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.初中组问答题模拟试题1.What do you learn in your geography lesson? (你在地理课上学到些什么)答:In my geography lessons I learn an introduction to the earth, geomorphology, geographic information system, human geography, plant geography, geography, hydrology, soil, Chinese geography and world geography knowledge. 我在地理课学地球概论、地貌学、地理信息系统、人文地理学、植物地理学、土壤地理学、水文学、中国地理和世界地理知识。2.Whats your opinion about more and more students going to study abroad?(你对越来越多的学生出国留学有什么看法?)答:Its good for students.We shuld hope that foreign students will learn to return to our country.(这对学生是有好处的。希望他们能够学成归国)3.What is the most popular sport in our country? Can you do that?(在我国什么运动最受欢迎,你会做这项运动吗?)答:Pingpang is the most popular sport in our country.Since it is national ball in China. I like this sport,and I can do it.(乒乓球是我最受欢迎的运动,我喜欢这项运动,而且我会打乒乓球。)4.In your opinion, what is a good friend?(在你看来,什么是好朋友)答:Firstofall,afriendindeedisafriendinneed.Agoodfriendshouldbewillingtohelpyouwhenyouareintrouble.Furthermore,goodfriendsshouldalsobehonestpeople,whocanopenhearttoothers.(首先,患难之交是好朋友,好朋友在你遇到麻烦时能帮助你,另外好朋友是诚实的人,他会向别人打开心扉。)5.What kind of sports do you enjoy most? Why? 那么你最喜欢什么体育运动?答:Oh, its hard to narrow it down to just one. I mean, I like all kinds of sports, basketball, swimming, bike riding and so on. Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous. 哦,那可实在太多了,我喜欢各类体育运动,打篮球、 游泳、骑车之类的。也许这是我精力如此充沛的原因吧。6.If tomorrow is your friends birthday, what would you do for him?(如果明天是你朋友过生日,你将为他做什么)答:I will hold a party for him and give him a very nice present (我将要为他举行一个派对,并送给他一件精美的礼物) 7.Why do people say the food of KFC and McDonalds is junk food?(为什么人们说肯德基和麦当劳是垃圾食品)答:Because Kentucky and Macdonald do are fried food. Detrimental to human health(因为肯德基,麦当劳多是油炸食品。有害于人类的身体健康)8.Coca-Cola or tea, which one do you like better? Why?(可口可乐和茶,你更喜欢哪一种?为什么)答:I prefer tea because Coca-Cola carbonated drinks are harmful to people(我更喜欢茶,因为可口可乐碳酸饮料,对人身体有害)9.Tell me two things that you think are not polite, please.(告诉我两件你认为不文明的事)答:I think it is impolite not to get in line and make a loud noise in public.(我认为插队和在公共场合大声喧哗是不文明的事。)10.What Chinese traditional festivals do you know? What are they?(你知道中国的传统节日吗,它们是什么)答:Chinese New Year Mid Autumn Festival Qingming Festival Dragon Boat Festival and so on(春节 中秋节 清明节 端午节等等)11.Did you take part in any interesting activity recently? What was it?(你最近参加过什么有趣的活动吗?它是什么)答:I just took part in a very interesting basketball match(我刚刚参加了一场非常有趣的篮球比赛)12.Do you know Teachers day? What do you often do to your teachers?(你知道教师节吗?你通常会为老师做些什么)答:Teachers Day is on September 10th every year. I usually send a good blessing to my teacher with my classmates.(教师节在每年的9月10日,那天我通常和同学们一起为老师送上美好的祝福)13.If your friend is ill in bed or in hospital, what should you do?(如果你的同学生病在家或住院,你会怎么做)答:Ill call him or visit him personally. And wish him a speedy recovery(我会打电话慰问他,或者亲自去探望他。并祝愿他早日康复。)14.Tell me some tips of being polite in others home, please.(请告诉我在别人家里有礼貌的一些技巧。)答:Be quiet and respect others at other peoples homes.(在别人家做客要安静,并且要尊重别人)15.Do you knowDragon Boat Festival? How do people usually celebrate it?(你知道端午节吗,人们怎样过端午节)答:On the Dragon Boat Festival, we commemorate Qu Yuan, eat zongzi, race dragon boat, and so on.(在端午节,我们纪念屈原、吃粽子,赛龙舟等等)16.How do you usually spend your spare time?(业余时间你通常做什么)答:In my spare time, I usually play games, play balls, ride bicycles, and sometimes go fishing.(在业余时间,我通常玩游戏、打球、骑自行车,有时去钓鱼。)17.Have you ever been abroad? Which country do you want to go most?(你到过国外吗,你最想去哪个国家)答:Ive been to Singapore, and I want to go to New Zealand, because its the back garden of God.(我去过新加坡,我最想去新西兰,因为那里是上帝的后花园)18.What is the most important festival in China? How do you usually spend this festival?(中国最重要的传统节日是什么,你通常怎样度过这个节日)答:Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. In the Spring Festival, I usually visit grandparents, visit teachers, and watch movies with friends.(春节是中国最重要的节日,在春节,我通常看望爷爷奶奶,拜访老师,和朋友们一起看电影)19.Do you think watching TV for a long time is good or bad for students? Why?(长时间的看电视对学生来说是好事呢,还是坏事呢?为什么)答:Watching TV for a long time is harmful to students, first to damage their eyesight and to make the brain slow.(长时间的看电视对学生有害,首先损害视力,并且让大脑变得迟钝。)20.Can you introduce a movie to us?(你能给我们介绍一部电影吗)答:Certainly. The Old Man and the Sea talked about an old fisherman named Santiago,a man alone at sea fishing, In the unimaginable 84 days the old man struggled with a group of sharks. Although there was only a fish bone left at the end, he was a great encouragement to us.(可以。老人与海谈到名叫桑地亚哥一位老渔夫,独自一个人下海捕鱼,在不可思议的84天里,老人和一群鲨鱼做斗争。尽管最后只剩下一具鱼骨,但是他给了我们很大的鼓舞。)21.Do you thinkphysical exercise isgood for students? Why?(你认为体育运动对学生有好处吗,为什么?)答:physical exercise isgood for students ,Sports make our body healthier(体育运动对学生有好处,体育运动让我们的身体更健康)22.Which place do you think is the most beautiful in China? Why?(你认为中国最美的地方是哪
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