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外研初中二年级上册 Module 5 Western music Unit 1 You like western classical music don t you Do you like music Do you know the kind of music 古典音乐 Classical music 摇滚乐 rock music 歌剧 opera 流行歌曲 Pop music 布鲁斯音乐 blues 爵士乐 jazz 说唱音乐 rap 电子音乐 techno blues n classical adj jazz n pop n rock n techno n beautiful adj dramatic adj fun n 布鲁斯 经典的 古典的 爵士乐 流行音乐 摇滚乐 电子音乐 美丽的 有戏剧性的 乐趣 New words lively adj sad adj serious adj slow adj traditional adj sure adj German n adj Austrian n adj 活泼的 轻快的 悲伤的 严肃的 严重的 慢的 传统的 肯定的 德国人 德语 德国的 德国人的 德语的 奥地利人 奥地利的 奥地利人的 composer n fan n rap n on earth noisy adj 作曲家 体育 音乐 电影等 的 狂热爱好者 迷 说唱乐 究竟 吵闹的 beautiful dramatic fast fun lively modern sad serious slow traditional noisy boring blues classical jazz opera pop rock techno rap The types of the music How to talk about music blues classical jazz opera pop rock techno fast serious traditional lively slow sad fun modern dramatics beautiful Activity 1 2 Listen and match them Let s learn something in Activity 3 They are playing music He was a composer He was born inVienna Have you heard of him Vienna Beethoven They re playing a Beijing Opera Tony Lingling Betty Damin g Sally classica l opera pop rap Check the people and the types of music they like Now listen again and check Tony Lingling Betty Damin g Sally rock techno traditi onal Check the true sentences 1 The children are listening to western classical music 2 Lingling has heard of Strauss 3 Strauss was born in the capital of Australia 4 The Blue Danube is pop music 5 Beijing Opera is traditional music x x Who s it by I m not sure hear of the capital of I m a fan of Give us a break What on earth is that I don t believe it Useful Expresssions 它是谁创作的 我不确信 听说 的首都 我是一个 迷 让我们清静一下吧 那究竟是什么 我简直无法相信 Language notes 1 Give us a break 别再烦我们了 让我们清静一会儿吧 这里Give us a break 语义上相当于 Stop annoying us 告诉对方不要再烦 人了 再如 Give us a break I m tired of your endless talk 别再烦我了 我已经听够了你那 没完没了的话了 2 What on earth is that 那究竟是什么音乐 on earth常放在疑问词的后面 用 以加强语气 表示 究竟 到底 例如 Who on earth told you the news 究竟是谁告诉你这个消息的 3 Who s it by 这是谁创作的 这里的by是介词 意思是 由 创 作 编著 导演 作曲等 如 I know it s a play by Shakespeare 我知道这是莎士比亚写的一部戏剧 4 She doesn t like pop music does she No she doesn t 她不喜欢流行音乐 是吧 对 她不喜欢 对附加问句 特别是前半句为否定 形式 后半句为肯定形式 的回答 不管问题的提法如何 若事实是 肯定的 就要用yes 事实是否定的 就要用no 应特别注意 再如 You aren t a teacher are you 你不是老师吧 Oh yes I am a teacher 不 我是老师 capital composer fan musician river Answer the questions about the words in the box Activity 6 1 What s the of Shandong province 2 Who s your favourite 3 Which do you like best 4 How many of western classical music are there in your class 5 Which goes through through Shanghai capital composer musicians fans river Answers 1 Jinan 2 4 Students own answers 5 Yangze River Huangpo River Suzhou Wusong River Activity 7 Listen to the speaker asking a real question and listen to the speaker checking information What music do you like I like pop It s lively and good to dance to I don t like rock It s noisy What about you Work in pairs Ask and say what music you like or don t like Activity 8 Ask and answer what music you like or don t like Name blue s classicarap opera rockpop Pair work Ms Han boring lively good to dance to Practice like this What music do you like Why I like pop It s lively and good to dance to But I don t like opera I think it s too boring What about you Report like this Ms Han likes pop Because it s lively and good to dance to But she doesn t like opera She thinks it s too boring Make a survey Grandp a Grandm a DadMu m Sister Brothe r classical pop rap rock opera techno blues Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex 4 5 6 7 thank you thank you
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