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北师大版五年级英语下册教案Unit 8 The concert(第一课时)教学目标:1.学习三个乐器名称词:pianodrumsguitar,使学生能够正确认读。2.能够初步理解will所表示的意义,能够在故事情境中正确运用will表明某人将要做什么。3.学习课文,了解故事的主要内容,能在课文情境中理解programkiddingconcert的意思,能正确朗读课文。4.通过对本单元故事的理解,鼓励学生培养广泛的兴趣爱好。重点:学习课文,在课文情境中体会will的用法及意义;能正确朗读课文。难点:理解will的意义,并能够正确运用。教学准备:教学光盘音乐会图片教学过程:一、歌曲导入:1、look out of the window, whats the weather like today?若学生有困难,老师可启发如下:Is it sunny? Is it cloudy?T: if its rainy, can you play outside? if it is sunny, can you play outside?2.播放光盘歌曲:What will we do?(1)Listen to the song twice, you can follow it or clap you hands.(2)根据歌曲内容提问:What will we do if it rains tomorrow? (老师连说两遍,同时用鼠标提示学生答语)指名A等生回答:We will wear our coats.老师领读2遍。指名说说句子的大意。用上述方法继续问答:What will we do if it snows tomorrow? (We will play outside.)What will we do if its fine tomorrow? (We will play ball.)(在上述问答中让学生体会、理解will的意思)二、呈现新句型1.What will you do this Saturday? (边说边板书)指名回答,估计:I play with 。对策:让其他生试着改正,若改不正确,老师强调使用will,表明“将要”。改正后,师生继续上述问答。关键能够正确运用will .2.出示日历,问:Whats the date today?生:Its March . 3.Today is March ,two months later; Childrens Day is coming, 老师边说边把日历翻到六一 那天。What will you do on Childrens Day?估计回答如下:I will play games in the morning and play with my friends in the afternoon.I will go to visit my grandma.I will go to the park.对策:对于敢于开口表达的学生给与表扬鼓励,对于出现的语法错误加以纠正。三、学习课文(一)导入:1.出示AnnKenMockyDavid 在一起的图片:Who are they? What will they do on Childrens Day?让学生自由猜测,然后老师放音乐会的录音。2. Whats this? 估计学生会用中文说出:音乐会。此时教师板书:concert并领读3.老师介绍:Their school will have a concert on Childrens Day.(二)理解故事(1)What will they do ?老师播放光盘,学生看、听,了解主要内容。(2)What will AnnKenDavid do?指名回答,生回答后,师生一起找到相应的图片,作为依据。在此过程中学习:pianodrumsguitar练习短语:play the pianodrumsguitar.理解play的多种意思。(3)第二遍,听、理解下面问题:1)Ann, Ken and David will play in the concert. Will their parents come to the concert?(Yes, their parents will come to the concert.)2)Will Mocky play the drums? Why?(Yes, he will. Because David isnt well.)3)Is Mocky kidding?让学生猜测kidding的意思。(No, he isnt kidding.)(三)读课文1.学生跟光盘逐句读。再读句子过程中处理如下单词:(1)program 老师出示program的卡片,读读卡片上的内容,让学生猜测意思(2)tonight估计学生不明白词义,老师出示两个单词让学生分别读一读:todaynight,去掉day,把两个词合并成tonight,生自己认读。2.自由读,划下不懂或不会读的,小组交流,合作。3.巡视指导,自由练读。4.展示。四、小结:这节课我们学习了一个新故事,并且学会了新句型,表明将要做某事,齐读黑板上的句型。板书设计:Unit8The concertWhat will you do this Saturday?What will AnnKenDavid do ?I will go to visit my grandma.Ann will play the piano.I will go to the park.Ken will play the guitar.David will play the drums.
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