候和介绍,创设情景进行表演等,让学生将所学的对话用于不同的情景。采用先听说,后读写,先整体,后局部的方法教学。4.在课堂教学中,尽量开展形式多样的活动教学,活跃气氛提高兴趣和学习效率。5.词汇教学上,尽量利用实物和图片,增加复现次数,反复循环,循序渐进,注重师生操练、生生操练。6.逐步渗透任务型教学,培养学生活用英语,用英语完成任务的本领。7.适当增加教学内容量,以滚动式教学,以反复渗透巩固的方法提高学习效率。8.语音教学中采用“分散出现,集中归纳,经常接触”的方法。9.初步渗透任务型教学的教学理念。五、教学重点Unit 1 :go for a walk ,have a chat , under a big tree ,look the same ,a twin sister ,as tall as , taller than Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is .Whose schoolbag is heavier ,yours or mine ? Yours is ,I think.Whose shoes are bigger,his or hers ? His are ,I think .语法:初步了解形容词的比较级和原级的用法。Unit 2:be good at ,do well in , do better , need help with ,as fast as ,do more exercise Do the boys jump higher than the girls ? Yes ,they do .Does Jim swim slower than David ?No,he doesnt.语法:了解掌握副词的比较级和原级。Unit 3 :ask the way ,come from ,live in Nanjing , the way to ,turn left /right ,at the third crossing Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the museum,please? Go along the street ,and then turn right at the second crossing .The museum is on your left .语法:能够用英语与同学交流问路着一话题。Unit 5 :work for one year ,the weather ,ask some wuestions ,as hot as ,the best season ,spring ,summer ,autumn ,winter ,make snowmen Whats the weather like in summer ? Its rainy .Which season do you like best ?I like winter best .Why ?Because Its I can 语法:初步了解一般将来时的含义及用法。Unit 6: warm and sunny ,have school , talk about ,olan for the weekend ,join us ,by the way ,at the concert , have a picnic ,go on an outing ,see a play ,take part in the What are you going to do ? Were going to 语法:了解掌握一般将来时态的基本句型。Unit 7: ask for ,a fax machine ,write to sb=write a letter to sb , have some writing paper ,a letter to a penfriend ,in the newspaper ,would like to be your penfriend Can I have a/an/some/the? What for ? I want to Sure ,here you are.语法:注意 would like 和like的区别六、教学进度表。(见附表)牛津小学英语6B教学进度表周次教学内容1Unit 1 Who is younger? B C2Unit 1 Who is younger? A D E3Unit 1Revision and Exercise4Unit 2 More exercise B C5Unit 2 More Exercise A D E F6Unit 2 Revision and Exercise7Unit 3 Asking the way B C8Unit 3 Asking the way A D E F9Unit4Review and check10Unit 5 The seasons BC11Unit 5 The seasons A D E F12Unit 5 Revision and Exercise13Unit6 Planning for the weekend B C14Unit 6 Planning for the weekendA E F15Unit7 A letter to a penfriend B C16Unit7 A letter to a penfriend A E F17Unit 8 Review and check18Review
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