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话题写作 八 学习提高 第一篇 教材考点梳理 话题点睛 针对的话题主要关于课堂学习方式与方法 课堂学习情况的评 价 课外学习与提升等方面 主要涉及描述学校学习情况 帮助同学解决学习 问题 通过阅读或其他方式进行自我提升等方面 请以 Let s Read More 为题 参照下表写一篇短文 内容包括 阅读的重要 性 阅读的好处 阻碍阅读的原因以及在阅读方面的建议 典例分析 Let s Read More The importance of readingGet knowledge The advantages of readingOpen our eyes The reasons why you read less many activities take up much time such us Suggestions on reading 写作要求 1 表达清楚 语法正确 上下文连贯 2 所写内容必须包括图表中所提供的信息 并适当发挥 3 词数 不少于80 开头已给出 不计入总词数 4 文中不得出现真实的姓名 校名和地名 参考词汇 get knowledge make us clever and happy encourage to Let s Read More Reading is very important in our daily lives 思路点拨 1 要点提炼 主题是号召大家阅读 结合参考词汇 写作内容可以从以下几方面展 开 1 开门见山 指出阅读的重要性 号召多读书 2 具体阐述阅读在学习和生活方面给我们带来的好处 3 拓展造成阅读少的原因 并提出克服的建议 2 确定时态 一般现在时 3 确定人称 第一人称 写作架构 基础写作 根据所给提示写句子 1 基础句它能帮助我们开阔眼界并使我们聪明和快乐 and 升格句 使用not only but also 结构表达 2 基础句如果我们读更多的书 我们的学习能得到更好的提高 improve 升格句 使用被动结构表达 It can help us open our eyes and make us clever and happy It can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy If we read more books we can improve our study better Our study can be improved better if we read more books If we read more books our study can be improved better 3 基础句真可惜 a pity 升格句 使用感叹句表达 4 基础句每个人应该读一些好书 should 升格句因此我想建议每个人读一些好书 would like to suggest It s a pity What a pity it is Everyone should read some good books So I d like to suggest everyone read some good books 连句成文 Let s Read More Reading is very important in our daily lives We can get knowledge by reading a lot of good books It can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy Our study can be improved if we read more books Reading also helps us grow up better However many activities take up much of our reading time such as listening to music watching TV and surfing the Internet What a pity So I would like to suggest that everyone should read some good books They will be very helpful to us Let s start reading now 相关短语 be helpful to 有助于 as much as possible 尽可能多地 be afraid of 害怕 make mistakes 犯错误 make good use of 充分利用 open one s eyes 开阔眼界 have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事 try one s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事 拓展积累 参考谚语 1 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 2 No pain no gain 没有付出就没有收获 3 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence 天才不过是勤奋而已 4 There is no royal road to learning 书山有路勤为径 学海无涯苦作舟 5 It is never too old to learn 活到老 学到老 亮点句型 学习方法 1 We can get knowledge by reading a lot of good books 2 I m writing to offer you some advice on how to learn Chinese well 3 It is helpful to read some good Chinese newspapers and magazines 4 Try to speak Chinese as much as possible and don t be afraid of making mistakes 5 We d better make good use of time 学习体验 1 It can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy 2 Reading also helps us grow up better 3 In this way your reading ability can be improved 4 The more you speak the better your spoken Chinese will be 5 Not only can they help develop our ability of studying independently but also we can have more chances to show ourselves A 5月7日就要参加体育学科中考了 你一定有好多话要说 无论成绩怎样 我 们的身体都得到了锻炼 意志品质也得到了提升 某英文网站正在开展以 我与体育测试 为主题的征文活动 假如你是李 华 请用英语写一篇短文投稿 谈谈平时你是怎么加强锻炼的 以及这样做的意 义 实战演练 提示词语 PE Examination encourage practise good for 提示问题 What do you do in your daily life Why do you do so 要求 1 根据中文和英文提示 写一篇110词左右的英语短文 文章开头已 给出 不计入总词数 2 所给提示词语仅供选用 3 请不要写出你的校名和 姓名 The PE Examination is coming in May One possible version The PE Examination is coming in May I am trying my best to practise so that I can get a satisfying result Although I realize it won t be easy there is no doubt where there is a will there is a way I practise doing exercise hard in my daily life To begin with I make up my mind to catch up with my classmates What s more I try my best to keep running every day and practise playing volleyball My teachers and classmates encourage and support me all the time To be honest I try my best to practise not only because I can pass the exam but also I want to be strong B 书山有路勤为径 学海无涯苦作舟 成功不会从天而降 美好的未来需 要靠不断努力来创造 某英文网站正在开展以 天道酬勤 为主题的征文活动 假如你是李华 请用英文写一篇短文投稿 讲述你通过勤奋取得进步甚至成功的经历 并谈谈你 的感受 提示词语 diligence 勤奋 make progress effort proud 提示问题 What did you achieve by working hard What did you do to make it How did you feel about it Diligence is a must for us to reach our goals One possible version Diligence is a must for us to reach our goals I never realized it until I tried every effort to win the English speech competition last year It was quite a big challenge for me because I was not that confident about my oral English and I was shy to speak in public To give a better performance I made full use of my spare time to prepare for it I recorded my lines and asked my foreign teacher to correct my pronunciation Then I kept practising day and night Besides I seized every chance to speak in front of my family or friends The more I practised the more confident I became In the end I won the competition and got a prize It was so great that all my efforts paid off I felt so proud of myself
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