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Section 3Using Language. 单句语法填空1. His car was _(damage). He should have it repaired. 2. When you are _(frighten) or concerned, your heart is in your mouth. 3. The numbers and statistics of this paper are real and _(frighten). 4. People crowded around the player with _(congratulation). 5. _(judge) from recent news, the work we will do together is important. 6. Personally I want to talk with my child about it, frankly and _(sincere). 7. Language is a means for the _(express) of thought. 8. Paper is first made in China, _ is known to all. . 单句改错1. Too much sun can do a severe damage to your skin. 2. A building damaged by the storm but people in it survived. (3. Her father had an awful temper and she was always frightening of him. 4. She congratulated to me warmly on my exam results. 5. Judged from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous. 6. I sincere hope that you can take my letter seriously. 7. Elizabeths astonishment was beyond expressions. 8. It is known to all, languages do reflect the culture and custom behind them. . 阅读理解Have you heard an old saying “The grass looks greeener on the other side of the fence”? It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place where you live. “Lets go to KFC for dinner and then watch some Japanese cartoons! ” We all know it: more and more Chinese kids love American and Japanese food and movies. Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. They see young Chinese ignoring (忽视) Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays. Foreign books and soap operas are good, but Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that the Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with the Mid-Autumn Festival. China has lots of cool things in its culture: calligraphy, Beijing Opera, quick meals on the streets, and even Jay Chou! And lets not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best: its friendliness. Not all countries are as warm as China. Its good to enjoy other cultures and learn from them, but they can never replace your own culture. Its good to look on the other side of the fence, but make sure you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isnt always greener. Although some people become worried about that, I dont think they should. Will we get more powerful without learning from other countries? Will Chinese people live more happily without American fast food? Besides, its fun to learn about different cultures. Chinese kids can learn about other cultures and have fun, but they also need to learn more about their own culture. Be proud of Chinese culture and of being Chinese! 1. According to the passage, some young Chinese_. A. are foolish in learning our own cultureB. are ignoring our own culture C. are interested in our own cultureD. are hating our own culture2. In some young Chineses eyes, which of the following is not the “greener grass”? A. Japanese cartoon books. B. Korean soap operas. C. Christmas. D. Calligraphy. 3. What is the best title for the passage? A. More colorful Chinese cultureB. Too simple are young ChineseC. That grass is not always greenerD. Interesting western culture. 短文改错(2018榆林高一检测) To show our love for poor kids lived in earthquake-hit areas, our school hold a special activity recently in our school lecture hall. Its purpose was to making sure those poor kids have a warm winter. All the teachers and students in our school took an actively part in this activity. We gave away 400 pieces of clothes and 200 pairs of shoe altogether. After be sorted, they will be sent to those in the need. I believe what they did will make a great difference to those poor kids. Although we all learn to care for others, the world will be more comfortable to live. 资
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