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2020年三校联考一模英语参考答案 2020.3.20听力: 0105 CACCC 0610 ACBAA 1115 BBBAB 1620 CBCCA阅读理解:21. BAC24. CDDC28. BDBD32. BCDC 36. AGEBF完形填空:41. CDBAD CDBAC BDCAB ADCBA语法填空:61. included62. an63. who64. However 65. surviving 66. relatively67. Worse 68. permission69. with70. have been left短文改错:1. 删除the; 2. arrived后加at; 3. has改成had;4. needing改成needed;5. late改成later;6. told改成telling;7. where改成how;8. which改成whose;9. his改成her;10. thank改成thanks写作参考范文:Dear Mary,Hows everything going? With the fiftieth Earth Day approaching, our school is going to hold a poster exhibition related to it. Im writing to invite you to attend the meaningful display.Scheduled on 22 April, 2020, the exhibition will be held in the school hall. With the aim of drawing attention to critical environmental protection, the activity provides a platform for participants to remind people that we should care about nature. Additionally, well-designed works chosen from keen students cover various aspects relevant to protection issues. You can have access to posters that are a combination of art and education. Were you present, you would be treated to an instructive and touching feast conveying love and concern to our mother Earth. Time permitting, I sincerely hope that you can make it. Looking forward to your coming!Yours, Li Hua听力原文:Text 1W:Dad, I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation.M:Thats a good idea! Youd better hurry up before theyve filled all classes. Many people are learning how to drive now.W:OK, I will.Text 2M:Im leaving now. What would you like me to bring you? W:Please get me some apples. Oh, I almost forgot! Buy me a notebook.Text 3M:Mary,you are American, right? Can you teach me the rules of American football?W:Im sorry, David. I dont know much about them. But I can ask my brother Frank to help you.M:Its very kind of you.Text 4M:Did you receive my application?W:I did, but I have not had a chance to look it over yet.M:Not yet? Its been over a week and I was hoping to get an answer today.Text 5W:Im writing a story for the high school newspaper. It is an article on peoples feelings about graduation.M:Im so excited about it. How about you?W:Me? In fact, I feel a little scared.Text 6W:What shall we get for Daddy? You see, it is Christmas Day the day after tomorrow.M:We can give him some money and he can buy whatever he likes.W:He is not short of money.M:Then we can buy him an air-conditioner, for it is so hot these days.W:But he doesnt like that.M:Lets take him to America to enjoy a white Christmas.W:No. He doesnt like traveling.M:Really? Then we can buy him some flowers.W:Good idea!Text7W:Mr.Green, may I ask for leave?M:What happened, Judy?W:My son is seriously ill, and no one can take care of him at home.M:Im sorry to hear that. And you know were quite busy at the moment.W:I know that, but you can find a replacement for me.M:Ill consider that. When can you be back?W:Perhaps Thursday, two days off. His father should come back from England by then.M:And cant you find a baby-sitter?W:Ive tried. But in such an emergent case, its not so easy to find a baby-sitter.M:I see. I will arrange for Joe to take over your job. You must hand your job over to him properly.W:Youre so considerate, Mr. Green.M:Wish your son well sooner.Text 8W:Oh, my goodness, whats the matter with you?M:I had an accident last week.W:Were you injured seriously?M:A bit serious. I had my left leg broken.W:Can you tell me in detail?M:Last week, I was riding my bike along the way in the evening. At the second turn of Green Street, a car was out of control and I got hit by it. The driver and other people sent me to hospital and I received an operation.W:How poor! No wonder the manager said you would be in absence for five months.M:Could you do me a favor?W:Sure!M:Could you send an e-mail to Mr. Brown and tell him what happened to me? I had been discussing with him about our products.W:No problem! Hope you recover soon.Text 9W:Police station. Can I help you?M:Yes.Im calling to tell you I found a car. I thought it might be a stolen car.W:I see. Where exactly did you find it?M:Near the No.8 Bridge along the London Road.W:Can I know your name and address, please?M:Henry Roberts. I live at 51 Eaton Road.W:What do you do. Mr. Roberts?M:Im an engineer at Backset Company.W:Do you still remember the number of the car?M:Yes. The number is BWE4578.W:Anything else?M:Its yellow and nearly new.W:When did you find the car?M:On Wednesday.W:Well, thank you very much, Mr. Roberts. Well investigate it.Text 10One early morning about a couple of years ago, a longtime friend of mine, Tom Lee, was walking through Central Park on his way to work. On a path behind the
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