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高中成绩报告单School Report of Senior High SchoolStudent Status No.: 000000000000兹证明学生XXX,男/女,出生于20XX年XX月XX日,该生于20XX年9月至20XX年9月在本校高中学习,该生的在校成绩如下:This is to certify that Student XX XXXX, Male/ Female, born on December(格式示例) XX, XXXX, studied in our school from September, 20XX to September, 20XX. His academic records of First and Second Academic Year are as follows: 学期Term课程Course10年级10th Grade11年级11th Grade12年级 12th Grade第一学期First Semester第二学期Second Semester第一学期First Semester第二学期Second Semester第一学期First Semester第二学期Second Semester政治POLTICS免修Exemption语文 CHINESE数学MATH英语ENGLISH物理PHYSICS化学CHEMISTRY历史 HISTORY地理GEOGRAHY生物BIOLOGY体育 P. E.添加ADD备注:以上各科成绩满分均为100分Annotation: The total scores of all the subjects above are on the scale of 100. XX高级中学XX Senior High SchoolDec(格式示例).0X, 20XXAdd: No.0xx, xx, xx, China Tel: 86-00-0000000/0000000/0000000 Zip Code: 000000 高考
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