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Unit9 A football game 教学目标 掌握本课新单词 如play there why sign等 等 仔细听书上的听力部分 完成相关练习 完成本课课后的家庭作业 New words 1 play 玩游戏 踢 球 v 踢足球 play football 打篮球 play basketball Can you play football Yes I can No I can t 玩游戏 去玩 play a game play games go to play 2 there be there go there 去那 come here 来这 We can play football there You can t play basketball here 在那里adv 反义词 here They are there 3 why为什么adv Why not Why not do sth Example Why not climb the hill Why not swim in the lake 为什么不在湖里游泳啊 Translation 为什么不做某事呢 为什么不喂鸟啊 Why not feed the birds 为什么不呢 4 sign标志n a sign 一个标志 Translation 公园里有许多标志 There are many signs in the park 5 I see 我明白了 我知道了 回忆 see 强调看的结果 look at 强调看的动作 I can see the bird in the tree look at the sign 6 bring带来 vt take拿走vt 反义词 You can t bring your dog here Take your kite there 比较 Translation 把你的书带到我们的学校来 Bring your books to our school 把你们的书包带回家 Take your bags home 7 watch 看 观看 vt 看电视 watch TV television的缩写 看一场比赛 watch a game 8 listen听 收听 vi 常接介词to 听收音机 listen to the radio 9 music 音乐 n 听音乐listen to music un 听我 说 listen to me 回忆 watch n 10 us 我们 宾格 pron 宾格一般在动词 介词之后 Please help me Beside us is a shop 11 fly使飞 放 风筝等 vt 放风筝fly kites fly a kite 让我们放风筝吧 Let s fly kites 12 ride 骑 乘 vt 骑自行车 ride a bike ride bikes 13 smoke抽烟 吸烟vi Can you smoke No I can t 不要吸烟 Don t smoke 禁止吸烟 No smoking 14 use使用 利用vt 使用一个照相机use a camera 15 mobile 手机 移动电话 n 使用手机 use a mobile vocabulary 1 play 8 watch 2 football 9 listen 3 there 10 music 4 why not 11 smoke 5 sign 12 fly 6 I see 13 use 7 bring take 14 mobile 词组填空 1 football 6 a bike 2 go 7 a mobile 3 TV 8 a kite 4 to music 9 it here 5 not 10 I play there watch listen Why ride use fly bring see Don t play in the street A We can play football there B Great Let s go C You can t play football here B Why not C Look at the sign Learn to say Turn to page 44 and read the dialogue after the tape Listening A What can I do Listening B Turn to Page45 and do listening B Listen carefully and tick the right answers 1 At last we were on the plane 2 Can I call my mum on my mobile phone here 3 It s dangerous 4 The zoo is over there Homework 1 Recite the new words and sentences 2 Finish the exercise in the workbook Review
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